|| Brother...?

177 14 18

5 hours later~

At Planet Larvis, Nighttime~

Author's pov~

"Is everyone in position?" Sophia asked through the intercom.

" Yes!"

" Then begin the mission," Kaizo said and pulled his cloak up to his eyes.

All our heroes were disguised under cloaks.

They spread around the city square.

In there, vendors were selling things by yelling out loud.

At the allies, some criminals were smuggling some things.

At the center of the city square, a man was begging for mercy from the Larvision soldiers who accused him of the robbery of a bag full of coins from one of the soldiers.

Anna, Roxa, Fang, and Adrian looked at him from afar pitying him.

" Target's locked, begin the phase 1..." Anna said through the earpiece, in a voice, not above a whisper.

Then out of one of the busy streets; Boboiboy, Auriana, Nathanael, and Eunice; entered the city square.

They glanced at Anna, Roxa, Fang, and Adrian standing near a food stall pretending to be customers and nodded at them.

Boboiboy and the others purposefully Went towards the soldiers and bumped into them.

"Oh- Sorry mister!" Nat said.

" sorry?!  you are saying sorry after almost crashing into me?!?!" one of the soldiers snapped.

" excuse me! we didn't do it on purpose!" Eunice snapped back.

" what?! first you try to kill a soldier! and then you talk back to me?!?! I arrest you! you brats!!" the soldier yelled in fury.

under the cloak, the four smirked for a split second.

And the soldier did what he said, he arrested our four heroes and took them to the Royal Palace!

where a known to them, the two captains were already waiting outside.

" Phase 1, complete..." Auriana said through the intercom.

"Hm... what did you say?!" one of the soldiers asked.

" me? Nothing!" she replied.

he looked suspicious for a while but then shrugged off the thought.

Soon, the soldiers and our four heroes reach the castle Gates.

entering the Gates, they saw many soldiers on guard and many running around.

" looks like they have increased the security for some reason..." Nathanael muttered and the others nodded to him.

"Hey, Brats!! move your legs!!" the soldiers started pushing them ahead.

In 5 minutes, they reached the prison house.

over there, they saw many people locked helplessly in the prisons, all tired and worn out from The Torture that they suffered through!

" looks like they were beaten up very badly..." Boboiboy mutters.

immediately after that, the four of them were thrown into prison.

" Now rot here brats!!" Saying this, the soldiers walked away laughing like maniacs.

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