Forgive Me🙏🏼

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Waking up in another bed felt wrong, it wasn't right, she's supposed to be at home, with him, holding him. It's not like she's in another mans bed, she didn't cheat, but she's not with her husband, David. When thinking about David, her heart immediately drops, there's a pit in her stomach and tears forming. I'm such a fucking idiot!

"Morning honey, how are you?" Courteney opens the room door, leaning on the door frame.

"Not good... I just want to see him court, but he's still mad. How's the news?"

Instead of answering Courteney turns on the bedroom tv, climbing under the covers with Jennifer.

Breaking news!

Jennifer Aniston-Schwimmer and husband David Schwimmer found outside a jewellery store in a heated argument. Sources who were at the scene say their marriage is falling apart, only going to end in a divorce. Screaming and yelling, crying and consoling isn't all that happened, apparently they broke up, right there and then.

David supposedly shouted "F*ck him and f*ck you too, go back to your boyfriends Jen!" Before storming off, leaving her and the other four cast members of the hit show, friends. Others say Jennifer and Matthew Perry, our witty and sarcastic Chandler Bing, are hooking up. They walked away together after the argument, Jen under his arm. Take a look at these.

What do you all think? Are they over? Was it a misunderstanding? Do they need a little Ross and Rachel break? Or is our golden couple really just a big front, a fake marriage for a good image? Next up we have-

"Bullshit!" Jennifer jumps up from the bed, grabbing her keys and nothing else. All she's wearing is a nighty and underwear, no socks or shoes. She runs straight for the door and out to Courteney's car, she gets in and starts it up. As she's driving home her speed increases, suddenly her phone rings. She picks it and holds it to her ear.

"That's my car?!"

"I know! I need to get home, I'll bring it back later! I'm sorry Courteney-" the car spins out of control, crashing into a massive brick wall.

"Jen! Jen honey!" Courteney screams through the phone after hearing the loud smash.

No answer.

Jen is thrown forward, hitting her head and the top of her rib cage on the steering wheel. All she can hear is a buzzing noise, and light muffled of Courteney's voice, her head is bounding, vision is blurry...

...then it fades as her eyes close.


"Mr Schwimmer you are going to have to calm down!" The doctor holds his hand against David, slightly pushing him.

"I need her, I need to see her, NOW!" His eyes are red and puffy from crying, but his anger is building.

"Sir you are going to have calm down..."

"Sorry!" He backs away and sits down on the chair outside her room, resting his head on his hands. "I need that girl... please tell me she's okay..."

"She's going to be fine sir, she's broken a rib and has a mild concussion. The car wasn't adjusted to her height and that resulted in her ribs being smashed off the steering wheel."

"Please let me in..." David gets back up, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I will have to ask you to remain calm, she is sleeping right now...." he opens the door and shuts it behind David.

She didn't look crippled or anything, but she did look like she was in a fair amount of pain. There's a little cut on her head and her lip is also burst. David takes a few steps forward, letting the tears roll down his cheeks. He stands beside her bed, moving a strand of hair from her face, he pulls a chair over and takes her hand in his. Continuously kissing it over and over again.

"I'm so sorry... I should've taken you home, this wouldn't have happened if I didn't leave you..." he whispers, looking at her peaceful face. "Jen please wake up..."

She heard him the second time, her eyes slightly opened and her head turned towards him. "David?" His head shoots up, she has a small smile on her face.

"Jen I'm so sorry for leaving you, I could've prevented it from happening-"

"So could I have, I didn't have to pull that prank. It was supposed to be harmless, I didn't think it would take such a turn...."

"I was the one who blew it out of proportion, I should've listened to what you had to say-"

She cuts him off again, putting her finger in his mouth. "Why? I pretended to do something stupid and hurtful, you couldn't have known..."

"Baby im still really sorry..."

"Baby? You still... you still-"

"You don't think I was going to end it with you over something like that, did you?" She nods. "No way! Jen I told you before... you aren't getting rid of me, sorry if that's an inconvenience to you..." they both chuckle slightly. "But it's true."

"Sorry to ruin the moment, how are you feeling Jennifer?" The doctor comes in, closing the door behind him.

"I'm not so bad, I'm just happy he's here." She grips David's hand tight as she shuffles on the bed to get herself more comfortable.

"Well that's really good. We've done plenty of checks, everything seems to be in order. Luckily where you broke your rib it didn't do much damage to you and none to the baby. So you are both safe which is absolutely-" the doctor stops talking when both faces are left confused and shocked. Both of their eyes are wide open, mouths slightly open as the stare at the doctor, not being able to move. "You didn't know?" He points to them both, they shake their heads, not being able to talk just yet. "Oh, okay I'll give you both a minute, but just to clarify you are both safe and you two are going to be wonderful parents." The doctor leaves, closing the door behind for the couple to have alone time.

"Did he just say?" Jen points to the door and turns back to David.

"Baby your pregnant!" He cups Jennifer's face, stroking her cheek with her thumb.

They chuckle slightly as the tears pour out the both of them. "We're having a baby!"

So I've slightly messed up the timing and I apologise for that. I've been too busy with my other stories that I didn't calculate it correctly.

It's currently season 8, November time. Season 8 finishes May 16 2002, so let's say Jen is around 2 months pregnant. Meaning she'll have the baby just before break, coming back in September for season 9.

So sorry if that was confusing 🤣


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