Chapter 7: U-boat destruction

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Another hour had gone by since the boys had escaped Vladimir and they were now heading  for the Montreal river trestle the final danger point of the journey. When the boys got to the bridge they stopped the train and looked at the view. 

The boys then gathered around to discuss their plan to get across safely

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The boys then gathered around to discuss their plan to get across safely.

"Okay men gather around I've got a plan on how to get across this bridge without dying" Alfa ordered.

"What is it?" Charlie asked. Alfa then explained the plan to the boys.

"Here's the plan we need to get across that bridge as fast as possible so do what I say. Foxtrot you and I are gonna be the drivers, Bravo Delta you guys will be the fireman put as much coal as you can in there. Echo Charlie you guys are going to be lookouts. Tell me if you see anything dangerous".

"What do we need to look out for?" Echo asked.

"Just look in the skies for fighter jets and helicopters, that's all you have to do. Don't fuck it up. Alfa replied. " Alright does everybody know what to do?" he asked.

"YES SIR" they all said.

"Good cause I don't want to repeat myself and if I didn't listen you are a retard, now full steam ahead". he ordered.

Being a stream train they started to move at a very slow pace and it wouldn't reach a fast speed until they were halfway across the bridge. Thankfully there was nothing in site that was a threat to them and they were as of now they were safe.

"Charlie, Echo do you see anything bad?" Alfa asked.

"Me no see any bad men" Charlie replied.

"I don't see anything bad either which is good cause I don't want to fight". Echo said

"Alright good lets keep moving" Alfa ordered.

The boys were almost at the halfway point. Soon they would be across the bridge, but what they didn't know was that the danger they had been fearing wasn't from a above, but rather from below. Just as they were halfway across the bridge Charlie Noticed something in the water and told Echo about it.

"Echo look, weird movement in big water" He said.

This caught Echo's attention and he went over to the other side of the train to have a look. Using the scope on his sniper rifle to see what was in the water. What he saw shocked him to his core. He saw three giant object under the water coming straight towards them and went to tell Alfa.

"Hey Alfa we got a huge problem" he said.

"What is it?" Alfa asked. 

"It would seem there are three old functioning German U-boats in the water". Echo answered.

"Huh I didn't think they still use U-boats. Alfa wondered.

"Wait what are three U-boats doing in a river" Delta wondered.

"Who cares!" Echo yelled "lets get to the other side before they blow up the bridge".

The boys got back to work when the saw the U-boats were getting ready to release a barrage of torpedoes. 

"COME ON MEN PUT YOUR BACKS INTO IT!" Alfa yelled ordering the others.

The boys were using all their strength to move the train. Thankfully they had reach the halfway point and could now move a fast speed that would get them to the other side. When they got passed the halfway point they heard a loud bang noise and when they looked to see what had happen. Their worst fear had come true. The U-boats had fired torpedoes into the base of the bridge, destroying the stone and steel that supported the bridge and soon the bridge began to crumble. Pieces of wood and iron were falling into the river but the boys were focused on one thing. Getting to the other side.

"Come on Delta we need to the other side" Bravo said encouraging his friend.

"You damn right bro" Delta said.

Everyone was working their asses off to survive and in a few seconds they reached the other side. However the while the engine made it, the tender didn't. The tender was now hanging over the edge and was slowly pulling the engine down.

"Everyone jump off" Alfa yelled.

The boys then jumped off the train just in time. The train then went over and when it hit the wreckage it exploded.

"HOLY SHIT" they all said.

"Goddamn it" Bravo yelled "now we have no transportation and it will take forever to find the bomb. 

"I have an idea" Foxtrot said.

"Alright what is it?" Alfa asked.

"Why don't we split up and look for the bomb in pairs" He suggested.

"Good idea foxtrot" Alfa said "lets do that"

The boys all liked his idea and went off in pairs to find the bomb of death.

The subpar soldiers and the bomb of death (a Monty python inspired story)Where stories live. Discover now