|| That feeling.

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At Tapops Stations ~ 

Author's pov~

The gang had already left for the earth. Sophia was about to leave for her mission but Kaizo stopped her saying, 

" Something is definitely bothering you." 

  "What? No. but why do you think so?" Sophia asked.

"I know you very well Soph, I can tell it as you zone out a lot these days." Kaizo asserted.

Sophia went silent for a minute.

"Will you tell-" Kaizo was cut off by the Psychic manipulator.

"I'll tell when the right time comes Kai." Sophia said with her back faced the Stubborn Captain. 

She then turned around to face Kaizo.

"Till the time, See you soon my Friend." 

Her sentence seemed normal until she made a peace sign with a wink.

Oh, God!

She left, but what she didn't know was that she left behind a  blushing and smiling Kaizo.

'You really make my heart flatter Soph.' He thought.

"Captain, the ship is ready." Lahap said, snapping Kaizo out of his thoughts. 

" Hm...... I am coming." Kaizo informed.

At Pulau Rintis Island, Earth~~

??? pov~ 


What a delightful evening. Earth is really a pleasing planet. Wait! did I introduce myself? 

 Hi! I am Auriana and  I am 14. I am a Crystormian, said to be a half-human.  

I came here on Earth for an important mission. You heard right, a mission. 

You see, I am an Agent at the most influential and power+tech Agency in all of the universe, C.I.T.A.  

It's been 25 days since I landed on earth. I stay with 2 S.A. Agents ( Spy Analyst Agents ), Mr. and Mrs. Lela. They are really nice and kind S.A. Agents of C.I.T.A. 

For me, they are the best S.A.A.  as compared to the ones of the other planets.

I met many people on Earth but never expected to meet someone really special. That person is,

Tok Aba. 

He was my Grandpa's Best friend. He knows everyone in our family. The day my Dad told me to meet him, and  I was really overwhelmed. He said that he has seen me when I was a 13days old baby. I was quite surprised at that time. 

I also got to know that his Grandson and his friends are the heroes of Earth. I would like to meet them after my mission. 

*sad sigh*  

I have been on this mission for 25 days now but I have no avail. Until now, I never took this much time for a mission. The highest time limit is 16 days. It isn't like I am complaining, it's my duty to complete this mission. 

But, I am all alone here. I miss my friends, my siblings, my parents.

I call my friends every day but I still miss their presence.  

I really feel lonesome. My parents advised me to make new friends here on earth but I don't understand how am I going to do so. You see, I have three reasons.

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