Chapter 13: United as one

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"Uh Bravo, Me so tired how long have we been waking for?."

"4 minutes and 30 seconds."

"God damnit! Do you think any of them are near us?"

"I don't know buddy. Hopefully they're near it's getting dark and I think it would be safer if there were six of us and not two."

 "Hello anyone here!" yelled Charlie, but there was no answer. Only the many sounds of the forest were heard.

"Me getting worried what if they are all dead" Charlie asked.

"don't be so ridiculous, they're alive I know they are, I promise you bro." Bravo said in a calm voice.

Several minutes went by and still the two traveled. Eventually they heard a noise and readied their guns for attack.

"Hey Charlie did you hear that?"

"Yeah me hear that sound, Shall we shoot?"

"here's what we'll do. Waring shots only ok so shoot at the ground, you got that Charlie?"

"UH sure me completely understand you Bravo."

"Ok ready, aim, fire."

The two shot their guns but only Bravo shot at the ground. Charlie being the idiot he is shot at the bushes. They stopped firing and heard a scream of fear. 

"Charlie what the hell man I told you to shoot at the ground!

"Sorry man but did you hear that? That is man screaming and me know one man who scream like little bitch.

"Echo!" They both said. Just then Echo appeared from the bushes and he was very angry.

"HEY I'm on your side, why are you shooting at me you fucking retard!" Echo shouted at the top of his lungs. 

"Echo don't call him that it's not PC bro. But I would like to say it was all his fault, I didn't shoot at you." 

Charlie went up to Echo and apologized. Echo being kind forgave him and Charlie gave him a big bear hug that was so strong he could have killed the smaller man.

"Charlie let him go before you kill him. Anyways it's good to see you again Echo."

"Hey what about me?" said a voice in a jokingly manner. Foxtrot emerged from the bushes and was very happy to see his friends.

"Hey what's up foxy. I can see you look better than echo." Bravo said.

"Yeah I'd say I do, but I bring bad news we didn't find the bomb."

"It's ok we didn't find it ether. Have you seen Alfa and Delta at all?"

"No I have not seen them at all, but I heard some explosion not to far away from here. Perhaps we should investigate".

"I agree lets move out."

The 4 soldier started to walk for a short amount of time. Until they came across a river. They hid in the bushes for safety and echo used his sniper scope to observe the area.

"Echo, what you see with your scope?" Charlie asked.

"Well Charlie I can see a river, some big rocks, a lot of trees and two hobos that are dressed like Alfa and Delta."

"Echo give me your gun so I can see this?" Foxtrot asked." Those aren't two hobos dressed like Alfa and Delta, that is Alfa and Delta."

"Oh well I guess I might need glasses" Echo said.

"I think you need more than that you moron" Bravo said. "Now lets go get them."

Alfa and delta were continuing to rest, but when they heard the others calling there names, They turned around and saw them running at them with excitement."

"Hey Delta look who it is." Alfa said with excitement.

"Holy shit man I can't they all alive. Come on man lets go see them." Delta said

Alfa and Delta ran towards them and they hugged there friends with relief and happiness.

"It's so great to see all of you again" Alfa said.

"same to you guys. Say you guys look rough what did you guys come across some sort of gay group of weirdos or something?" Foxtrot asked.

Alfa and Delta just looked at each other with disgusted in their minds.

"We'll tell everything later but more importantly did any of you find the bomb?" Alfa asked. 

"No Charlie and I were looking but then we got separated. I stopped looking for the bomb and tried to find him." Bravo answered.

"We didn't find it either, but we did find this book on our journey away from lake Superior." Foxtrot replied.

"Well I say we find a place to make camp it's getting dark. Lets go find a spot men" Alfa commanded. 

"Yes sir" they all shouted. The soldiers were now back together again. Now the six of them could work together and find the bomb of death.

The subpar soldiers and the bomb of death (a Monty python inspired story)Where stories live. Discover now