|| The discomfort.

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At an unknown location, inside an admirable spaceship~

Author's pov~

Inside a magnificent and admirable spaceship, was our Auriana, with her power sphera Alexabot.

" Auriana, we have tried everything. Land tracking, sea tracking, air tracking, energy tracking, even your Aura senses! But nothing is working out!!" Alexabot literally yelled.

"Calm down Alexa. We will track them soon. If they even try to escape from earth, our sensors will activate, telling us their location. Indirectly, we have trapped them on earth. There is no way they will escape. We will find them sooner or later. So, don't worry." Auriana said calmly, reassuring Alexa.

"How can you be so cool at these times too Auri!?!?!" Alexa scoffed.

"Cause losing our temper isn't the solution. If we do, we won't be able to focus, and if we don't focus, we might as well mess up everything." Aurina stated, darting her eyes towards the Fuchsia and blue colored power sphera.

Alexa sighed and turned towards the screen again.

Then Aromas spoke up.

"Auriana. There is an incoming call from your team. They are calling from planet Belumenos." 

" Okay pick up the call and set up the holographic interaction system." Auriana Ordered.

" Ok. Excepting the incoming call. Setting up the holographic interaction system. System set." 

As the system was set, 6 holograms emerged.

[ A/n: So..... we have 3 new oc characters. 

They are:

Name: Kathiliene

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Name: Kathiliene.

Nickname: Kath.

She is from @CattleyaJeon 


Name: Nathanael

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Name: Nathanael

He is from @Speedcuber23 


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