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Emma and Regina were jogging down the stairs, acting as if they had no idea what was going on. They saw John come out the kitchen and heading to the stairs, finally noticing them.

"Dad, what's going on" Emma asked with a confused face, praying she was wrong about his thoughts.

"You're a lesbian" John asked in shock, not sure how to look other than shocked.

"What?" Emma questioned, looking shocked and confused at the man's conversation topic.

"I know everything! You're a lesbian who is sleeping with my wife who just so happens to be your ex girlfriend, almost fiancé!" John snapped, half angry, half shocked that he didn't know this.

"Oh my god" Regina whispered in fear, unsure what to say or do in this moment.

"Who told you that" Emma asked in so much shock and fear at his reaction.

"Jess just told me everything"

Emma's hands both grew into fists, her anger bubbling inside. She ran past her father and into the kitchen, seeing Jess smirking to herself. Emma ran at the maid, catching her startled attention. Jess sprinted out the other kitchen door and began running anywhere she could to get away.

"It was an accident" Jess quickly said, obviously lying but knowing it was all she could say.

Emma caught up with her and grabbed her shoulders, throwing her against the wall behind her. Regina and John came running over as they watched Emma punch Jess in the jaw. She then threw her onto the floor and climbed on top of the maid, continuing to punch her repeatedly. John rushed over to pull his daughter away, passing her to Regina to check Jess was still awake.

"Emma, calm down" Regina quickly said, holding the blonde away from the maid on the floor.

"You jealous bitch! How could you do this to me" Emma shouted in anger, fighting to get out of the brunettes arms.

"EMMA, ENOUGH" Regina sternly ordered, looking into the woman's eyes to calm her down.

"She sold me out because she was jealous" Emma huffed, looking at the brunette in anger and fear.

"So it's true" John asked in shock, looking from the maid to his daughter.

"Yeah and you know what else? I'm in love with Regina and the only reason I'm not with her is because I KNOW YOU WONT ACCEPT IT" Emma shouted angrily, feeling the fear inside her becoming uncontrollable.

"Emma, how could you n-" John started, cut off by the sound of Jess moaning and sitting up. She had blood under her broken nose, a fat lip to go with it. John looked at her and was shocked to see the damage. "She really got you good"

Emma huffed as she threw Regina off her. She turned around and ran towards the stairs, feeling her tears and fear ready to burst out. She was so scared of how her father would react, she couldn't handle it. Emma went into her room and to her bathroom, locking the door to cry alone. John went to follow but Regina quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Don't" Regina softly said, showing through her eyes that she was begging him.

"That's my daughter!" John snapped to her, ripping his arm out her grip.

"Exactly, that's your daughter. Even if you can't accept gays in this world, accept her. One bad gay person done something horrible and broke your family, I know... But he didn't do it because he was gay, he done it because he was drunk. So don't you dare go up there and scream at her" Regina said in a soft but stern voice, making her point clear.

"Of course I accept her, that's my daughter. I'd be the worst father in the world if I couldn't accept my little girl for who she is, no matter what" John said in a huff, angry he was seen as the bad guy.

"You do? She's been scared for years to tell you" Regina questioned in shock, not expecting that.

"I know I'm not the biggest fan of gay people but I've always needed someone to blame for that night and I'm sorry... But God as my witness, I would never not accept my daughter! She knows that!" John continued, showing the passion and truth in his voice alone.

"Go tell her"

"Are you coming"

"One second" Regina said, using her index finger to show how many seconds. She walked over to Jess and bent down, helping to stand her up. Just before the maid could thank the brunette, Regina punched her as hard as she could and knocked her off her feet. "Fucking perra"

"What does perra mean" John asked on the way up the stairs, not knowing Spanish.

"Bitch" Regina simply replied, leading the way into the blondes room. They heard the shower on and the sound of it hitting the walls, Emma's sobs quietly in the background. "Em, open up" Regina softly said, knocking on the door as she already knew it was locked.

"Emma" John called in, trying to open the door forcefully.

No answer came from the blonde. John gently moved Regina away from the door and backed up a little, kicking the door open. They saw Emma, fully clothes, in the bath tub with the water falling down on her. She looked scared at her father in the doorway, not expecting him to break it down.

"I'm so sorry" Emma said with fear, shaking and crying as her anxiety took over.

John walked over slowly and bent down beside the bath, lifting his young daughter out. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her head on his shoulder, sobbing onto it. He placed her down and instantly hugged her.

"Of course I accept you, Emma. I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me after all these years" John softly said, keeping his daughter close to sooth her.

As those words left his mouth, Emma began crying even more. She felt so relieved and a huge weight off her shoulder, her heart relaxing in her chest. Regina watched them with a small smile, soon turning to leave the room. She went downstairs and noticed Jess was gone, curious as to where she was. She walked into the kitchen to see her holding a frozen bag of peas on her nose.

"I can pop it back into place for you" Regina said with a slight chuckle, walking more into the room and over to her.

"After I done that, you're going to help me? Why" Jess questioned, laughing slightly in disbelief at the brunette.

"Because getting your nose put back into place hurts like a bitch" Regina smirked, rolling her sleeves up to give her arms access. Jess moved the peas and stood facing the brunette, preparing for the pain. Regina placed her hands either side of the broken nose, giggling a little at what was to come. "Alright, ready, on 3... 3" Regina quickly said, snapping the nose back into place.

"Son of a bitch" Jess screamed out in pain, feeling this hurt even more than getting broke.

"Told you, hurts. Next time don't sell out people who trust you, I'll break it so it's unfixable if you do" Regina warned with an angry look, holding the maids face to look at her.

"Ok, I'm sorry" Jess quickly said, nodding nervously as the brunette had always scared her.

Regina released her face, allowing Jess to stumble away. The brunette felt someone using her shoulder to spin her around, a pair of lips crashing into hers. She smiled as she noticed it was Emma. As they pulled away, they both smiled slightly at each other.

"Thank you, dad told me what you said to him" Emma said with a smile, moving brunette hair behind the woman's ear.

"Anytime, buttercup" Regina replied with a chuckle, longingly looking into her eyes.

"Are we actually gonna do this for real this time"

"Yeah, if you'll be my girlfriend that is"

"Of course I will"

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