"Welcome home baby!"

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"Pregnant! You're fucking pregnant... this is crazy!" Courteney rambled pacing up and down her living room.

"Courteney I'm not pregnant, where did you even get that from?" I ask, she stops in her tracks and sits beside me on her couch.

"Y-your not?" I shake my head in response. "I seen a news article, it said you done a interview yesterday telling the company that you were pregnant and that was your way of announcing it."

"You really think that's how I would want you to find out?" I giggled.

"No... so why didn't you just tell me that you weren't over the phone?" She scoots herself closer to the back of the couch and faces me a bit better.

"Because there's something else I need to tell you... okay here it goes... I think David is going to ask me to marry him." I blurt out.

"W-what?! When, where, how?" She began rambling, she's asking all the questions I don't have answers to.

"How am I suppose to know?" I screwed my face up and half rolled my eyes.

"Well you kno- think he's going to propose... wait why do you think he's going to."

"Well yesterday I was looking for condoms in his bedside drawer to put them away because we wouldn't be needing them..."

Courteney face instantly filled with disgust.

"...and I found a number for a jewellery store... my ring size was also written on the same piece of paper. Do you thing he will or am I looking into it too much?" I sit myself against the back of the couch and let out a sigh.

"I don't know honey, I just don't want you to get your hopes up, I mean it would be amazing but don't get all... Jennifer about it." I whip my head around to face her and shoot her a look. "Sorry... what would you even say if he asked you."

"What do you think, of course I would say yes. I love that man with all of my heart and I wouldn't want it any other way."

Now for the next week this is all I'll be thinking about, I'm scared that I'll ask him if he's going to propose and he'll say no. It's stressing me out like crazy, he's normally who I talk to when I'm stressed, but because of the situation he's the one person I can't talk to.


1 week later...

Where the hell is he? I've been standing in the airport for an hour waiting on him to get off the plane. It's really quiet so it shouldn't be hard to spot him, that's one reason why it's driving me crazy. The other is because I miss him so much and because of the whole proposal thing. I'm not going to ask him about it, but maybe with him back in town he'll do it.

"Did you miss me?" I hear a loud projecting voice from behind me, a familiar voice I might add.

I turn around and see David about 10 feet away, my face instantly lights up and I go running until I reach him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lift myself on to him. One of his hands goes around my back and his other to help me stay up on him. I tighten my legs around his waist and smack my lips on him, god I've missed kissing him. I pull away and nuzzle my head into his neck and kiss him a few times.

"I'm guessing you did then?" He laughed.

"More than you will know." I dropped off of him and took his hand and we began walking through the airport. "So tell me, how was it, did you have fun?"

"It was incredible, I had lots of fun... but I missed you like crazy." We got back to the car and then I drove us both home.


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