|| The story of Retak'ka!

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Author's pov~

In the hallways of the great crystal castle~

" Sheesh! I still can't believe that a meanie like Retak'ka was Kakori's son!" Gopal expressed.

" Your believing or not believing is not going to change anything, Gopal!" Kath said.

" Yeah! And call him the King will ya?! the people of this planet respect him a lot!" Scolded Ying. 

While walking around to investigate, the 2 captains led the team ahead; followed by the others; as they looked at the giant picture frames and portraits hung on the walls. 

"Looking at all these portraits... perhaps that is King Kakori... and his wife the queen... but who else is that?" Kyle said pointing out the obvious and pointing at the portrait of a man looking similar to Retak'ka but had paler skin, golden eyes, and an overall mature vibe.

" It's a rough guess... but maybe he is the 1st son of King Kakori... seems like he was a very beloved person to the royal couple!" Said Sophia.

" He is in almost every picture with the King and the queen!" Nat stated.

" And so far... we've only seen one portrait of Retak'ka... even though he was a prince!" Roxa said in a thinking position.

" Guys look!" Yelled Fang from a distance ahead. 

When everyone approached him and saw what we wanted them to see, their doubts were cleared.

There, on the wall was a big solo portrait of the other man who looked similar to Retak'ka.

Boboiboy wiped the tile that was below it.

" Hail... the... crown... prince... of... Boreas... great... and... almighty... Prince... Aboson'na?..." read Anna out loud.

" Prince Aboson'na... hmm..." muttered Kaizo.

"But that doesn't lead us anywhere! we are still stuck with the same questions! where is the King's mighty spear? how did the captains end up here? and how will we find that spear?!" Auriana was a tad bit frustrated, knowing that she shouldn't... but the situation didn't help even a bit.

" Auri calm down..." Said Sophia.

" Haish... this way... we'll never find anything!" Gopal sighed, folded his arms, and leaned on the marble walls.

But the moment he leaned... a marble brick behind him shifted inside the wall and crumbling sounds were heard.

" uh-oh... what did you do Gopal?..." asked Boboiboy.

" Hey! I didn't do anything-" 

Gopal was cut off when suddenly... Prince Aboson'na's portrait shifted to it's right, revealing something shocking behind it.

" Oh... my... goodness..."

At Crystormia~

In the Hidden Dimension~

At the infirmary~

General Eden and General Lynus had now taken the places of Elaiza and Carina to give them some rest time.

Master Felues coughed and called out to Lynus,

" Lynus... child..." 

Hearing the call, the man immediately rushed to his mentor.

holding his hands, he asked,

"Do you need anything, master?"

" Lynus... I don't know whether I will stay till our victory... I am slowly losing my consciousness..." Said master Felues weakly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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