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Later that evening, Emma and Regina were walking through the woods. They were trying to understand everything that had happened over the 4 year gap.

"So why didn't you ever tell me about your daughter" Regina asked softly, looking everywhere but the blonde.

"We didn't exactly talk much over the years, it never felt like the right moment. Our conversations consisted of saying hello and asking how the other is, that's it" Emma replied with a shrug, shoving her hands into her pockets as she walked.

"True, it was too hard to talk about anything" Regina admitted, remembering how both of them avoided talking to each other. Emma nodded in agreement, knowing she couldn't bring herself to message Regina. "She is so beautiful and sweet though"

"She's amazing, I know she already likes you" Emma replied with a smile, knowing she raised her daughter well.

"I love her, she's just so adorable... Your girlfriend on the other hand" Regina said with a chuckle, looking at the blonde like she's crazy for dating the model.

"I knew from the moment I dated her, you'd end up hating her. She's actually sweet, she's just jealous" Emma said with a small laugh, knowing exactly what her girlfriend is like.

"I believe neither if those things based on what I saw. I mean, what does she have to be jealous of with a body and a face like that" Regina asked, rolling her eyes and laughing at the blondes comment.

"The fact I was in love with you for so long" Emma replied softly, looking down at the dark path beneath her feet.

The words caught Regina's attention. She frowned and let her jaw drop a little, looking at the blonde. Her heart began to ache a little, she already knew it but didn't want to be told it.

"Was?" Regina slowly breathed out, having a small amount of hope that the blonde still did a little.

"Umm... I mean, I guess I... oh who am I kidding, I know I'll always love you" Emma sighed in exhaustion, knowing where her heart will always lie.


"Of course"

"I'll always love you" Regina softly said, starting to slow her walking down. She stopped and looked at the blonde, causing her to stop as well. Regina stepped closer and held Emma's hand in hers, locking their eyes. "So why not come back to me?"

"Gina" Emma hesitantly said, looking at the brunette like she's crazy.

"What? We both just said we will always love each other, so why not? What if this is finally our chance" Regina asked softly, stepping even closer to place a hand on the blondes cheek.

"I'm with Juliana and I do love her" Emma awkwardly said, wanting to step away but unable to force herself.

"But what about me" Regina whispered, in a seductive voice, into the blondes ear.

Emma was frozen in place. Regina moved away from her ear to stand very close to the blondes face. She could see Emma processing what go do in her mind, how she kept hesitating to kiss the brunette.

"Let's keep walking" Emma awkwardly said, moving away to start walking again. Regina sighed and followed behind, not sure why she tried doing that. In Regina's mind, Juliana topped her because she was the most beautiful woman in the world. "So, what will you be doing now you're back"

"When I left loose women, I got a contract with the View and I start next month" Regina replied with a smile, knowing how excited she is for her job.

"That's great, well done" Emma happily said, smiling brightly at the brunettes opportunity.

"Yeah, loose women wanted me for longer but I kept saying I had to come home so they got me a contract with the View" Regina explained, trying to avoid mentioning the blonde was her reason.

"That is really amazing, I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you"

They walked and talked for ages, random silence bits but they were comfortable. Well until they started thinking about the almost kiss they shared, then it became less comfortable. As they walked, they found themselves at Emma's house. Regina looked up and gasped, she hasn't seen the house since it was half done by the blonde. Her heart started to chip at the thought of another woman living in her forever home.

"You never got a chance to see it before you left, want to come in and have a look" Emma softly asked, watching the brunette just staring at it. Regina looked across at the blonde and smiled a little, turning back to the house. She simply nodded her response. "Come on then"

The pair walked to the house. Emma unlocked the front door and gestured for Regina to enter first. As she stepped in, she could barely see anything due to the dark. Emma turned the light on and revealed a gorgeous house, head to toe. It held a modern and vintage style to it that worked together amazingly. Regina let her eyes explore every inch of what was in front of her, taking it all in.

"It's so beautiful" Regina whispered softly, still in shock at how amazing this place was.

"Follow me, I'll show you something I built for you" Emma said with a smile, taking the brunettes hand into hers as she walked.

Regina couldn't decide to look at their hands joined or the house around her. They approached a door Regina recognised, mostly due to the layout of the house. She looked around her and figured out exactly where in the house she was.

"Wasn't this the room me and you mostly done, well you know" Regina asked with a smirk towards the blonde in front.

"It is indeed" Emma replied, chuckling a bit at the memory of them together.

"You didn't build us a sex room, did you" Regina asked with a laugh, knowing what the blonde is like.

"That thought did cross my mind but I think this would make you smile more" Emma replied, pushing the double doors open to reveal the room.

As Regina stepped in, she noticed it was a huge library. Books from the ceiling all the way down, resting against each wall. The room was the biggest in the house, use to be a dining room before it became abandoned. Regina's breath was caught in her throat, she couldn't believe such a thing.

"You done all this for me" Regina asked softly, glancing over her shoulder to see the blonde.

"Yeah, do you like it" Emma asked with a smile, stepping closer to see the brunette.

"I love it" Regina replied, hugging the woman for the amazing gesture.

As she pulled away, she kissed Emma's check and smiled at the books. The blonde looked at her with a little shock at the kiss. Regina noticed and looked at Emma, locking their eyes. She moved some blonde strands behind her ear and held her cheek, stepping a little closer.


"Can I kiss you"

Emma just looked shocked at the words. She knew what she had to say but she always knew she couldn't. She gave the smallest nod, one that could easily be missed if you weren't looking. Regina was though, she didn't miss it. She stepped closer and kissed the blonde, instantly deepening it. Emma clung to Regina's body tightly, letting her hands explore the all over the person she missed most. Regina slid her hands onto the blondes hips and lifted her top off, rejoining the kiss instantly. With the heat and chemistry that existed between them, now they started, it would take a lot to stop.

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