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(April 19th 2000)

"Hey baby... are you ready to go to the doctor?" I ask David.

I'm guessing you want to know what's been happening the last 9 1/2 months. We're on our 7th season of friends, that's right 7 years we've been doing this for. Wow, that's absolutely crazy, what else is new? Oh I cut my hair short... that's not interesting, forget that. Ahh maybe you're wondering how that little conversation went on our honeymoon. How about I tell you about that? Okay, here it goes...

July 15th 1999, Jen and David's honeymoon...

"What are you reading?"

Oh shit, busted.

I hold the book up and show him the cover. "A pregnancy book." I sigh.

"Wait! Are you?"

"No, I'm not." I set the book down and David comes to sit beside me. "I just... remember I always said we should wait a year after getting married to start trying. Well I sorta feel different now..."
I'm so worried about his reaction, if he says not right now, then obviously we can postpone it, but I'm still nervous.

"I feel the same way babe, I'm desperate to have a kid, I'm so desperate. How about we start trying again when we go back to working? That means when we finish next season, and if you get pregnant they baby could be due after we finish."

And that's basically it. We went back to work and started trying for a baby, but since then I haven't gotten pregnant. I didn't expect to get pregnant right away, but it's been 6 months of trying. I surely would've gotten pregnant by now, right?

We're now on our way to the doctors, David is getting his sperm tested and I'm getting a vaginal exam. It may seem a bit too soon, normally people wait a year before going to get checked. But it's David and I, of course we can't wait and if there is a problem we want to know sooner rather than later. When we arrive we both check in, David is taken to a separate room from myself. I get changed, get up on the bed and wait for the doctor to come in.

"Jennifer, just let me know if you feel uncomfortable." She does her thing, it doesn't take too long. She does some X-rays and checks my tubes to make sure nothings blocked. Once she's finished, she gives me time to get changed, then she comes back in with David. "Okay you two, so after doing tests with Jennifer. We have a slight issue, Jennifer one of your Fallopian tubes are blocked. This means trying will come with a bit of struggle, your left tube is blocked and your right is clear."

Oh... so I'm the problem.

"Alright..." I feel the tears press against my eyes. "... how did it happen?"

"There can be many reasons, uterine infections, miscarriages, abdominal or pelvic surgeries and a few more. But you don't seem to have any infection, so the good news is that we can clear the tube. We could do a surgical procedure called tubal cannulation. Now this doesn't need to be done due to you still having one clear, so you can keep trying, have the surgery or have assistance from a IUI."

This is too much information, what are we supposed to do? We could keep trying, or I could just have the surgery. But then again, it's only been 6 months, it might just take time.

"I'll give you two sometime to discuss at home, and then you can give a call when you've made a decision."


On the way home the ride was totally silent, David could tell I still needed time to process this all and take it in. Which I do, I'm still in shock, I was hoping the doctor would say I was fine and that I needed to judge my ovulation better.

When arriving back to the house, I take my coat off and trail upstairs, I strip down until I'm naked and I climb back into the unmade bed. My fingers trace over my lower stomach a few times... I'm the problem. I hear foot steps coming closer, David opens the door and leans against the frame.

"You okay baby?" He asks sympathetically.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine." I'm lying, I'm so hurt right now.

"No your not." He strips down into his boxers and climbs into bed beside me, he pulls me closer in a big bear hug. I lie on his chest as he's stroking up and down my back. "Tell me what you're thinking..."

"I uh..." the tears I've been holding in finally release, they fall onto David's chest and down my face. "I'm the problem... it's my fault." I sob quietly.

"Hey! Jennifer it is definitely not your fault, okay? You didn't do anything wrong, so don't ever think that way." His grip tightens and his voice is stern.

"But baby it is...! I'm the one with the problem, not you." I sit up and huddle the covers over my body.

"Jen you didn't ask for this, nor did you cause it."

"Do you think I'm less of a woman... because of it?" His body jumps up and he takes grasp of my hands.

"In no way do I think you are less of a woman, something like this actually shows your purity of being a woman. And besides wither you can, can't or may be able to get pregnant doesn't change my view of you. At all. I told you at our wedding I would love you through the good and bad, the fun and the boring. And I'm not going to go back on my word, face it babe you're stuck with me." A little smile appears on my face. "So don't ever doubt my view on yourself... because that means you are changing your view and I don't want that to happen." By now I'm sobbing, not just from being sad, but by what he's saying.

"I love you so much... you have no idea how much I love you. Thank you baby, I feel better." I move closer and straddle him, he lies back and we share a small kiss.

"Let's get some sleep." He whispers against my lips.

"Mmm-kay." I lie my head down on his chest and we both drift off.

In no way am I a doctor, nor do I know any technical terms, so bare with me. But there you go, a time jump and some struggles. I don't like writing stuff like this, but all my other stories have it easy, so I decided to switch it up a bit. 💕

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