|| Planning...

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Timeskip, after blasting off the main destruction center~~

Author's pov~

Everyone came back to Amoras from the Himalaya ranges. It was almost 1:30 am, so everyone returned to Pulau Rintis. 

The next morning, everyone woke up fully refreshed. Roxa and Auriana were preparing breakfast, and others were getting ready. 

That's when Kath came down saying,

"Hey, guys! I got a message from Yaya, she said to meet at the Skate park at 10:15." 

"Skate Park? Where is it?" AD asked.

"It's nearby." Auriana replied.

"Breakfast is ready!!" Roxa yelled.

Everyone then ate peacefully and were about to leave the house when Alexabot contacted them saying,

" Hey, guys! I will be changing Aromas' location, if want to come here, Aromas is besides Axenas." 

" Beside Axenas? Are you in that valley?" AD asked.

" I will be reaching there in a few minutes." Alexa answered.

"Okay, inform me when you reach." Auriana said.

"Okie-dokie-lokie!! Bye!!!" Alexa said and ended the call. 

They were about to go when the same thought struck in their minds.

"We don't have normal skates!" They said in unison.

"Should we use our 'High tech' skates?" Kyle asked.

"I guess we don't have any choice, do we ?" said Roxa.

"But we never used our skates for regular usage." Exclaimed Anna and Auriana and AD agreed.

The 5 of them looked at the twins.

"Oh! Don't worry!" Kath said.

"Our skates won't do anything until we command them to do so."Nathanael claimed.

"Are you sure Nat? Cause even if we have designed it, the systems are created by you two." Auriana said.

"Don't worry, the chances of the systems going haywire are only 2.08%" Kath claimed.

" If you say so, but we still aren't used to them." Roxa said rolling her eyes.

"Are we just staying here or we're going?" Anna asked.

"Yes. Activate skating shoes." Everyone commanded their respective computer systems.

"Activating skating shoes."

"Let's go!!" Roxa and Kyle yelled.

"Umm.... guys, you'll go ahead, I'll give Tok Aba a quick visit." Auriana said.

"Uh...Okay, but come soon."Anna said and skated away.

"Hm... Bye!" saying this, Auriana skated in the opposite direction. 

The 6 of them skated to the Skate Park.

When they reached, there they saw 4 Skating rings, a very few people could be seen skating. One of the rings was near a small garden at the corner of the Park. And in the same ring, they spotted Yaya, Ying, and Fang. 

They skated over them silently, planning to do a jumpscare. But something made them stop on their tracks with wide-eyes.

There, they saw Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal who was munching on a sandwich, but that didn't shock them. The main reason was that they saw 7 Boboiboy with different color clothes. 

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