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It's a week later, Regina was showing the police out with John. She had just finished giving her final statement about her step dad.

"Thank you for your help" John said with a smile, waving the man away.

"No problem, if you have anything else then contact us" the man said with a polite nod and smile as he left the house.

"I will, thank you" Regina replied, feeling a sense of relief over her body. She stepped out the way and let John closed the front door. "Thank you for your help, John, I couldn't do this without you"

"Of course, I can't let this ungodly act god ahead" John replied with a slight chuckle, knowing he didn't even think twice when agreeing. Regina gave a smile to the man, having always felt respect for the man. "While Emma is out, can I talk to you about what happened and everything"

"Of course, I won't be able to answer certain questions as they are for Emma to answer but you can ask me anything" Regina replied with a chuckle, leading the way towards the lounge. They sat down beside each other and got comfortable, looking to see each other. "So, ask away"

"Did you know who I was when you married me" John asked curiously, worried for a yes from the woman.

"God, no. I only found out when you introduced us and we were in so much shock" Regina replied quickly, remembering that heart slinking day.

"So you both acted like you didn't known each other since she's been here"

"Yep, it was easier for both of us too"

"And somewhere along the line, you fell back in love" John asked curiously, remembering how there was always tension when they were together.

"I wouldn't say that. I think we realised that we never stopped loving each other, we just hid it with hate to make us feel better. The more we were together, the more we realised we didn't hate each other, we hated ourselves for how we handled it" Regina explained, knowing that's how they both felt the whole time.

"I still don't get how I never met you before. If you two dated from 15 to 19, how did I never even meet you as a friend" John asked with a confused look, still trying to piece everything together.

"Neither of us told the other our parents were rich and we were scared one of you would figure it out, mostly Emma" Regina explained, remembering the arguments they had about this. "Instead, we spend our dates and nights and everything at an abandoned house that Emma has been building the last few years"

John just thought about all the answers, still in shock this is all real. He knew why Emma felt like she couldn't tell him and that made him feel like an awful person. Even if he hated gays with a passion, he loved his daughter far more than that. As he looked up at Regina, he saw she had questions for him but was waiting patiently.

"You can ask me anything"

"Why are you ok with all this?"

"My daughter means the most to me. Since the day she was born, I promised to love her with everything I have until we die. When her mother died, I needed someone to blame in order to handle the pain and I decided all gay people were at fault for something that one man did. Even if I hated them with a passion, nothing will stop me from letting my daughter be happy" John explained, showing the passion in his voice about his daughter.

Emma was stood in the doorway, waiting to make a big entrance when she heard that. She smiled at the words, her heart warming up inside. She stepped in, catching both their attentions. Before anyone could speak, Emma sat beside her father and hugged him with a small smile.

"Thank you" she softly said, feeling so happy for the first time in a long time.

"You're welcome, my little seal" John said with a smile, holding his daughter with a squeeze.

Emma's eyes doubled in size at the old nickname from when she was a kid. Regina put her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter coming out, it didn't work. John looked confused at the brunette before his daughter.

"Don't call me that, I'm not 5 anymore" Emma said with an embedded look, hiding her face from the brunette.

"Awe don't be like that, you use to love me calling you that" John said with a laugh, standing from the sofa as he did. "I'll leave you girls to it, I have some papers to read and sign"

"Bye, dad" Emma said with a wave, watching as her father left the room. Once gone, Emma threw a pillow at the laughing brunette opposite her. "That's not funny"

"It's hilarious" Regina said, still laughing her head off as she hugged the pillow.

"It's not, he called me that because he thinks seals are really adorable" Emma said with a dramatic sigh, turning red at the cheeks.

"Awe, that's so cute and so funny" Regina said as she giggled more at the blush on the blonde. She stood up and sat beside Emma, kissing to stop the laughter. The kiss deepened as they moved up closer, holding each other tighter. "Upstairs?"

"Let's go" Emma quickly said, pulling away from the kiss and grabbing the brunettes hand.

They giggled like school girls as they went up the stairs, heading straight for Emma's room. As the door closed, the blonde felt herself pressed up against the door. Regina waisted no time in kissing Emma, deep and full of passion. She slid her hands down the blondes body and unbuttoned her jeans, being gentle and delicate to tease. She pulled away from the kiss with a smirk, using Emma's jeans to pull her to the bed. She pushed her onto it without waisting time to climb on top.

"I missed you this morning, you were gone before I woke up" Regina said into the blondes ear, her hands roaming about her stomach.

"Well I was going to wait and surprise you but I guess I could tell you now. I finished the house, I just need electrics run through and it's done" Emma said with a smile, feeling proud of herself.

"You did? You actually finished building the forever home" Regina asked in shock, looking up at the blonde with a smile.

"Our forever home. It's done, one more day and then it's liveable... That is if you'll move in with me" Emma asked with a smirk, pushing her hands through the brunette hair.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you finally did it. Yes, Buttercup, of course I'll move into our house" Regina said, giggling to herself as she rested her head down on the blondes.

They both moved in more and kissed deeply, smiling into it. Regina, since she saw the house, never imagined it actually being built. In her head, she was worried they were moving rather quickly but she didn't want to ruin anything by speaking now. She started kissing down Emma's neck and making her way down the body, removing any item of clothes in her way.

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