||Planning part.3...

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She was snapped out of her thoughts by an explosion.

Present time~

Author's pov~

Everyone flinched at the sound of the blast. They diverted their eyes towards the sky to see an immense amount of smoke arising from the skate park. 

"Adudu..." Quake trailed off.

"He exploded the park!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shrieked the 'Y' duo.

"People are still in there!!! we gotta save them!!!" said Fang.

"Right! LIGHTNING SPEED!" saying this, Thunder skated towards the Park with others following him. 

When they reached, everything was turned to ashes, burning lampposts, skating rings completely destructed, the steel railing melting due to the fire on them, burned trees, grass still on fire. Seeing the devastation, it seemed that no one can survive after such a blast.

"*cough* *cough* This place *cough* is *cough* devasted! *cough*" Gopal screeched while coughing.

 "  *cough* I am  *cough* afraid  *cough* that if anyone  *cough* survived here!  *cough*" Yaya said coughing too.

"Don't  *cough* say that  *cough* you'll are  *cough* heroes  *cough* it's your duty  *cough* to protect the  *cough* innocent  *cough* people here!" Auriana said coughing as well.

"You  *cough* are  *cough* right!" Cyclone said.

"Let's  *cough* split up and  *cough* search." Solar suggested. 

Everyone agreed and went in different directions. They tried to call out if anyone's there, but no response came, and instead, their throats started burning due to the smoke. 

As Auriana was walking past a fallen lamppost, she didn't notice that the bandage on her left hand stuck on a lamppost hook and tore it off, making the bandage loose and fall to the ground. 

"HEY, GUYS!!! UP OVER HERE!!!!" Cyclone yelled from the sky.

He signaled everyone to follow him as he led the way towards a broken ring. 

"Why  *cough* did you  *cough* get us here??" Blaze asked.

"Look  *cough* over there!" Cyclone said pointing at the ring's center. There was nothing but a stack of many lampposts in there.

"Dude!  *cough* there isn't  anything in there!!" Gopal said in an obvious tone.

"No! there is!  *cough* when I came here,  *cough* I heard someone call out for me!"Cyclone claimed.

" Are you  *cough* sure?" Nat asked.

"Absolutely  *cough*" 

"Okay then,  *cough* Thorn!" Ice said.

" *cough* Understood. THORNY VINES!" His vines started to grab the lampposts to see a transparent grey colored vault and a few people stuck inside it.

"*gasp* people are stuck in there, GRAVITY PUNCH!!" Yaya said and flew towards the vault.

" 1000 TIMES KICK!!" Ying said going after Yaya.

The 'Y' duo hit the vault multiple times, but it only cracked a bit. The two of them wanted to continue but their throats felt like they were on fire. They fell on their knees panting heavily. 

"YAYA! YING!" Roxa and Kath rushed to their side.

"Ugghhh... FIREBALL ATTACK!!" Blaze said jumping high in the air.

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