Chapter 20: That Escalated Quickly

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Song: Skillet - Falling Inside The Black

(Yeah, new cover. <.< I wasn't satisfied with the other one and Snoeflake on DevianArt is bae ;-;)

Delirious' POV

Evan and I walked around for hours it felt like. I wouldn't let go of his hand, I didn't dare let go of him. I was determined to keep him by my side at all time. He won't even listen to me, he keeps telling me, 'I'll be fine'. I get that he made it this far without me but this feels weird. This doesn't feel like all the other times I played this game. Something was off, and it wasn't me.

"C-Can we take a break?" I heard Evan whisper, taking deep breaths behind me. I stopped moving and looked behind me, he was panting like a maniac. Oh yeah, Evan isn't used to running around without stopping for hours like me. I giggled, "Alright, take five." I simply said. He rolled his eyes and sat on the ground and motioned me to sit beside him.

I smiled lightly and sat next to him and looked up at the same old starry sky. I'm surprised he wasn't shaken by any of this, he was perfectly calm under the chaos we were in.

"Jonathan?" I slowly looked at him and raised an eyebrow, going, "Hm?"

"I love you."

Those three words warmed my heart and instantly made me smile at him, "I love you too." I repiled, taking his hand and holding it tightly.

"When are we going to beat this game?" He asked, laying on his back, staring right up at the sky. I sighed and shrugged, "I don't know. We have two more pages. So, who knows."

He sighed and got back up on his two feet. I looked up at him in confusion, and all he did was stick out his head and say, "Let's end this tragedy today."

I smiled and grabbed his hand tightly as he yanked me up to my feet.

We continued to walk around for hours, holding hands just walking around endlessy looking for the sixth page that was no where to be found. Normally I would've found it by now. But then again I'm not alone, I have Evan with me which would make this a lot harder. We walked everywhere outside, and inside all floors, like where is sixth page? And that's when I sussed it.

We never went to the attic or the basement, the most deadliest places to go.

I looked over at Evan and he was just staring at me with the most confused face ever. I just pulled him inside the mansion and started heading towards the stairs that lead to the basement. "Are we seriously going down there?" He asks, backing up a bit. Oh, he's a bit scared. I sighed and nodded, "There has to be a page down here and in the attic, the only two places we didn't look." I took a step down and turned around and faced him, "Do you trust me to keep you safe?" He hesitated before grabbing my hand.

We walked down the steps and into the dimmed lighting basement. I was in front and Evan was behind, I knew he was scared doing down here because the only exist is the stairs and Slender could easily block that off, but we needed to see if there was another page down here and, there was. At the other side of the room, there was the sixth page. Before I went over and grabbed, I pointed to the closest that was near by. Evan got the picture and walked over to it, opening it up and getting inside. I quickly walked over to the page and snatched it.

"Player H2O Delirious has found the sixth page."

I quickly turned around and ran to the closest as the Slender music picked up. I ran in the closest and shut the doors.

I felt Evan's hand slip into mine and he held it tightly. I felt him shaking a bit. Was he honestly scared when he was alone? I looked at him and kissed his cheek, "Babe, it's going to be okay. I promise. Just breathe." I whispered. He nodded and started to calm down,  squeezing my hand a bit.

I used my free hand and opened the closest up a bit, trying to see where Slender was at and I instantly saw his head coming up the stairs. I immediately closed the door back up and faced Evan. He had his eyes closed and he was holding in his breath, like he was concentrating on being silent. I smiled a bit at him.

Soon the music died down, which meant Slender was gone and it was safe to come out of hiding. "Come on, let's go to the attic now." I said, opening up the closest and stepping out, with Evan following close behind me. We ran up the stairs and into the attic, we weren't stopping. We wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, I'm beatin- No. We're beating this nightmare, tonight. We are gonna win.

As soon as we made it to the attic, my skin became cold and I felt goosebumps on my arms. This place is freaky.

"There's not a closest up here." Evan said, and he was right. The page was up here too but he didn't take it yet, we weren't going to until we find a spot to hide.

"We could jump out the window." Evan suddenly says, I cocked my head to look at him and gave him an 'are-you-crazy?!' look, "Are you fucking insane? We could die from that fal-" Before I could finish he cut me off. "No, that's not what I meant. There's a ledge right here we could walk on and move to..." He trailed off and looked out the window, "We can make our way over by the pool's roof and land on that," He turned and looked at me with a smile on his face, "We can stay up there until the music dies down and then we can go get the eighth page and boom, done!"

I nodded and looked down at the ground, smiling to myself. He was the missing puzzle piece after all huh? "Climb out the window already, I'll grab the page and head over." I said, and he nodded.

I turned my back on him and ran over to the page, grabbing and it and stuffing it in my pocket. But that's when I heard it. Evan screamed my name and was calling for help.

"Player H2O Delirious has found the seventh page."

The music picked up and I instantly ran over to the window. Evan was hanging on the ledge, his hand was slipping and I promptly grabbed his other hand and tried to yank him back up. God damnit why is he so heavy?!

I perceive the music was picking up, which meant Slender was close. It made me try harder to pull Evan back up but there was no use. "Delirious let go!" My eyes widened and I looked at him, "I'm not doing that Vanoss and you know that!" I felt tears threaten me. I knew this was just a nightmare but the feels man! "Jonathan, let the fuck go. Now!" He ordered me. The Slender music was getting extremely loud but I wouldn't let go.

And that's when Evan bit me, it caused me to let go. He sinked his teeth into my hand. The hand I was holding him up with.



... I think I just killed Evan.. Oops.

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