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Regina and Emma were stood on the Pont des Arts bridge, standing side by side as they looked over to water. Regina moved her hand across and held her girlfriends in a soft grip. Emma looked across and smiled, catching the brunettes attention. She then saw someone walking towards them on the bridge, causing her to let go and look back at the water. Regina just silently sighed and looked down, knowing she should be use to this by now.

"It's beautiful, isn't it" Emma said with a smile, admiring the view around her.

"Yeah, it is" Regina said with slight disappointment, looking at the blonde a little upset.

Emma glanced down the bridge beside her, checking for people. She looked the other side quickly so Regina didn't see. No one else was on the bridge. Emma moved and stood behind her girlfriend, hugging her and holding her close in her arms. Regina smiled as she placed her hands over the blondes, looking over her shoulder at her.

"I love you, Regina. I really fucking do" Emma said with a chuckle, placing a soft kiss on the woman's neck.

"I love you too, buttercup" Regina giggled with a smile, resting her head on the blondes shoulder.

"I have something to ask you" Emma said with a smile, stepping away from the brunette to look at her.

"As long as it leads to me screaming your name at the top of my voice like last night, ask away" Regina said with a smirk, turning round and curling her fingers around the blondes jackets.

"It might" Emma said with a smirk, slipping her hands onto the brunettes hips. 

Regina bit her lip and gave her signature wink. They both leaned in and shared a soft kiss that was filled with passion. Regina used the jacket to keep her close, slowly deepening the kiss. It was their favourite kiss, one that was deep and slow.  Emma split their lips but stayed really close to her.

"You better ask before I rip your close off right on this bridge" Regina said with a shit eater grin as she held the blonde as close as she could.

"Not in public" Emma said, chuckling as if it was a joke but both knew it wasn't.

Regina just shrugged off the comment, not wanting to think or address it. Emma looked both ways to check no one was on the bridge, it was 12 at night so no one was there. She then went down on one knee and took a black box out of her pocket, shocking the brunette.

"Emma, what are you doing" Regina asked with a look of pure shock, worried as to what was going to happen.

"I love you so much... Will you marry me, Regina Mills" Emma said with a huge smile, opening the box to reveal a diamond ring.

Regina just looked at her in shock. All the images of Emma flinching from her, moving away, sneaking around all played in her mind. The one that stuck the most was Emma checking both ways before proposing. She closed her eyes, looked away and shook her head.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore" Regina replied with a cracked voice, tears welling in her eyes as it was hard to say.

"What" Emma asked with a small bit of shock, not expecting them to break up for this.

"I can't, I'm sorry. I have to go"


"No, I can't" Regina cut in with a shake of her head, walking backwards to leave.

Emma watched as Regina turned around and walked off the bridge. Her shock was all over her face. She just stood on the now empty bridge, unsure whether to scream or cry.

"It broke my heart to leave her but I couldn't do it" Regina explained, looking between the table and her best friend.

"And now you're sleeping with her... Again" Carla questioned with a slight laugh of disbelief, shocked by what was said.

"I'm not sleeping with her" Regina said with a frown, looking up from her lunch. Carla raised an eyebrow to show she knew the brunette was lying. "I just have sex with her some times, that's it"

"Oh is that it, is it? You're sleeping with your husband's daughter who turns out to be the ex who proposed to you and you turned down" Carla sighed with a sarcastic tone in her voice, still shocked by the woman's comment.

"I don't mean to sleep with her, they were all accidents" Regina said with a nervous look, knowing this isn't a good situation.

"What, you slipped and fell?" Carla questioned with a shocked face, her eyebrow staying high in the air to show the disbelief.

"We argue like crazy, we fight and then end up kissing and doing it" Regina sighed dramatically as she knew her best friend was being extra.

"You are insane" Carla laughed with a shake of her head, never expecting this from her. Regina laughed a little as she massaged the back of her own head due to stress from this. "I don't think you hate her though"

"No I don't hate her, I still care about her so much and that's what I hate" Regina said with a sad face, rubbing her eyes to relieve her stress. "She drives me fucking nuts though" Regina said with a laugh, causing one from her best friend.

"You are the last person I thought would do this" Carla chuckle, placing her fork into her mouth to continue eating.

"Yeah, I know. She's going to be here for another 5 months at least, I may be in a mental hospital by then" Regina sighed dramatically, already exhausted by the blonde.

"How's being married to John? Does he still want to sleep with you" Carla asked with a curious face, giggling a little at the thought.

"Yep but I won't, I'm a raging lesbian for a reason. I can deal with the kissing and the making out but that man isn't going inside me" Regina replied with a small laugh, causing her best friend to chock on her food as she laughed.

"Oh my god" Carla laughed, her eyes tearing up at how much she was choking and laughing.

"It's even worse now I know who his daughter is, makes me feel sick to even think about sleeping with him"

"Especially since you'd rather do his daughter"

"I'd rather marry that closet queen asshole than have sex with any man" Regina sighed in exhaustion, still giggling along with the other brunette.

"At least he's a gentleman about it and doesn't make you" Carla said with a smile, lifting her glass to take a drink.

"True, he's a nice guy... Just not my type, I'd prefer if-"

"He was his daughter?" Carla cut in with a chuckle, causing the brunette to think about it.

"Well, yeah. She's really hot; I forgot, over the years, just how hot she is" Regina said with passion in her voice at the subject she was speaking.

"I give it two months and you'll be in love with each other" Carla laughed with an eye roll, seeing it already happening in her best friends eyes.

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