. let yourself live.

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Hey! I again didn't receive any PM's so idk what sort of problems most of you going through and need help with forgive me for that .

So today I'll write about depression self harm and how all this leads to suicide.

Now its not necessary to be old to have depression. Now a days i kind of feel that teenagers suffer from depression more often. Yes adults have issues as well. But I think they know how to sort their emotions better than most kids can.

Now lets start at how people usually mess up their lives. Now every human is born as an innocent life right?
How dose their heart end up poisoned?

The answers is the society, the answer is bad influence and emotional conflicts and ignoring your conscience also plays a major part in it. Then at the end of the day when you look at yourself you find a big mess instead of the real you. Am i right?

Lets look at how this world changes an innocent and loving child into a ruthless person.

First this child suffers when they enter school. He/ She first experiences bullying. Then gets treated horribly for stepping up and raising their voice against injustice. Now isn't it funny that when someone is genuinely different people will degrade person instead of appreciating that person.

The next happens in family. Son be a man, son don't let any lady influence you. Daughter girls don't dress like that. Girls should be calm.

My child quietly bear with injustice and don't you dare raise your voice. This is what you will get from at least one member of your family.

The next part comes when you are a teen and everyone expects you to be an adult. Yet they take decisions for you.

Now thats how an innocent person is ruined Into being absolutely ruthless. Cause by then you know that how horrible the world is and no one can be trusted. And the same people who hurt you will pretend that they did nothing wrong and you are the real mistake.

So you need to fight and cut these people off of your life cause they don't deserve you. And make sure to not lose yourself in the process of fighting. Life is a merciless war which is the truth. In this war you need to find yourself, and your people.

Also make sure to never change for these people who hurt you. Don't lose yourself or the real you, cause if you do then you've let them won and have let yourself down. People who are not worth your decency or nice side do not deserve see it so only show your nice self to the people who deserve it.

In other words the whole speech was there so that you lot learn to love and accept yourselves.

Now enough with the off topic useless rambling lets get to the real part.

Now many things can lead to Depression, it can be cause of messy life, emotional conflicts, disputes among friends, breakups , family drama and even day to day things.

Now I came out of depression about a month ago. Now what was the cause. So after going through my emotions, I figured that I was upset for a really simple reason. I want to go in to any details of my personal life so I'll keep it brief.

I personally am a really outgoing girl who for some reason likes working. But obviously during quarantine am stuck at home, which means that i can't stick to my sweaty routine. Everyone has something they genuinely like and me being the weirdo I liked studying and well running am not that crazy okay.

So the quarantine messed me up and I was brooding for months sooooooo I started to brainstorm and thats how i ended up plotting 'Adventures of Kitty Toothless ' which to be honest helped me through it all. Afterwards I started practicing a daily routine which am still working on I'll work harder so cheer for me.

So all my ranting should have explained that you can be depressed for the simplest of stuff. Now what you can do is to stop thinking negetively. Now HOW to do that cause 90 percent of the times your head is gonna think negetively. I almost always assume the worst. So how to stop having bad thoughts?

Well for me personally I keep away from dark stuff and bad things when I am feeling down and it helps a lot. No offense to anyone but if you feel suffocated by dark themed stuff like writings, books, movies and etc then just completely cut those off.

Recently I found some novels online which basically treat women like slaves and those women never fight and accept all these injustice. Now these really made me feel suffocated, and i felt like i was drowning while reading these. So I totally cut them off. I also started watching fifty shades and stopped halfway cause again I hated it. No offense to the fifty shades fans.

*Whispers* But I really don't know why people loved the fifty shades series so much? 😑

Anyways, I also went through some shit which sort of made me realize, people genuinely admire effed up people and encourage them to be more effed up am i right? Like most people never appreciate someone discouraging them before they do the wrong stuff but they love it a lot when the wrong people encourage them to do the wrong deeds. Why?

So keep those people around who will keep you grounded and stop you from taking steps the wrong way. To be honest I stopped hanging out people who are bad for me like a long time ago and after praying for so long i have amazing friends now. So don't get tricked by the wrong people cause the right ones are waiting for you out there. Don't push the right ones away they are ment for you.

Now take time for yourself to figure out the roots of your problems and cut em off if its a messy life , simply work on putting it back together, if its a toxic relation or friendship the cut it off if necessary. Or talk to those people and communicate and if that doesn't work the simply cut en off.

Now the main steps you need to take when you are Depressed or in a bad place is to communicate, find a hobby, and secure a routine.

With communication, Now everyone needs people in life. Don't deny it, this wont make you week. If your problems are too much then pay visits to a therapist. Taking steps towards curing your self only makes you a fighter, your own hero so learn to help yourself.

Find your passion and work for it, learn to help yourself, Don't deny your problems.

Especially boys. You men bottle you emotions the way mothers bottle breast milk like really guys. When will men understand thats bottling up you emotions only makes you situation worse. It slowly kills you. Leaning on someone makes you brave cause you took the risk of searching help. And ladies help the boys around you and please stop being so ignorant to their feelings. Don't deny it, more than half of the time we ignore our brothers when they are having emotional conflicts as if they are not even humans. So stop it before everything both men and women are humans. I hate it so much when men and their emotions are ignored like its nothing. So the ladies pay more attention to your dads and brothers if you don't. Save people.

And boys its no shame to accept help from your friends, family or girlfriends.

🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾Now please forgive me again cause its 3 am in the morning and I haven't slept so I'll excuse myself and talk about Suicidal stuff the next chapter

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Now please forgive me again cause its 3 am in the morning and I haven't slept so I'll excuse myself and talk about Suicidal stuff the next chapter. Forgive me.


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