Chapter 46: Night & Day

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.

*Note: Another Update! Let's see how many chapters I can get out this weekend :) Love you guys!* - Sumaya


Warsan's P.O.V

As if on cue, my brother's car made a heavy turn onto the street. I waved at him, getting his attention. 'Right here!' I called out. He turned away and said something to his right. I followed his eyes and found Laith in the passenger's seat. I blinked a few times, sure that I was hallucinating. The car got closer to me and I sighed. If you don't have a crush on him, it shouldn't matter, the voice in my head pressed. I nodded in agreement...

'Assalamu'alaykum, sis. Hop in.' Junaid said. I slid into the backseat, making myself as small as possible. I don't know why I felt so uneasy. It shouldn't matter, I repeated. I didn't like how close in proximity we were. Of course, he would never talk to me. Plus my brother was here. It shouldn't matter, I repeated. Junaid stepped on the gas as we began the course home. 'Sorry Warsan, I was out with Laith when you called me. I had to figure out a compromise.' He spoke softly. I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. Laith was looking out the window, unbothered. It shouldn't matter, I repeated.

The two of them continued the conversation I assume they were having before I stepped in, speaking about the younger boys in the basketball program. Laith told Junaid about the importance of instilling principles into children when they're young. I don't know why I expected him to be flustered and shy, like all the other times we were in the same space. It shouldn't matter, you don't even care, I added. It's a good thing. It seems like he got over his little crush.

I tried to focus on the trees we drove by but my mind wouldn't let me drop the subject. His entire tone of voice was different now. Nonchalant and relaxed. It was really strange. We reached my house a lot sooner than I expected and I quickly opened the door to leave. Junaid asked me to wait for a second as the two of them unbuckled their seatbelts. 'Dad invited Laith over for tea. Just a heads up.' Laith and I made eye contact and both looked away instantly. How awkward.

'Okay.' I responded, turning around rapidly. I didn't notice how long his hair had gotten. His black locks twisted and curled just past his ears. I stepped inside my home and made my way directly upstairs. My parents hadn't even noticed my arrival. I was glad. I was met by my younger brother Hamza, who was waiting expectantly at the top of the staircase. His hopeful eyes withered to disappointment as he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'Do you hate me that much?' I taunted, tousling his hair. He pushed me away.

'I thought you were Laith! He promised me that he'd come upstairs and check out my action figures the next time he came over.' He complained. I blinked, silenced by my disbelief. Hamza chuckled grimly at my expression. 'He's Junaid's friend and Dad likes him. Not everything is about you.' He added. I sighed. As I walked away, Hamza spoke to himself quietly. 'Maybe we can find a cousin of ours for him to marry...'

I jeered, opening my bedroom door. 'May Allah grant Laith the best of best wives.' I muttered. My brother whipped his head around to look at me joyously.

'Wow, Ameen!' He said. I closed my door and sighed. Everyone in my family was absolutely in love with Laith. Everyone but me.

Jannah's P.O.V

I whisked the batter vigorously, mimicking Muna's every move. She sat in front of me, guiding our little cooking session within the four walls of my iPad screen. 'This is fun.' I noted, wiping my eyebrow. Muna chuckled.

'You're overthinking it, Jannah. C'mon, you've learned so much! Remember when you burned that piece of bread and nearly set your apartment on fire?' She reminded me innocently. I nodded, recalling the painful memory. 'Or that time you tripped and flung the tray of lasagna into the-'

'Okay, I get it! Thank you! The point got across loud and clear.' I announced raising my hands. The batter coating the whisk flew and splattered across the cabinets. I groaned, closing my eyes. Muna continued without me. The two of us had a copy of the recipe and instructions anyways. I had to clean the mess up. I grabbed a wet dishcloth and began wiping. Just then, Warsan messaged me. The notification appeared on the top of my screen and I struggled to read it from where I stood. 'Is... Laith... a... good... person...' I read aloud. Muna raised her eyebrows in surprise.

'I got the same question!' She blurted with inquisitive eyes. I reached out and added Warsan to the FaceTime call. Two rings and she was present, taking up half of my screen. Muna and I jumped up and down in excitement. I missed this. I missed all of us together just having fun.

'Hey, guys! What are you doing?' Warsan whispered. She still had her hijab on.

'Making fried chicken.' Muna replied. There was a silence. 'Why are you whispering? Do you have guests over?'

Warsan chuckled and began crawling on her room floor, dragging the phone with her. Muna and I watched in awe as she flipped her camera to view what was in front of her. All we saw was her bedroom door creak open silently. Both of us rushed to our devices to get a better view. Across the hall, Hamza's bedroom door was wide open. I could see a little boy, with brown hair just like Hamza. Following behind him was a tall figure wearing a hoodie and jeans. I couldn't make out a face but the wavy hair was unmissable. Muna and I gasped at the same time.

Warsan shut her door as her two best friends squealed profusely. 'Laith! What is he doing there?' I asked.

Warsan rolled her eyes as Muna stood frozen, her hand glued to her mouth in shock. 'My family is obsessed with him.' She returned flatly. I blinked. 'It's not even about me anymore. Everyone has accepted the fact that I have no interest in him and now it's like I don't even exist. He's Junaid's new best friend, Hamza venerates him, my father considers him his own 'guest'.' She taught. I couldn't help but giggle. Warsan asked me why on earth I found this funny.

I shrugged, biting back a smile. 'I really don't mean to laugh Warsan, honestly.' I began. 'But it just seems like you can't get away from this guy, whether you like it or not.' I told her. We all paused. 'What if... and I'm just throwing out ideas here - but what if... Allah has written it for you.'

The silence was long. I think we were all somewhat scared of that possibility.

'He's not a bad guy.' Muna readily broke the silence after what felt like an eternity. 'Akhlaaq was just telling me the other day how much Laith has changed. Apparently, he's so much kinder. He's nearly finished his journey in memorizing the Quran as well.' She added.

I nodded, recalling what Dawud had mentioned yesterday. 'Just last night Dawud was telling me how he's never seen someone with as much discipline as Laith. I know what he did last year was crazy... but apparently, he is a completely different person. Like...'

'Night and day.' Muna and I said in unison. I smiled. 'Akhlaaq used that expression.' She said. I told her Dawud did too.

Warsan thought for a moment. 'I don't know you guys... I'll have to think...' She said. I could tell a lot was on her mind. 'I have to go. Bye.' She mumbled. Muna and I said our farewells.

'May Allah give her the person that is khair for her.' I prayed.

'Ameen.' Muna said. 

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