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It's been a week, Regina was still at Johns as she hadn't finalised the paper work to get her parents house back. Due to the house belonging to the step father, she inherited everything he owned instead of  her mother. Regina was sat in the kitchen with John, paperwork all over the island.

"And finally, sign there" John instructed, pointing at the dotted line on the final form. Regina put her signature on the line and placed the pen down, signing in relief at the feeling. "There you go, all done. As of next week, your mother must be out the house and it's all yours"

"I don't even feel bad about making her leave, she's with her toy boy every night so the house is usually empty" Regina said with a slight chuckle, unable to form more of a laugh about the woman. "Also, I am going to be taking back my step father's company"

"What happened to the view job" John questioned, knowing the brunette has a contract with them.

"My contract is just once a week where I do a video call to update about news over here in LA life. I am taking his company back as it's mine, you're now looking at your new partner" Regina said with a smile, knowing she's excited to get the company properly this time.

"Well, I finally have a partner I'll get along with" John chuckle, nudging the woman's shoulder with a smile. They both laughed together as she gather all the forms. "So, now the business is done, lets talk about what's bothering you"

"What do you mean"

"You have been moping about this place all week"

"My problems involve your daughter, I don't think you'd want to talk about that" Regina said with a chuckle, slouching down on the island stool.

"Try me" John laughed, sitting beside the woman to encourage her to talk.

"Alright, I slept with Emma and-" Regina started with a sigh, glancing across at the man.

"No, I take it back. I don't want to hear about my daughter's sex life" John cut in with a disgusted look, cringing in his own skin.

"Didn't think so, thank you for the offer though" Regina laughed with a smile, resting her head on the man's shoulder to hug him. 

"If it helps, she went through a lot before she finally admitted to herself that you were gone... Emma missed you, don't believe her bullshit if she says she didn't" John softly said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Regina chuckled as she gave the man a squeeze, knowing that actually helped her. "Anyway, isn't your high school reunion tomorrow night" John asked, standing up from the stool to walk around the island.

"Oh fuck, it is. I'm not going to that" Regina sighed dramatically, rubbing her eyes due to all her stress.

"How come? I know Em is going" John questioned curiously, lifting his drinking to his lips.

"Because the whole school doesn't know she's gay unlike me. I still got messages saying I knew you were a dirty dike and stuff like that, I can't be bothered with all that... Even more so, I'd have to watch my ex go up on stage as prom queen then dance with her gorgeous model of a girlfriend" Regina replied, chuckling a little to hide the pain it caused her.

"Don't let that stop you, you're a successful woman who's a TV presenter and owns one of the biggest company's in America. Walk in there with power and show them who's boss" John encouraged with a smile, nudging the woman's shoulder. "As for Emma, she doesn't want Juliana going with her"

"How come" Regina quickly asked, sitting up as those words caught her attention.

"I don't know, she just said that she told Juliana not to come" John replied with a shrug, knowing his daughter doesn't explain much.

"Dad? I need your help with something" Emma called out, closing the front door and heading towards the kitchen. She walk in and instantly locked eyes with Regina, unsure why she was so taken back to see her. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt"

"It's alright, we were done anyway" Regina replied awkwardly, standing up from her stool to leave.

"Are you coming tomorrow" Emma asked, knowing she secretly wants the brunette there with her.

"I, umm" Regina started, thinking about whether she wanted to. She glanced at John and he gave her a small smile, encouraging her to go. "Yeah, why not. I'll see you tomorrow, Butter- Emma"

As Regina left, Emma felt her heart chip at the words said. Never, in all the years they'd known each other, had Regina gone to use to nickname and changed it to Emma. Even when they were fighting or when Regina was married to John, she never hesitated once saying the name. It hurt Emma's heart to hear that. The blonde let her body drape over the island in exhaustion, signing dramatically.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all" John said with an awkward tone, grabbing a beer for his daughter.

"Ugh, dad, what am I going to do? Juliana is having a huge bitch fit that I didn't want to take her to the reunion but I'm going with Regina. I don't think she gets we went to school together, of course we're going to be at the same reunion! She's annoyed because I'm choosing Regina for this, trust me, I'm trying to stay away from Regina at the moment" Emma blurted out in annoyance, knowing she hasn't had the chance to talk about all this to someone.

"Why are you avoiding Regina" John softly asked, knowing the pair need to talk their issues through.

"Because we did something we shouldn't have, then I went and said something I shouldn't have, then we had a huge fight and I don't exactly know how to talk to her after that. Dad, I fucking love Regina with everything I have but she's broke my heart too many times. Now I'm with Juliana and it's good but not great, nothing will ever great because great was Regina" Emma rambled on, talking quickly due to the fear inside her body.

"Hey, hey, calm down" John said softly but quickly, holding her shoulder so they could lock eyes.

As Emma looked into her father's eyes, hers began to tear up. Her body was shaking a little as she tried so hard not to cry in front of the man. John pulled her into his arms and held her close, soothing her like he did when she was young.

"Why did she have to come back now, why did she have to leave" Emma began to cry on the man's shoulder, clinging to him as all her pain came out. "I want her back but my heart can't take it"

"I know this is all hard, you need to talk with her and figure it all out" John soothed, heartbroken at the sound of his daughters cries.

"Don't mind me, just grabbing a drink" Regina said as she walked into the kitchen, worried she was going to interrupt something. As she caught sight of Emma crying on John's shoulder, she dropped her towel from her hand and rushed over to them. "Hey, what's wrong, Emma"

"Nothing, I'm fine" Emma replied, her grip subconsciously loosening on her father's.

"Obviously you're not, Buttercup, you know that you'll always be my best friend and can tell me anything" Regina softly said, rubbing the blondes back gently. John moved Emma from her body and turned her around. Before the blonde could question it, he placed her into Regina's arms to cry. He then left the room to give the pair the alone time they needed. "It's just us now, talk to me" Regina softly said, holding the blonde as close to her as she could.

"I love you... But I don't know if I want to anymore"

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