Chapter 12: The Obsession

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Song: Innerpartysystem - Out of Touch

3rd POV - Two Weeks Later

Obsession;noun, the state of being obsessed with someone or something.

And that's exactly how Jonathan was.

He was obsessed with Slender. Slender this, Slender that. That's all he would do. That's all he would think about. He was obsessed with winning the game. He didn't play with any of the guys for  weeks.  He barely even saw and talked to Evan, and Evan was in his house. Jonathan has just been focusing on one thing and that was beating Slender.


He didn't even record anything BUT Slender, that's how bad the obsession was. He would record every single game he played against Slender. Even when he won, he kept playing it over and over again. He wanted to be a pro at it so when he would fall asleep... he would possibly win.

But even though he practiced, even though he won those games on the computer, even though he had the confidence, even though he got so many pages...

He couldn't win because he couldn't get the last page. And he didn't know why. It's like he was missing something, or someone.

And as for Evan?

Evan has been a worriedly wreck for Jonathan. He knows the reason why Jonathan is all over these Slender games but he's worried for his health.

He doesn't eat like he used to. He's getting paler. He's more on edge than ever. He doesn't go outside. He would get less hours of sleep.

He would wake up in the middle of the night, crying, screaming. 

Evan would stay up at night and wait for Jonathan to wake up. And Evan would always ask Jonathan the same question, "Did you win?"

Evan even gets upset when Jonathan ignores him. Evan wants to actually spend time with Jonathan, to get his mind off of Slender, but every time Evan would talk to Jonathan, Jonathan would just push him away and go in his little zone.


Evan leaned on the door frame looking at his friend, who was focusing on the usual game. Slender.

He sighed and decided to give it another try.

"H-Hey, Delirious?" Evan stuttered out.

"What?" Jonathan said, not removing his eyes from the screen. He already had six pages and he wasn't stopping now.

"I-I was thinking we could go out fo-" Before Evan could even finish his sentence, Jonathan had died and screamed curse words at his computer screen.

Jonathan sighed annoyingly and turned around, facing Evan with anger in his baby blue eyes. Evan gulped, and took a step back. Jonathan noticed and raised an eyebrow at him, "What the fuck do you want, Vanoss?" He sneered.

"I was thinking we could go out for a walk and grab some food? It's ni-nice out and I-" He was cut off once again by Jonathan shaking his head, "Vanoss, I can't do that and you know it."

"Delirious, all you do is Slender nowadays, you never leave the house, its unhealthy!" Evan cooed.

"I'm fucking fine! Geez! Why are you even still here? Go back to Canada." Jonathan said, whispering the last part.

Jonathan didn't want Evan to leave, but this stupid obsession is getting to him.

Evan felt his heart crack at those words, but was he gonna listen? No. He was still going stay no matter what.

"I'm going to get pizza, be back in a few hours." Evan simply said, closing Jonathan's door.

Jonathan sighed and turned back to his computer and started playing Slender again, like always. While Evan got ready to go out and get his best friend some food and to clear his mind.


Delirious' POV

I stared at my computer screen. Evan was still getting ready to walk and I was debating to go with him or not.

This game is ruining my life, but I have no choice to play it. Practice makes perfect, so I keep practicing for the real thing at night. Out of all people, Evan should know this by now.

I honestly didn't mean to yell at him either, telling him to go back home. I want him to actually stay here with me, forever. Even though I know that'll never happen.

He's so lucky I love him...

I sighed and got up from my chair and headed over to my door, opening it. Searching for Evan, who was putting on his sneakers. He already did his hair perfectly, got his usual red jacket on, his sunglasses were on him as well. I blinked at his perfection. He was perfect, in every way possible.

I sighed and decided to speak up quietly, "Hey, Vanoss..?"

He looked up at me, "Hm?" He said, walking over to me once he was finished with getting his shoes on.

"I-... I wanted to say sorry for yelling at you. Sorry for te-telling you to leave... I..." I trailed off and looked at the ground. He walked closer to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him. He had a smile on his face. Which made me continue the last part of my sentence, "I just really want to win this game. I'm sorry."

"I understand, it's okay. I just care about you, that's all." He said, giving me a cute smile. I blushed a little bit, but tired to hide it since I didn't have my mask on.

"Also, I'm coming with you. I could use a break." I said, which made his smile grew.

He took a hand off of my shoulder, "Alright, well get ready. I'll wait for my prince charming."

I instantly turned around and ran into my room and slammed the door shut.

My heart was beating fast, my palms were sweaty, I felt butterfies in my stomach.

"Fuck you, Evan." I whispered, smirking.

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