Chapter 10: Bravos erotic encounter

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While Echo and Foxtrot were coming back from their journey out west, Bravo and Charlie were out east and were climbing a mountain to get a good view of the area. While they were up there a big thunder storm had hit the area and the storm was causing rock to fall.

"Come on Charlie we must keep moving!" Bravo shouted.

" Ugh bad weather is horrible" Charlie said.

"Your damn right it is" Bravo replied. "This is the second worst day of my life"

"How Is today not worst than other bad day?". Charlie asked.

"I'll tell you why It's not as worst" Bravo replied angrily.  Because on that day my ex girlfriend got hit by a bus and I ended up losing my job as a bus driver".

Suddenly there was loud bang followed by a rumbling sound. Bravo and Charlie looked up and saw a huge landside coming towards them. 

"LOOK OUT!" Charlie yelled, but It was to late. The landside had hit them and it was pushing them down the mountain so fast that they didn't have time to think. Bravo and Charlie tried to grab on to each other but more rocks came down and pushed Charlie out of site, separating them. Eventually Bravo arrived at the bottom of the mountain and dusted him self off feeling all sorts of pain. He looked around trying to find his friend.

"Charlie where are you!" he shouted, but there was no reply, he was on his own.

The storm continued to rage on and it was getting darker. Bravo was getting tired and needed to get out of the forest and find somewhere to rest for a while. He walked for several minutes and soon he saw a bright orange light and ran to see what it was. He continued to run to the light until he tripped over some train tracks and soon he knew where he was. He got back up on his feet and saw that the orange light was coming from a small wooden cabin next to the train tracks. He went to the door and started to knock.

"Hello is anyone home!" He shouted but there was no answer, he tried again.

"Hello can anyone hear me let me in!" he shouted, but there was still no answer. In desperate need to get out of the rain, he decided to break down the door in order to get inside. He walked away from the door and ran at it as fast as he could. With all his strength he rammed the door down and got inside the cabin, but it didn't go to well. As epic as that sounds he tripped before he hit the door, and when he hit the door he went head first and was knocked out on impact. Much later he woke up, he was inside the cabin. At first everything was very blurry but soon he could see very clearly and what he saw made him very confused. In front of him, to his left and to his right were three girls who all looked identical.

"Who are you, and you, and you?" he asked. 

"I'm Camila" "I'm Luna" "I'm Stella" they all said.

"Wow and you ladies are triplets?" he asked.

" yes were are triplets" Camila said. "I'm the oldest, Luna's the middle child and Stella's the youngest. 

"Well that's good to know". Bravo noticed that all three of them were wearing very revealing clothing, they were all were tank tops and short shorts. 

"Alright so can you tell me where I am and how I got here?". he asked.

"Well we were filming another one of our videos when we heard you knocking on the door." Camila said. "Your aggressive tone frightened us so we didn't answer. Then you rammed the door down which scared us so we ran away, but then we saw that you were injured and decided to help you".  

"What kind of videos do you film?" He asked.

"We film many things like trying on exciting underwear and playing with exciting toys" Luna said."

"I'm starting to think you ladies have a certain way of using the word exciting, anyways have you seen five soldiers around here?" He asked.

"Well what do they look like and what are they like?" Stella questioned. Bravo answered her by telling her and her sisters what Alfa, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot looked like. In a way that was insulting and complicated.

"Ok so one of them wears gay looking glasses and a highly visible doctors jacket. One of them wears a cowboy hat and is a big coward. One of them is Mexican and into hip hop and blowing shit up, I sometimes question his health. One of them is a really quite buff but somewhat retarded, and the final guy who is our leader wears camo clothing and has a sexy mustache. By the way out of all six of us I'm the best. 

"Well they sound Like very exciting people" Luna said.

"Camila or Stella or whichever one you are. Please don't use that word, I'm starting to understand how you use the word exciting". 

"Well if you know how we use that word, then maybe you do some exciting things with us" Luna said in a very seductive tone. All three of the girls got really close to Bravo, closer than anyone's ever been to him even more than his mother, which is just sad.

"I uh I look I'm very flattered by you all, but I can't stay here and do exciting stuff with you" Bravo spoke up. "I'm on a mission, I have to reunited with my friends and find the bomb of death so we can end this war".

"Never mind that" Stella said "you can stay here with us and do so much exciting things"

"No I can't, I have to leave, I'm on a mission!" He shouted and got up from the bed to leave but was stopped by the girls.

"Wait please don't go, just listen to us please!" they shouted. "Let us tell you what exciting the we want to do with you".

"Ok fine" Bravo yelled "what do you want to do".

"We want to treat you like a king with the respect you deserve". "We want to pleasure you as best we can. You said it yourself, out of the six of you guys your the best". "Yes and the best deserves the best" the girls said in such erotic voices that Bravo now felt an urge to do exciting things with them.

"Well I guess I could stay a bit longer" He said happily.

The girls took him to the bedroom and started to make out with him. They pushed on to the bed and were just about to get freaky when something knocked on the door.

"Camilla, Luna, Stella open the door" 

"Who the fuck is that?" Bravo worrying asked.

"It's our father you better hide" Stella told him, but it was too late. Their father burst into the cabin and then into the room and saw Bravo.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked aggressively. Bravo decided to do the first idea that came into his head and run away. He escaped through the door and ran away which was a good choice because the man was trying to shoot him now. As he ran away he could hear the girls yelling his name and shouting don't go.

"Don't worry I will return" He shouted. one day he planned to return to the cabin and reunite with the girls. For now he couldn't, he had a mission and he had to reunited with his friends.

The subpar soldiers and the bomb of death (a Monty python inspired story)Where stories live. Discover now