Chapter 21: The End Is Here

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Song: The Cab - Take My Hand

Delirious' POV

I looked out the window and looked down. I didn't see his body anywhere, did he fall inside a bush or something? I can't tell!

I looked behind me and saw that suit standing close yet far behind me. My eyes widened even more and I booked it out the window. I grabbed a whole of the window and jumped on the ledge, I started scudding away from the window attic and handing to the roof of the pool, where Evan said to go. And that's when the voice appeared;

"Player Vanoss has -"

It was cut off, I didn't hear it anymore, due to one of Slenders tentacles going through the wooden wall that was between me and him. It didn't hit me, but it was close. I kept scudding and scudding until I was at the edge of the ledge. I had a jump to the roof, the roof that would keep me safe. I took a deep breath and blocked out all sound. I backed up a bit so I had a running start, I just hope I don't slip.

Another tentacle bursted through the wall, but that didn't make me lose my focus on jumping. In fact, that gave me the boost I needed in order to run and jump and land on the roof without breaking a bone, or sweat really.

I sighed and looked back at the attic, the tentacles were gone and so was Slender. I guess I really am safe here.

I wish Evan was here, he would've been safe too. I wonder if he died or if he's still alive? That stupid tentacle cut him off! But then again, he could be dead.. The voice never comes on like that unless someone died.

I sadly sighed and looked down as the music faded. He's dead. He's gone. And it's all my fault because I couldn't pull him up.

"Look on the bright side, if you win, you both win."

I rolled my eyes and jumped off the roof, landing on the ground. Thank god it wasn't a big fall like it was before.

Like before...

I turned my head to where I saw Evan fall and ran over to the bushes and walked in them. He wasn't here. There wasn't even anything that intricate that anyone fell and hit the ground over here. Do bodies disappear like that if they die? It's been a long since I've atually played this nightmare with anyone.

"Well you never know. He could be alive."

I rolled my eye's, there's no way and this game messes with you mind so much, you could even say that this was real life.

"Well, what if it was?"

I deeply sighed and walked off. I needed to get the eighth page and just end this madness, tonight, right now.

"Good luck with that."

I walked back inside the mansion and there was a sudden change to the place. There was candles everywhere, knock one over and the house could burn down. My mask would've helped me out, protecting my face from the heat of the flames if that ever happened, but I didn't have my mask on me this time though. Oh god, now that I said something about that, it's bound to happen.


I sighed and kept looking around the place. I threw pillows everywhere, trying my best to not knock down a candle. I ripped apart every box or blanket I saw. I ran everywhere, knocking everything off the shelfs. Where the fuck is this last page?!



I listened to the voice of this game and headed over to the staircase. I always hated going up and down these god damn stairs. It takes too much energy and I'm just so lazy.

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