Chapter 14: Too Many Emotions

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Song:  Troye Sivan - The Fault In Our Stars (Starts at 2:00 for the video)

Delirious' POV

This so called 'date', was scary as hell.

5 horror movies in a row, and it's about to be midnight.

I was covered in blankets, I looked like a sister from chruch.

I was really close to Evan, which was giving me all these emotions.

This whole night was a disaster and its Mr Vanoss' fault.

My emotions were all over the place. I was scared. I was nervous. I was comfortable. I was happy. I was annoyed. I was touched. I was miserable. I was skeptical. 

And it's all because of this night. 

I was scared due to the movie frightening me too death, I hate jumpscares and I hate the fact that I'm a pussy. I was nervous and comfortable at the same time because I was so close to Evan. I was happy that he wanted to do something but I was annoyed at the fact that this is what he wanted to do. I was touched because he was comforting me each time when I got scared. But I was also miserable because I love him too death and I just wanted to curl up next to him. But I was confused, because Evan actually had his arm around me, holding me close to him, and he called this a date.

Does he know the meaning of the word? Date? Date means a social or romantic appointment or engagement. Does he know what romantic means? It means conducive to or characterized by the expression of love. Does he fucking know what love means?

Love; feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone, a person or thing that one loves, an intense feeling of deep affection.

Does Evan actually love me? Does he actually feel the same? Is that the reason, each fucking night, when I hear his voice, I hear him say 'I love you'?

Or is this all my imagination...?

Was this me, giving myself false hope?

False hope; To look forward to something that has a strong chance of not happening and you may or may not know it.

I instantly became sadden by this. Evan was just doing what a good best friend would do, right? He wouldn't love me like I love him. He's not even gay. What the fuck am I thinking?

Thinking that my best friend actually loves me back. 

I was too busy in my own little world to have noticed that I wasn't by Evan anymore. I was on the other side of the couch, with tears silently rolling down my cheeks. The movie was over too, Evan was looking at me worried as ever.

"Jonathan? What's wrong?" Evan asked in the most concerned voice ever. I just shook my head and got up, "I'm going to bed." I simply said, walking to my room.

But I was stopped. Evan grabbed my arm, making me stop.

But did I dare to look at him? No. I just pulled my arm away and stood there, looking at the ground as he spoke. "Del, tell me what just happened? One moment you were okay and then the next, you suddenly break out in tears, what happened?"

I didnt answer him. Whats the point? The answer was stupid and it might make him hate me. The answer is pointless.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, but his voice cracked.

Yes Evan... you did do something.

And that was making me fall in love with you.


Vanoss' POV

I couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty of him bursting into tears. Was it the movie? Or did some kind of thing hit him? Was it because he was too close to me..? Does he think I was being friendly..? Did I really do something?

God damnit!

I wanted to tell him so badly that I love him, but I'm waiting for the right moment, day, month, maybe even a year. But one day I'm going to tell him, I just hope it wont be too late.

"No, you did nothing. Lets just go to bed. I have to face him again and I know you want sleep before I wake you up with my screaming." He said as he walked in his room.

"Fuck life itself." I said underneath my breath before walking in his room.

Fuck it, I need to tell him. Just not now.


"The weight of a simple human emotion weighs me down, more than the tank ever did."

Hope you liked the chapter, sorry its short ouo

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