.Simple crap part 2.

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So I thought that I'll make a series out of the previous chapter, of simple crap

Second part: Toxic beautystandards

Now the first question is: What is beauty?

  True beauty is the state of being authentic and sincere in a way that extends love to yourself and others. It feels real, safe, alive, playful, flowing, authentic, life-giving. This truth doesn't mean that beauty never has anything to do with our clothes or hair or bodies or faces.

The definition of beauty is the quality that provides pleasure to the senses or to the mind by behavior or attitude. An attractive young lady, a stunning flower and a mother cat taking care of her kittens are all examples of beauty. A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

"I was struck by her beauty"

The explanations above  differ in the slightest. But beauty is subjective, it has to do with culture, ethnic backgrounds, social standards and etcetera.

Beauty in the western world means  having  a tan complexion, sharp jaw cheeks and lips so thick that it better look like  a second butthole, and the body....... having wide plastic  hips and huge implanted brests and thin  waist so you basically  gotta look like a Bratz doll.

Whereas beauty in Eastern world means having not just fair, it means having albino or sickly white leukemia skin. Legit it like so am not kidding. And don't even  get started on the body......you basically need to be just skin and bones!

But beauty standards weren't  always  like so right???


Cause this universal beauty standards go way back to internalized racism ideologies and colourism due to the Colonization of the western world. That was a time of racial supremacy that de humanized people of color the white colonists  taught our fore fathers that our race is inferior due to our skin  colors. They taught  people of color  that white is best white is beauty. The colonists took away  different versions of beauty from different cultures and degraded them. After the Korean War in 1950s and early 1960s, European  doctors  performed  double eyelids surgery on Korean women to make  them more attractive in the eyes of white soldiers and performed the same surgery on Korean men to "fix" their original eyes cause their  squinting eyes ment that they can't be trusted. Hence the plastic surgery obsession in korea. Black children were brain washed into believing that white is beauty and black is filth. Hence their obsession with skin.
Don't even get me started, hair. Europeans introduced people of color to straight hair and  straightening products and continuously showed us advertisements of straight hair or wavy hair to make straight haired people think that curls are beautiful and curly haired people think that straight hair is beautiful. Hence the sale of their


During the times of patriarchy and misogyny women were taught to look, dress and present themselves in a certain manner that makes them appealing to the eyes of men. And this was taught to them by their mothers  and them by their's.  And this continues in certain families to present day. Women were valued based on their looks and appearance  rather than their talents whereas men were valued based on their professional success and strength. Women were taught to serve men to the point that they had  no right to question them, ladies were taught by their mothers or mother in law's  to be "disciplined", look and dress a certain way so they could present themselves  as the perfect property housewives. A recent  add campaign in Malaysia  told women that they need to dress up pamper up, put on makeup, do the chores and respect their men to avoid  domestic  disputes.


The beauty industry and media bombard young girls and women with the western ideal of beauty on a global scale. Women are highly objectified and sexualised even from a really young age. The tell you what is conventionally pretty and what isn't. They tell you to pamper up for the approval of men. (Even though men in general hate the usage of makeup)  in a woman's magazine there's ten times more dieting and weight loss content compared to men's magazine ( cause you idiots actually try it ). All in the name of self care. During the showing of love island tey deliberately placed plastic surgery adverts in between the brakes. They target middle class people with disposable income to buy their products.


Personal  thoughts to all of these above. 

We are basically supporting hundreds of years of pain and misogyny by following  these toxic ideology of beauty kindly try and make a difference.

Okay  the chapters getting kinda long  so I'll  make a part two if anyone wants it .


Can some of you help me gain followers or suggest my this book to someone who really needs it? Or share it? Cause ik a lot of people could do with a little bit of advice on life thats all I  wanna do help someone believe in life.

Also life's getting busy for me so I'm extremely sorry for staying inactive. I'm  slowly drafting all my chapters so updates will be slow 🐌.

Sorry again and stay safe you all.🙃

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