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Hey am back and I'll do a double update as all of ur Christmas present 🎁

So guys since I wrote about fear in my previous chapters, I thought how about I write on insecurities on this chapter?

When I googled insecurities I found two different meanings of it

1.Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

2. The state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection.

Now let's discuss the first meaning as that's the main topic for today.

Insecurity, or in other words self doubt. Its one problem everyone suffers from often times. It can be minor or major. Sometimes it is developed from critical judgement of elders throughout ones childhood or a traumatic experience and definitely social media like Instagram addiction or Pinterest.

Another problem that leads to insecurity is rejection or hearing s*it like your unworthy throughout your early life.

Now growing up in a conservative society in a third world country full of hypocrites who demand perfection, I am really an insecure kid, honestly. Cause no matter what anyone does its a problem. Not getting full marks in school means your future is ruined, being slim means your anorexia or 'sl**y'. Being healthy means your fat. Raising your voice makes you mannerless. Cutting your hair means u forgot your femininity. Not getting your pms on time confirms your pregnant 🙄.
Now anyone growing being taunted in every step is bound to be insecure. But how long will you let that tie you down?

Anyways if anyone understands everything is a problem and u find few and FEW people who aren't hypocrites. As a matter of fact most of my classmates or kids who surround me are too very insecure and unsure of themselves including me.

Now lets divide the sorts of insecurity we feel.

1. Unworthy or failure
2. Body image
3. Facial beauty
4. Relationship
5. Loneliness
6. Negetive beliefs 
7. Social skills
8. Past trauma
9. Rejection
10. Perfectionism
11. Exhibition of emotions

Now these are the ones I figured are common among most people.

Now lets discuss each of them one by one

1. Unworthy or failure.
Now I've seen this specific insecurity in almost every other person. This insecure feeling of unworthiness comes from trauma, negetive thoughts or someone constantly taunting you with it. Now when the dark side of your conscience taunts you with this feeling of unworthiness face your own self and firmly reply to it in a big fat NO. Think of all the good things you've done, all the people you've helped, the dreams you've built, how can you be unworthy when no one can replace who you really are. That doesn't mean be arrogant though 😌
Anyways now failure. Everyone had to face failure often times in life every great person had to in fact. Now you have to learn from your failures to work harder you have to let them teach you to correct yourself, your problems. Instead of letting your failures holding you back let them help you fly instead. Try as long as you have hope.

2. Body image
Now this is a huge issue among men, women, boy and girls. Literally everyone has insecurities about their bodies. Flat women like curves, Curvy women like flat. Men feel insecure about their height, privates and Physical setbacks. Now to fight these types of Insecurities first stop giving a fudge about what people think and stop comparing yourself to Instagram models. Cause those pics are heavily edited, they wear corsets, nip tapes and god knows what else. They wear body make up to hide streach marks so they have their flaws like every other human . Don't think they are perfect and you have to be as well to meet anyone's expectations. Now for men if anyone tell you mean stuff about your body then simply cut them off. Don't stay in touch with people who are toxic and make u insecure. Work out if thats what you need and think what's good for you and learn to except yourself cause there's nothing you can do to grow taller after a certain age. Plus look at Jakie Chan he is somewhere around 5'2 or 4'11 mabe but the dude's such a charmer. So your talent matters learn to slowly except yourself. Back to ma ladies if you're fat on an unhealthy level then workout its good for you when someone urges you to workout instead of taunting you then know that this person means best for you. Also don't workout like V/S models that'll ruin your face and is unhealthy. Don't stress if you have less curves (which I do and honestly sucks seeing other girls shake their booties 😔) Your body is gods work of art learn to respect and take care of it, learn to appreciate it.

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