|| We are getting Recruited?!

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At an unknown location~

Adrian's pov~

Me and my friends were at a kindergarten school which was almost on the verge of getting destructed by the space pirates.

But luckily, Mom and Aunt- I mean General Carina and General Elaiza sent our team here right on time and we were able to stop those pirates on the planet Volpherianos

We then beckoned all the kindergarten staff and students to collect at a place so that I can create an energy dome around them.

Right now, we are all protecting the dome, except for Auri...

She isn't here.

Master Nile took her with him for some reason.


This fight-


This war...

It's terrifying...

That's when I saw 8 different lights in the sky.

The lights clashed with the ground and when faded, our elder siblings, also known as the 'Universal Protectors' appeared.

Iziria, Selios, Sophia, Elima, Joanna, Raisol, Adriek, and Cora.

Roxa ran and hugged Raisol tightly saying,

"You guys are safe!!" 

" Of course we are! but what about you all? Are my sweet berries alright?" Joanna asked.

"We are fine! what about the other Agents?" Kath asked.

" Some are severely injured but no one died luckily." Iziria claimed.

But then, Sophia looked around for something.

" Where is Auri?" She asked.

" She is with Master Nile!" Anna informed.

"What?! no! We just visited the Harmony Guardians, she wasn't with Master Nile!" Selios claimed with a serious face.

"It's impossible! Master himself came and asked Auri to come with him to..." I trailed off.

"To? "Elima asked worriedly.

"To fight the Captain of the Pirates..." I said looking at them.


"He is right! Master did come and took Auri with him!" Nathanael agreed to me.

The 8 elders exchanged glances and then Cora walked up to me and kneeled down holding my shoulders.

" There might be chances that you guys are tricked, so tell us, did the Fake master or Auri tell you where they were going?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Where?" She asked again.

"...............To the Supreme Power Sphera Vault!" I replied.

Their eyes widen.

"Fake Master Nile being here, then taking Auri with him, and later, the whole pirate army surrendering? this isn't a coincidence!" Raisol claimed.

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