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"Yes, dad, I know" Emma sighed as she was driving down the street, using the Bluetooth to speak to her father.

"Why don't you seem more excited to meet the woman I'm married to" John asked with a curious face, walking into his personal bar in the mansion.

"Because it's just going to be another bubble headed bimbo who wants everything you're worth" Emma replied with a slight laugh in disbelief he didn't know that.

"This one isn't, I know for sure. I married her for a business deal with her father" John said with a smile, looking as if he was proud of himself.

"For god sake, dad, you're awful" Emma laughed as she shook her head, not believing what her father was like. "Well I'm just pulling up to the gate now so let me in and come meet me at the door"

"On it" John said with an excited smile, hanging up the phone.

Emma got to the large gate before her, seeing her family name written across the front in gold. The gates soon opened, allowing her to driving in and follow the long path to the front door. The mansion was incredibly big, one of the largest in the world. As she parked up, she saw her father stood with a smile by the door. As he made his way down the stairs, she quickly got out to greet him.

"Hey" Emma said with a big smile, hugging the excited man tightly.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" John chuckled, holding his daughter close due to him missing her a lot.

"It's been awhile, I know but I'm here for a few months at least" Emma said, smiling and chuckling as she slipped out his arms.

"Come in, let's meet the wife" John said excitedly, starting to walk back up the stairs.

"I'll help bring my stuff in quickly" Emma said as she closed her car door, seeing one of the house maids heading towards the trunk of her car.

"Suit yourself, I'll be in the kitchen" John said with a chuckle, knowing his daughter isn't one to let other do stuff for her.

Emma watched as the man went into the house, making sure he was out of sight. She then went around to the back of her car where the maid was. She was a beautiful, skinny girl with a golden tan and long brown hair. She was dressed in a tight maid outfit, picked out by the man of the house. As Emma stood in front of her, she smirked and stood up straight.

"It's nice to see you again, Emma" Jess said in a seductive voice, slowly sliding her hand across the blondes hip.

"Oh, how I missed seeing you everyday, Jessica" Emma replied in a similar voice, bitting her lip at the attractive woman. Emma leaned close to Jess's ear and moved her hair out of the way. "Will I be expecting you tonight" Emma whispered into her ear, sneakily sliding her hand onto the maids hip.

"Always" Jess whispered back, kissing the blondes cheek ever so gently.

"Bring Ashley too" Emma said with a smirk, turning to grab her bag.

Emma had slept with every single woman that worked in her father's house and he had no idea of it, he still thought she was straight. Emma and Jess both gathered the blondes things and carried them to the door, leaving them beside it. Emma checked towards the kitchen before turning to Jess, moving in to kiss the woman. Emma squeezed her ass as she pulled away, smirking at the woman.

"I'll see you tonight, madam" Jess said with an excited smirk, watching the woman walk away.

"Indeed" Emma smirked as she glance over her shoulder, heading towards the kitchen.

Emma opened the door to see her father laughing along with a brunette woman; she had her back to the blonde. As Emma got closer, her father noticed and smiled at her.

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