Chapter 12: Charlie's finest hour

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Near by the river were Afla and Delta were resting from their escape. A loud noise echoed throughout the forest. The loud noise was coming from Charlie who had survived his massive tumble down the mountain and had taken shelter in an underground bunker. When the sun came up he had left and was starting a journey of his own. To reunite with his friends. Since he started his journey he had been walking for 4 hours and hadn't found anyone. 

"Hello Bravo, Alfa, anybody" He shouted, but nobody replied.

He continued to walk for sometime until he saw someone hiking threw the forest. The hiker saw him and started to talk to him.

"Well hello soldier where are you heading?" He asked. 

"I Charlie am on mission looking for big bomb of death" 

"Oh well I don't know what that is, but that sounds really dangerous"

"Damn, If you do not know can you tell Charlie of someone who does?"

"Sure there's a base camp not to far from here just keep going straight and you'll know your near if you hear---."

something had struck the hiker causing him to fall to the ground. Blood stains were becoming visible on his shirt, Charlie rushed to help the man.

"Holy Shit!" he yelled "are you ok sir?"

"I don't know, I'm bleeding out but I think I'll be ok"

"No worry sir I Charlie find the bad people who shot you and bring them to justice. Your death will not be for nothing".

"Well I'm starting to get better so there's really no need----"

But before the hiker could finish his sentence Charlie had already left to find the person who almost killed the hiker.

"Hey aren't you going to help me!" He called but Charlie was to far away to hear him" What a fucking moron" he whispered under his breath. 

Charlie was traversing through the forest like an obstacle course, pushing through bushes and branches like they were nothing. Jumping over rocks with ease despite the weight of his gun and gear. Climbing up small cliffs, the man was unstoppable. Eventually he came across a sign that said (Yafuz Base) and knew that the enemy was now closer than ever. He started to crawl for a few minutes until he saw the base come in to view.

"Ha ha ha Me Charlie have found the base. Now me attack base with my big gun and kill these sons of bitches!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and with all his might Charlie began to run at the base. Knowing in his head at least this would be his finest hour.

On the other side at the base two Iraqi soldier noticed him running at them and react but not in the best way.

"Hey look there is a man with a big gun charging at us. Shall we shoot him." one soldiers asked.

"No it's ok, I believe he is what you call a retard, no threat to us my friend." The other soldier replied. 

"Well his gun looks pretty dangerous I think we should prepare if he opens fire on us."

"He's not going to do it just relax."

"How can I relax he's pointing it right at us?"

"I'm telling you That stupid man will not shoot us."

"Well ok then what's that big red Dot on your chest huh?"

"What big red dot on my-- OH FU----

A barrage of bullets started to hit the base and killed the two men. Charlie was releasing hell on earth against them.

"HAHAHAHAHA, TASTE MY BULLETS YOU COWARD!" He yelled with pride. he then ran towards the door and using his body he bashed the door in and started to shoot some more.

"GET SOME BITCHES" He screamed. He kept shooting until he ran out of bullets and had to reload. This was a problem because many soldiers came out of hiding and started to shoot at him. He ducked behind some crates and as he was getting shot at he noticed some oil drums that were completely filled with oil. An idea sparked in his dimwitted mind and he put his plan into action. The gunfire had stop as the enemy soldiers moved closer to him and while the silence was present Charlie ran at the oil drums, He pushed them towards the enemy. The enemy soldiers started to retreat but before they could get to safety Charlie shot the barrels and created a large explosion killing all enemy soldiers. 

"Yes I Charlie have won this battle!" He shouted with pride. 

With the loud explosion that Charlie had caused. A fire started to break out and was going to consume the whole building. 

"OH Shit time to get out of here!" He bravely screamed to himself.  

He rushed to the door but it was locked. He decided to ram the door down but as he backed up to run at it a large steel beam came crashing down. Blocking the door. Charlie searched for another exit and found one. the other door was locked too so he needed to act quick. The flames were growing bigger and smoke was getting heavier, He was starting to cough aggressively. He took a few steps back and ran at the door with all his might and was able to break it down and get out. The building then collapsed to the ground.

" Oh my, praise god I got out of there in time."

Just then he heard a loud cracking sound and heard something approaching him from behind. His instincts kicked in and he turned around and struck the mystery person so hard that he fell to the ground. It wasn't until he saw who it was that he smiled.

"Bravo is that you?"

"OW Charlie what the fuck, why did you hit me? he angrily asked.

"Charlie did not know Bravo was behind."

"I guess it was an accident I forgive you." 

"Thank you thank you thank you" he said giving Bravo a big bear hug. 

"Ok calm down I'm happy to see you too. Now can you tell me what happened here please?"

"Me use my gun to destroy Iraqi base."

"Wait hold on a minute, what the hell is an Iraqi military base doing in our territory?"

"Maybe they built it for special reason like a party"

"I don't think that's why Charlie it must be something very important."

"Exactly like a party."    

"It's not a party god damnit, It would be for some sort of special tactic"

"Well the only thing in this forest that anybody should be looking for is that big bad bomb."

"They must know it's here as well, we should get going."

With the pair coming to that conclusion they decided to get a move on and reunite with their friends.

"First we find friends, second we find bomb, Third we kill those tyrants. Does that sound like good plan to you Bravo?"

"Yeah that's sound good now lets go."

"Wait there be a plane in the sky" Charlie pointed out. The pair noticed it and were wondering if it was a friend or a foe.

"Come on Charlie lets go reunite with our friends." 

The subpar soldiers and the bomb of death (a Monty python inspired story)Where stories live. Discover now