|| The Secret revealed secretly.

496 27 66

 At Laskar Station~

Author's pov~

There was a meeting going on about the improvement regarding every agent of Laskar station, Tapops station, Tempur-A Base. 

Maskmana was proudly stating the progress of every agent.

The progress reports were really appreciable. 

Everyone was concentrated, well except one person, Captain Sophia.

Sophia looked as if she was all focused on the meeting, but in reality, she was completely tensed.

The only people who noticed her tension were Captain Kaizo, Admiral Amato, Marshal Myra, and Maskmana. But they said nothing.

As the meeting was continuing, Sophia's power watch beeped, disturbing the meeting.

"Excuse me, This call is important. And sorry for the disturbance." Saying this, she rushed outside. 

She went to the observation room and sat on one of the sofas. 

She excepted the call.

"What's the update?" She asked.

"Well.... there is one good news and two bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Elima asked.

"Umm.... good one first." Sophia answered.

" The good news is that our enemies had established Mineral destruction centers on earth but Auriana and the crew shut them down right on time." Joanna said with a small smile.

"That's good! and now the bad news..." Sophia trailed off with a frown.

"*sigh* There aren't any further clues found about our enemy." Raisol said with a frown.

" Oh.... and the other bad news?" Sophia asked.

Iziria and Selios glanced at each other with worried eyes. 

"Actually...." Selios trailed off.

"Just say it already!" Sophia said in an irritated voice.

"*sigh* Auriana and AD have met 'him' " Iziria said looking down.

"Who?" Sophia said, even though she knew who they were talking about.

"You know very well 'who' " Selios said to his twin, Sophia.

Sophia looked down in sorrow.

"So they finally met him?" Sophia asked even if she knew the answer was yes.


"Who met who now?" a voice said behind Sophia. 

Sophia quickly turned around to see Kaizo standing there with a confused look.

" Phew, it's only you Kai." Sophia said in relief.

"Of course it's me. What are you doing here anyway?" Kaizo asked.

"Chit-chatting with us!!" Iziria said with a playful roll of eyes and a smirk.

"Don't tell me you dumped the meeting just to 'chit-chat' with your crew." Kaizo said as he sat beside the Psychic Guardian.

"Do you seriously think I will ever do such a thing?" Sophia said shooting a glare towards her friend.

" *tch* Can't say so, things change." Kaizo said closing his eyes and leaning on the sofa with crossed hands.

Sophia punched his shoulder rather hardly and said,

"You are such an edgy." 

"I am not edgy!" 

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