"STOP justifying him!"

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(DISCLAIMER!!!) I do not have anything against Tate whatsoever, I'm not a fan of him though. This is obviously a made up story and here's a little trigger warning 🖤🖤....................................................

"That's not what I said." He quickly reacted.

"But it's what you want, you know what yeah, I think we should take a break from us." I took my purse from the coffee table and made my way out the door.

"Jen-" I shut the door before he could finish. I got in my car and started driving, tears were pouring out my eyes, I didn't know what to do, or where to go. The arguments are too much for a new relationship. I shouldn't have broke up with him over something so stupid but I don't feel like he even trusts me...


7 months later...

"Hey honey, where are you?" I shouted walking into Tate's house. We've been going strong for around half a year now, he asked me to marry him a few days ago. To be totally honest I don't know why I said yes, he's a great guy but I can't help but think about David. He knows about us and he seems fine, we're still really close, just not dating. It took a while for us to warm up to each other again but it's done now. I miss him like crazy but I'm sure he's over me now, and Tate really loves me...even if I'm having doubts about him.

"In the kitchen baby!" I walked in to him eating a bowl of cereal. "Want a bite?" He handed me a spoonful.

"Yum, I'll see you later tonight after work, okay I just wanted to drop by before I start, sorry I have to go...bye."

"Love you!" He shouted.

"Mhm" I didn't want to say it back when I'm having feelings for another guy, even though I got engaged while still having these feelings.


I arrived at work 10 minutes ago and my heart is racing, Ross and Rachel's break up scene is today. The whole jealousy story reminds me of us, I'm going to let all my emotions out in the last scene. My nerves have been kicking in all day, I've been talking to Courteney in my dressing room about it since I arrived.

"I know Court, but this story has been hard to film so far, this is going to push me over the edge." I say throwing my head into my hands, and can't help but cry.

*door knocks*

"Come in!" I shout through tears, by surprise it was David.

"Hey Courteney can I talk to Jen alone? Just for a minute." He asked, court nodded and left the room. "Jen? You okay." He sat beside me and ran his hand up and down my back.

I just needed his arms around me, I flung myself on him and cried into his chest.
"I-I can't do it, it's going to be too hard." I said between trying to catch my breath.

He pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders. "Listen... you are an amazing actor and I have no doubt that you won't be amazing in this scene." He pecked my cheek and pulled me back in.

"I love you." I whispered quiet enough so he couldn't hear.


"Nothing." I shook my head against his chest.

"I'm going to go, you've got ten minutes before we start shooting." He got up and before he shut the door he whispered back to me. "I love you too." That instantly brought a smile to my face.


The scene was nearly over and it was killing me on the inside.

Rachel: "I think you should go."
Ross: "what?"
Rachel: "I really think you need to go now." He gets up and walks until he is in front of me then grabs my shoulders.
Ross: "okay, okay, this morning you said there was nothing so big that we couldn't work past it together." I hit his hands off of me.
Rachel: "yeah, what the hell did I know."
Ross: "look, look there's got to be a way we can work past this, okay." He takes my hand and puts it against his chest still holding on to it tightly. "I can't imagine, I can't imagine my life without you, y'know." He puts his hand on my shoulder and takes my arm. "Without...without these arms." I was crying again and couldn't hold back. "And-nd without this face, and heart." He placed his hand on my chest. "You're good heart." He gets on his knees and holds on to my waist. "An-and"
Rachel: "no, I can't, you're a totally different person to me now, I use to think of you as somebody that would never. Ever, hurt me ever..." I put my hands over my eyes then pull them away. "God, and now I can't stop picturing you with her, I can't it doesn't matter what you say or what you do, Ross..." he gets up and stands with his hands on his hips awkwardly. "It's just changed everything...forever."
Ross: "this can't be it, I mea-"
Rachel: "...then how come it is."

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