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The next day, Regina was stood by the pool whilst on the phone.

"Thank you, this is an amazing opportunity but I need to talk with my other half first" Regina said with a smile, her nerves growing inside her.

"That's fine, Miss Mills, we will just need your confirmation by the end of the day. Thank you for your time" a woman said in a British accent, smiling sweetly as she spoke professionally.

"Thank you, goodbye" Regina added, hanging the call up instantly. She sighed as she moved the phone from her ear, sitting down on her sun bed and sighing out of stress. Emma walked out the back door with two pink coladas in her hand, placing one beside the brunette. "Thanks"

"I got great news" Emma said with a huge smile, sitting down on the bed opposite the brunette. Regina looked and showed she was stressed, trying to hide it but unable to. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. What were you going to say" Regina quickly said, shrugging her thoughts away to listen.

"The house is officially ready for us to move in" Emma replied with a huge smile, feeling herself growing more excited.

"That's great. I umm" Regina started, her voice sounding tired and stressed already.

"And when I contacted my work to tell them I'm moving out here, they offered me the chance to be a detective over here. I'm going to be apart of LA's top detective team" Emma happily added, too excited to notice she cut the woman off.

"That's your dream job" Regina said in a shocked voice, almost at a loss of words.

"I know, this is amazing" Emma replied, her smile as wide as it could be. As she looked up, she saw Regina's nervous face and frowned a little in confusion. "What? Is that a bad thing"

"No, no, it's amazing. I'm- I'm really happy for you" Regina said with a fake smile, her eyes tearing up a little.

"No, you're not. What's wrong" Emma softly said, standing up to sit beside the brunette.

"I got offered my dream job too" Regina nervously said, looking down as her mind began to race.

"That's amazing... Why doesn't your face think it's amazing" Emma asked, growing worried at what was to come next.

"The jobs in London" Regina replied in a soft tone, looking up to meet the green eyes in front.

Emma's face dropped. She looked at the brunette in shock as she realised what this meant. Regina teared up more, thinking of what to do and what not to do.

"You mean, England's London" Emma asked in shock, thinking of the distance between them. Regina nodded as she looked down, rubbing her temple with her finger tips. "That's really far away"

"I know... I was going to ask if you wanted to come but I couldn't take your dream job away from you" Regina said with a shocked look upon her face, rubbing her eyes out of stress.

"So what do we do" Emma asked with a dreaded look upon her face.

"I don't know" Regina replied in an almost cracked voice, her eyes beginning to tear up. She sniffled a little more and she slapped her head, gripping her hair in the process to control her anger. "Fuck! I don't know what to do"

"It's ok, come here" Emma softly said, standing up so she could straddle the sunbed and hug the brunette better.

"We were just getting good and the house is finally ready and I fuck it all up" Regina huffed in anger at herself, softly crying a little on the blondes shoulder.

"No, you haven't. I just don't know what we are going to do" Emma replied as she softly rubbed the woman's back, tearing up a little herself. They held each other close as they cried a little and thought. Emma placed a soft kiss on Regina's head while massaging the back of it with her thumb. "What's the job"

"I'll be one of the hosts on a show out there called loose women" Regina replied, knowing that's one of the biggest female news shows in Britain.

"That's a big job, you can't turn that down" Emma said in a soft tone, knowing she'd be a monster to make the brunette turn it down.

"So I should go?" Regina questioned, pulling away to look at the blonde. Emma placed her hands over Regina's cheeks and used her thumb to wipe away all the tears. She simply nodded her answered as she locked their eyes. "What about you, this is your dream job and I couldn't take you away from that" Regina softly asked, feeling so guilty for wanting to follow her dream. Emma just gave her a silent look, heartbreak in her eyes. "You're staying and I'm going"

"Yeah, I guess so" Emma replied in slight shock, looking down to hide she was tearing up again.

"I don't want to leave you again" Regina said in a heartbroken voice, reaching to hold her girlfriends hands.

"It's ok, it just wasn't meant to be this time" Emma softly said, looking up to hold the woman's cheeks again.

"It wasn't meant to be this time, it wasn't last time either, when is it our time" Regina huffed in annoyance, growing angry to cope with the pain.

"I don't know... Maybe we don't get a time" Emma said in a weak and cracked voice, not able to look into the brown eyes as she spoke.

Regina cry a little more, her heart aching in her chest. She leaned in and kissed the blonde softly, both moving into it more. The more it deepened, the slower and more passionate it became. They had a tight grip around each others body, refusing to release it. As they hesitated to pull away, both felt tears starting to come out again.

"No, a kiss doesn't feel like that if you're not meant to be. I have a 3 year contract, I will be back in 3 years and that will be our fucking time" Regina sternly said, showing she wasn't asking but telling the blonde this.

"3 years? I can wait 3 years, easy. You promise you'll come back" Emma asked in a worried tone, knowing the brunette can be a little unreliable.

"I promise" Regina softly replied, holding the blondes cheek in her hand.

"I love you so much"

"I love you even more, Buttercup"

They both moved in and kissed deeply again, refusing to loosen their grip. Both their hearts were aching as they feared something would go wrong in the gap they were apart.

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