Chapter 6: MiniCat Forever And Always

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Song: SirensCeol feat. Stephey - You And I

(I might use this song again in a different story, I'm in love with it<3)

Wildcat's POV(What? ;o)

I held onto Craig has we heard Slender take the life of our Squeaker friend from downstairs. Fucking monster.

"Player Lui Calibre has died."

"Tyler, I'm scared. We're dead next." Craig said sobbing on my chest. I just held him close, I couldn't deny the fact that we were next. He was right. There was no denying anything at this point, we just have to accept it. Jonathan and Evan were the ones who were suppose to win, not us. I'm not blaming Evan nor Jonathan for the deaths of us and our friends but I just can't believe Evan had to be heartless and just say the words. That we had to keep collecting pages, no matter what. He knew my love for Craig, he knew the Lui's love for David. Yet, he still did this. I can't help but feel that he's the real monster.

"Mini! Wildcat!" We heard a voice from downstairs, It sounded like Jonathan. Craig and I got out of our corner and started heading downstairs to the front. It was Jonathan, and he was alone. Weird. "You guys okay?" He asked as he walked over to us. "Yeah, we're fine." I lied, it was obvious we weren't fine. We were next and we were terrified. But it was also obvious that Jonathan didn't know what was going on but collecting pages and people dying. "Where's Vanoss?" Craig asked Jonathan. Jonathan didn't say anything, he just looked around, "Delirious?" I said getting a bit worried. He looked at us and sighed, "I don't know."

"Player Vanoss has found the fifth page."

All of our eye's widened, "He's such a bitch. I swear." I spat at Jonathan and Craig. Jonathan didn't say anything, he suddenly took our hands and ran upstairs to a bedroom. Craig and I walked in and he pointed to the closest, I nodded and opened it up. Craig crawled inside and I sat next to him. Jonathan quickly came in and closed the doors. We heard movement, loud footsteps, glass breaking but we didn't dare go investigate. But I knew it was me or Craig. I knew Evan was hiding when he found that page. Sneaky bastard. I sighed and looked at Craig. He was staring at the ground, tears streaming from his face once again. Every time Slender came, he would act like this. I guess this was really scary for him. I picked up his chin and he looked at me, "T-Ty?" He whispered, I tried my best to smile, "I love you, Craig. Forever." I leaned in and kissed him passionately. When I pulled back I opened the door and stood up. Jonathan stood up instantly putting his hand on my chest stopping me from going anywhere. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked slowly putting his hand down. I tittered, "I'm making sure you win. Now keep him quiet." And with that I slammed the doors in their face before they could stop me or talk. I heard Craig start crying softly, it broke my heart but I had to do this. It was the only way. 

I ran out of the room, "Here Slender, come and get me bitch!" I shouted, all the noises stopped. I didn't see or hear anything, then I spotted two arm like tentacles coming straight for me. The last thing I saw was a suit.


Mini's POV

"Player I AM WILDCAT has died."

I was done. Jonathan had his hand covering my mouth so I didn't scream. Which is good, because I was so close to screaming at this point. I'm terrified. The love of my life just got destroyed by him. Why did I even accept playing this game? I knew how scary it was, yet I made fun of Jonathan for being a chicken, and here I am, being the last chicken. I didn't have the energy to cry anymore. I just had bloodshot eyes and dried up tears on my cheeks. I looked at Jonathan who was opening the closest slowly. Time to go huh? I got up and followed Jonathan, we had no idea where we were going. But he only had one thing on his mind and so did I.

Finding the sixth page.

We were downstairs, throwing everything in the air. We didn't care about the mess we were making, we needed to find that page. I wanted to get the hell out of here. "Oh hey, guys." A voice said by the front doors, Jonathan and I turned around seeing the one and only, Evan. Jonathan looked reliefed but also pissed off at the same time. Evan didn't say anything else, Jonathan and I just stared at him. I showed him no expression unlike Jonathan. Evan raised an eyebrow and stared right at Jonathan.

"What?" Evan asked walking towards us, "You disappeared on me and then you find a note? I swear, Evan.." Jonathan trailed off and walked away. He seemed to get pissed for some odd reason. I just don't know what, Evan turned to me, "I'm sorry about Tyler." I sighed, "Its fine, I'm next anyways."

"H2O Delirious has found the sixth page."

Here goes nothing. "Go." I told Evan, he slowly nodded and ran the way Jonathan went. I walked out the door and into the fog as I heard the Slender music getting louder and louder each second. I looked up and stared at the moon, "I love you too, Tyler. Always." The next thing I saw was Slender standing in front of me.

I'm coming.


R.I.P MiniCat<3

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