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{A/n: In this chapter, the C.I.T.A. agents are already a part of TAPOPS!}

Anna's pov~

Dreams.... it is something I live...

I have everything...

Amazing Friends, Great siblings, an adventurous life...

everything except one thing...

my mum and dad...

But anyway, I am happy in my life!

right now, I am dreaming about calm weather in which I am sitting under a nice Butaba tree and listening to music.

it was peaceful and all until...

" wake up Anna!! it's almost 6:53 in the morning! Admiral is going to Yell at you if you are late!!"

" come on! it's just 6:53." I am uttered with a tired voice.

" it's 6:53 a.m. not p.m.!!" Eunice yelled in my ear.

"WHAT?!?! * jump out of the bed* why did you wake me up earlier?!?!" I yelled.

" Are you serious?! I've been trying to wake you up for the last 35 minutes!" Eunice stated.

" damn I'm going to be late!!" saying this I ran away to take a shower.

at 6:58 a.m.~~

I ran through the hallways to the control room.

as soon as I reached the control room,  I salute the admiral and then checked the wall clock.

Phew! Before time!

Commander: good morning Anna! Today, you have to go to Planet Volcania! There is a really rare radioactive stone that you have to retreat. You may leave after breakfast.

Anna: Yes commander! err... commander? where is everybody?

Commander: Hmph! they are all assigned on different missions

Anna: O-oh... I'll get going then...

As I exited the control room.

I quired...

They usually inform me and then go.

But never the less, I shrugged off the thought and headed to the cafeteria.

But as soon as I entered, My jaw dropped.

A table is full of my favorite foods.

From spicy to sweet...

From sour to bitter...

Anna: Oh my heavenly goodness!!

I didn't even think twice before attacking the food.

I munched on happily, forgetting about everything.

And when I finished, I thanked the chef and walked to the spaceship hanger.

Anna: Eh? Amoras and Axenas are right here... neh! Auri must have used teleportation!

So I took Amoras with me and rode away to Planet Volcania.

Auriana's pov~

We saw Anna ride away in Amoras from the CCTV camera.

"Phew! she is away now!" Kyle said in relief.

"Yeah! let's start our plan now!!" Boboiboy said.


"But where is AD?" Fang asked.

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