Chapter 13: Date? Date.

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Song: The Cab - Intoxicated

3rd POV

Jonathan did exactly what Evan did. He fixed his messy hair, he made sure he had colon on, he put on his blue hoodie and mask. It was time for Evan to be stunned, even though Mr H2O was nervous.

Jonathan took a deep breath before opening his door and stepping out. Evan was by the front door, looking out the window. But when he heard Jonathan's door open, he instantly cooked his head over to see Jonathan. Evan smiled and asked, "So, ready?"

Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck and tried to laugh while saying, "Why do I feel like this is a date?"

Evan frowned a bit, but opened up the front door and walked out of the house so Jonathan didn't see it, whispering, "I wish it was."

Jonathan tilted his head, but grabbed his house keys and walked out of the house, making sure the door was locked before running after Evan.

"Hey, Vanoss?" Jonathan said as he jogged up next to him, fixing his mask. Evan turned his head to look at him, "Yeah?"

"Where are we going?" Jonathan asked.

"Well... considering I only wanted to walk to clear my head, and we do have food at the house... how about we go and get some ice cream? Sound good?" Evan asked, with a warm smile.

"Sounds good, Evan." Jonathan simply said as they continued walking.

And they were walking pretty close. You could say they were close to holding hands, but each time one of them would touch each other, they would just flinch. They didn't talk to each other either, Evan would be just looking around, staring in outterspace but still paying attention to where he was going, while Jonathan just looked down at the ground.

Once they arrived in front of Wendy's, Evan and Jonathan walked through the parking without a word until the silence was broke.

"Thanks." Jonathan said quietly, blushing a bit underneath his mask. Evan stopped walking and looked at Jonathan, "For what?"

"For being my best friend."

Time Skips - 7 minutes later

 "It's gonna melt before we even get home! Just fucking eat it!" Evan chuckled at Jonathan, who was struggling to not get melted ice cream all over his hands. They were walking back home but considering how warm it was outside, they had to eat it on the way home otherwise it would get... messy.

"I can't!" Jonathan cried out while Evan was dying of laughter.

"Yes you can!" Evan shouted.

"No I can't, my mask is in the way..." Jonathan quietly said, calming down as he looked at Evan. Jonathan stopped in his tracks but kept his eyes on Evan. Evan noticed the sudden attention and stopped walking and looked back at Jonathan, confused like.

"Vanoss, could you use your free hand and put my mask on backwards? I don't wanna get it all sticky and shit." Jonathan said, looking down a bit. 

Evan raised an eyebrow at him, he was confused and a bit nervous on why Jonathan was suddenly acting like this towards him. He hesitated a lot to say anything, until, someone said something in the cutest way possible. Evan couldn't help but smile.

"Please, Evan?" Jonathan said, quietly as he looked at Evan with his baby blue eyes through the holes in his mask. He switched his ice cream cone in his other hand due to it making his hand sticky.

Evan smiled at him, "Sure, Delirious." He said, getting close to him.

Evan used his free hand and grabbed Jonathan's mask. Jonathan filched a little but then calmed down as Evan turned his masked around, revealing his face. The first thing Evan noticed was Jonathan baby blue eyes and he smiled lightly at them.

Evan had the urge to just kiss him right then and there, but he Evan knew better. So instead Evan pulled away and breaked the awkward silence between them. "You know, you have a habit of calling my name when you need help." Evan stated.

Evan and Jonathan started walking again. Only this time, slower and closer to each other as they ate.

"That's because I can always count on your to help me." Jonathan said, smiling like an idiot. He loved the fact that Evan was always there, always by his side.

Evan nudged Jonathan, "Come on, don't get all fluffly on me." Evan said, Jonathan giggled, but then blushed at the next thing Evan said, "But yeah, I'll always be there for you. Forever and always."

Time Skips

Vanoss' POV

"Go wash your hands." I said as we entered his house, he nodded and giggled and rushed over to the bathroom. I took our garbage and threw them away, saying, "Also, Delirious?"

"Yeah?" I heard him in the bathroom as I entered the living room. "Can we just have a you and me day for the rest of the day?" I asked, hoping that he doesn't go back to Slender. 

"But Evan, I have to go back to Sle-" Before he could finish that sentence I cut him off, " Del, You need some time off of that game. Please, for me?"

I heard Jonathan sigh, "Alright. What are we gonna do then?" He asked me.

"Do you wanna play video games?" I asked, but them quietly added, "Because I'd love to button smash you."

"What was that?" I heard him ask as he stepped out of the bathroom. I felt my face heat up and mumbled, "Nothing."

"Uh huh, anyways, I don't really wanna play any video games, unless its..." He trailed off and looked at the ground, which made me sigh, "Unless it's Slender.. I know." I stated.

He took off his mask and tossed it on his coffee table, sitting down on the couch. He looked like he was thinking about something, or daydreaming about something. 

I bit my bottom lip, "Movie night?" I asked.

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me, "Depends on the movies."

"Scary movies?" I asked.

He hesitated to answer, he looked like he was thinking, debating.

'Maybe he doesn't wanna watch a scary movie because of that Slender bull crap.'

Maybe... but I could use this to my advantage...

"Jonathan." I said, he instantly looked at me, "If you get scared or anything, you know you could always hold my hand." I coquetted, which made him blush and look away.

"Gotcha Delirious." I said, with a wink, which made him blush more.  

I walked over to him and sat next to him on the couch, "So what do you say, scary movie night?"

He was still blushing and trying to calm his face down, but he answered me anyways, "Whatever, Evan. Sure."

I smiled proudly and said, "Alright, then its a date."


Date? o:


I don't know how I'm doing three stories at a time, its weird... but it's easy.

Anyways, I hope you like ~

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