Chapter 15: Out Of It

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Song: Puppet - Answers (Feat. Koo)

Delirious' POV

"3rd page found."

I didn't hesitate to grab the page that was on a broken down blue truck. It was a poorly drawn picture of Slender. I sighed and put it in my pocket. The Slender music started to pick up and I did what I did best in this game.

I ran.

You run, hide and hope. You run as fast as you cab from slender, if you stop, you die. You hide from hi, praying that he doesn't find you or they if he's near you, you just pray that he moves along. And you hope to win, to beat the game and hope to never come back.

But this time, I was different. I wasn't running as fast as the other times. My heart was beating slowly. My head was spinning and my vision was blurry.

I was scared at this point, but then I'm always scared. Each time you play this game, like this. It feels real.

No how many times I play this nightmare, everything is real. When all it is, is illusions. It's not suppose to be real, yet it is.

The pain is real. The pain that you feel when Slender's tentacles jab into you. You feel the sling snakes go through you whole body. It hurts. Your inside feel the pressure the tentacles are giving you, theirs just not enough room for them. It slowly rips through your body, crushing everything and anything in its path. And just when you think it couldn't get worse.

It does.

Slender just... lets go.

He pulls his tentacles back.

Ripping your body apart in the process.

It hurts. Each time.

"Hey, stop thinking about it and keep running. He's on your tail."

This voice acts like a good coach, when it wants to be. Which is nice because I like the 'support' that he gives me. It does actually keep me going.

Until I get to the 7th page. That's where I hear Evan's voice telling me things that I only wish to hear.

"It's only the 3rd page and you seem out of it."

I heard the Slender music die down, which made me slow down on my running. I took deep breaths before doing anything else.

"Kid, you alright?"

I leaned up against the nearest tree, "First off, I'm not a kid. Second, I'm fine."

"No you're not. It's only the 3rd page and you're already dead."

"What are you tal-"

All of a sudden I felt the cold air hit my skin. My head started spinning again and I heard some kind of breathing behind me. I turned around slowly and as soon as I saw that tux, I screamed.


Vanoss' POV

"Thanks again, Nogla." I said into my phone. It was currently two in the morning but this was normal to me. Staying up this late for Jonathan, but I really needed someone to talk to and David was there.

"No problem Vanoss. So what song are you going to sing to him?" He asked, which made me smile and look over at Jonathan, who was just in his normal state, sleeping and moving around a bit. I turned back and faced the wall, "Well, this song isn't really my style or taste in music if I'm honest, but the lyrics are jus-"

Before I could continue my sentence, Jonathan started screaming bloodily murder. I instantly cocked my head over at and noticed his hands were around his neck, like he was choking himself or he was stopping someone from choking him.

It's not five, why is he screaming now? What the hell?

I heard David shouting things into the phone that I couldn't make out, "Nogla, I gotta go." I said, hanging up and dropping my phone.

I immediately crawled over to Jonathan and grabbed his hands, "Delirious calm down!" I shouted.

He took his hands and covered his face with them, crying and breaking out in sobs. I grabbed him and pulled him onto my lap, he started to push me away like I was someone trying to hurt him or whatever. I kissed his forehead, "Jonathan it's me. You're safe." I said softly.

He looked up at me, "E-Evan?" He said, as more tears fell from his face. 

I just held him close and he buried his face in my chest, "Shhh... You're okay."

He gripped my shirt and shook his head, "Evan, I'm done. I don't wanna play this game anymore. This is the worst experience ever. I-" He cooed, his voice cracking.

"It's okay, breath. You're in my arms, not his. You're safe, I promise." I said, rubbing his back in circles.

 After awhile of me holding him in my arms, he calmed down and pulled away.

"Thanks Vanoss." He whispered and got up from the bed and walked out of the room.

 I noticed my phone blowing up with calls and text messages, but I didn't bother to pick it up. I knew it was probably David asking what happened or something.

If Jonathan comes back to bed, I'm doing the unthinkable. Fuck it.

I sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for Jonathan to walk in the room. I knew what he was doing, he was washing his face and getting water like he does every night. I'm just glad that this nightmare doesn't happen twice to him so he can go back to bed. But before he does, I need to do something. I can't wait any longer. I hope he doesn't remember this.

"Evan?" I looked up and saw Jonathan walking in the room. I stood up and stared at him. It was dark but I could see his blue eyes perfectly, "What are you doing up still? You're normally laying back down. Is something wrong?" He asked, walking over to me.

I shook my head, "No, nothings wrong."

He tilted his head, "Then why are you up still?"

I answered his question, but not with words. I immediately grabbed his hands and pulled him closer to me. I slowly moved my hands up to his throat, but I didn't choke him or anything, I just pulled him close to my face as I leaned in.

I crashed my lips onto his, he wasn't kissing back though. I knew he was really confused and this was a wake up call for him. But I didn't mind being the dominant one.

And right when I was losing air, he kissed back.

It made me smile and go on with the kiss, even though I was basically suffocating myself with this kiss. This kiss was amazingly perfect, I dreamt of this kiss for so long. Just a bit sad that I had to pull back so I didn't faint from the loss of oxygen.

"Del, I love you."



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