A Prank... Gone Wrong

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Jennifer and David have just finished off a new home they've been working on the past few months. It took quite a bit of time, but it's finally finished. Although since the doctors appointment 2 weeks ago didn't go as expected, they are still as happy as ever. They've still been trying to get pregnant, and not give up hope with it. Jens decided to go out to lunch with Courteney to have a girls day, and a little chat about her problems. Both girls may relate, maybe not on the same issues, but they can relate to trouble with pregnancy.

"Hey honey..." Courteney snaps Jen out of her trance as she's sitting outside the restaurant at a dining table.

"Hey..." she gets up and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and they both sit back down.

They both order a salad, since they don't want to eat too much because they have filming today.

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be?"

"Bruce Willis! Bruce freaking Willis, how can you not be nervous?" Courteney is having a bit of a fan girl moment.

"Oh hush... I'm married y'know."

"Yeah I know, and so am I... but still." She smirks then takes a drink of water. "Oh speaking of whom, any bun in the oven yet." Jennifer shakes her head. "Really?"

"I know... I don't want to have surgery, but if that's my only option then that's what I'll do. I'll do absolutely anything to have a baby court, what about you... how's it going?"

"Not the best... I bounce back though, it's hard but we push past it. It's hard losing a baby, it really is, but David and I are starting to have a better 'system' about it"

They keep discussing their issues then they look over their scripts before making their way to the set. David dropped Jen off, so Courteney is giving her a ride.

"How's David reacting to you kissing another guy?" Courteney nudges Jen as they walk through the parking lot.

"He's not bothered, I'm an actress, it's my job. Plus he kisses other women, young ones I might add." She laughs.

When entering the building both girls go straight to set to run over their lines with the cast. Once done, they all go to their dressing rooms to get all 'dolled up' for filming.

"Knock, knock!" Someone does a repeated sequence knock on her door, she knows who it is because they made up one together.

"Come in!" She shouts.

"Hey!" Matty walks in, closing the door behind him. "I brought you this." He hands her a freezing cold bottle of water.

"Thank you honey, are we going on soon?"

"Yeah, just about." He gets up and opens the door again. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, wait on me." She jumps up and follows Matty, he slows down and walks with her, arm around her shoulder.

"There he is, my handsome husband!" Matty jokes as David approaches them.

"Do I sound like that?" Jennifer questions, breaking away and going over to David.

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