Chapter 38 - The Unexpected Guest

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.

Author's Note: Assalamu'alaykum! I personally hate cliffhangers, so I'm going to have some mercy and post the next chapter xD Are you guys team Laith or team Uthman? You'll be surprised to know that I'm team... you'll see!


Warsan's P.O.V

My mind raced back to the scene after basketball practice with Laith and Uthman speaking to one another in the cold parking lot. Laith had asked Uthman if he was interested in marrying me. Laith said that if he was, he'd back off. But now, he's coming over for dinner. I sat up and gasped.

I guess Uthman gave up. That's what it meant right? Laith asking to come over was clear proof that Uthman had stepped down. Or maybe he never liked me in the first place. And just as I realized the harsh truth, there was a pain in my chest. I was hoping that Uthman would triumph over Laith's expressive and one-sided feelings towards me. But I guess not.

I felt a tear streak down my cheek but quickly wiped my face. Why was I crying? It's not like we were in love or anything. I barely knew him. Out of my friend group, I was the logical and sensible one. I've never sat around and cried over a boy. It wasn't like me. But despite my inner turmoil, the tears that fell from my eyes grew in number, soaking my shirt. I leaned my head against the wall, attempting to clear my mind and process my thoughts.

I was upset. That was obvious. I was upset because I fancied a boy and I thought he liked me too. But it turns out he did not. And that was okay. Life goes on and I will experience so many events in the course of my life that will make me forget all about this, insha'Allah. My purpose in life was far greater than falling in love. Allah created me to worship him alone. So this wasn't a big deal when I thought about it.

But then again, Uthman was different.

I've never met anyone like him before. He was a little older, perhaps wiser. He was a lot more serious than the other brothers I knew of. He carried himself with honour but also humility. From what I could see, he was incredibly well-mannered and knowledgeable. Jannah had told me that he studies and teaches Islam and that if he wasn't so busy taking care of his late father's business, he'd be seeking knowledge full-time. He has a younger brother who looks up to him and respects him. I wish I was given the gift of knowing everything about him. It would be enough for me to just sit and watch him from a distance.

I blinked a few times. I never knew I was capable of admiring someone this much. This wasn't like me at all! Who was I kidding? Uthman isn't perfect. Yeah, he's a lot of good things but lest we forget that time at the hospital when he was high off of his medication! He acted like a clown and it was humiliating just being there.

Though I'd be the fool if I ignored how handsome he was. Everything about him gave me butterflies. The tall and built frame, the beautifully tanned skin and dark eyes. Even the way his lips looked when they were perfectly still enchanted me. From the few words he's uttered to me, his deep voice was so soothing. And the beauty mark on the right side of his cheek never went unnoticed. He was calm and collected. And I loved that.

With a deep breath, I rubbed my eyes. How was I going to get through this dinner? This feeling that I felt... it was as if I had no more energy. I think this is what heartbreak felt like. I cringed at the word.

'What's meant for you will reach you even if it's beneath two mountains, and what's not meant for you won't reach you even if it's between your two lips'. I said to myself. My phone buzzed with a call but I flipped it upside down and stood up. With the strength left in me, I washed up, changed my clothes and prayed two raka'at. After that, I recited the duah said specifically for salah al istikhara; the prayer of guidance recited during times of indecision. Reading it in Arabic and then translating it internally for my understanding relaxed me. Oh Allah, verily I seek the better [of either choice] from You, by Your knowledge, and I seek ability from You, by Your power, and I ask You from Your immense bounty. For indeed You have power, and I am powerless; You have knowledge and I know not; You are the Knower of the unseen realms. O Allah, if You know that this matter is good for me with regard to my religion, my livelihood and the end of my affair then decree it for me, facilitate it for me, and grant me blessing in it. And if You know that this matter is not good for me with regard to my religion, my livelihood and the end of my affair then turn it away from me and me from it; and decree for me better than it, wherever it may be, and make me content with it.

Just then, my mother called my name. I folded my prayer mat and shuffled out of my room, closing the door gently. I wished time went by quickly. Having dinner with Laith was the last thing I wanted to spend my night doing. I could've been in bed right now, snoozing away.

There was a knock at the door. I don't know why but my nerves relaxed significantly. I could hear my father's heavy steps travel towards the front entrance. And then the air was still.

'My son! How are you?' My father exclaimed with a much friendlier voice than I had expected. Junaid stepped out of his room with a matching expression. We were confused.

'Who is it?' He urged, leaning over the railing to get a view of the door. He gasped, ducking and pulling me down.

I chuckled at his silliness, nudging him off of me. 'They can't even see us! What is wrong with you?'

My brother stared at me curiously. 'Have you been crying?' He inquired, leaning forward with an eyebrow raised. I froze, not knowing what to say.

'Uthman, what a gift! May Allah reward you, my child. I've been getting restless reading last week's paper.'

I gasped, inspiring Junaid to reach over and cover my mouth with his hand. I wriggled out of his grasp with difficulty, all while trying to listen in on this unbelievable encounter.

'We're having a special dinner tonight and my wife cooked way too much food. Would you like to join us?' My father added. Uthman must have been standing outside because I couldn't hear a word coming from his mouth.

'Oh, come on, we're the last house on the street! You don't have any more mail to give out. Come, my son. Come inside where it's warm.'

I blinked a few times, completely blindsided. Junaid took pleasure in my expression and clapped excitedly. 'Uthman and Laith over for dinner? Now this will be entertaining.'

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