Chapter 29 - Awkward Mentors

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Ramadan Mubarak!

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.


Jannah's P.O.V

It felt good. Being with the girls again. My heart was full and content. There was something different about being around practicing sisters. Sisters who didn't judge or call you too extreme. Sisters who encouraged you to do better, rather than encourage you to sin. Sisters like Warsan and Muna. There is a hadith on companionship, narrated by Abu Huraira, and he says 'The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "A man is upon the religion of his best friend, so let one of you look at whom he befriends.".' And as I watched my two best friends gush over the two Jilbabs I had bought them, I knew that they were the type of pious friends some people dream of having.

'Jannah, I've always wanted a Jilbab but I never had the courage to wear one!' Warsan admitted with tears in her eyes. She clutched the dark green fabric against her chest with one arm as she reached out to embrace me with the other. I chuckled against her as she swung me back and forth. She usually didn't show love like this which took me by surprise.

'I'm glad I could do that for you.' I replied with a smile.

Muna felt the navy blue material delicately. Her face was in complete awe of what was in front of her. 'You know, Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, "Give each other gifts and you will love each other." Thank you so much, Jannah. You don't know how much this means to me.' Her arms reached out to hug me and we both laughed as I jogged over to where she sat. We hugged for some time. 'This is giving me that little push I needed to actually start wearing the Jilbab.'

I kissed her cheek. 'You guys are amazing. What do you say we wear them to the basketball program today? I'm wearing my black one and it'll look so nice next to a navy blue and a dark green.' I encouraged them. 'Plus Akhlaaq would melt seeing you in it Muna!' I added, causing her to blush. 'Uthman will be shakin' too, sis.' I teased Warsan. She threw a pillow at me and I dodged it just in time. They pondered for a bit. 'Is that a yes? A no?' I pressed. They gave in, removing their sweaters. I bounced up and down excitedly. 'Yay!'

Once we walked into the gym, the girls and I took our spots high up on the bleachers. The younger boys were warming up with drills, running up and down the court. Basketball meant so much to so many of them. My husband walked between the lanes of runners, whistling at every minute going by. He looked serious and scary. Respectable. I liked it. You would never guess that he was such a softie when he was alone with me.

'Sheesh, Dawud is really working these boys to the core.' Warsan said quietly. I nodded in agreement.

'Akhlaaq explained the reason behind their toughness towards the kids earlier today.' Muna said softly. I observed her marvel over her husband across the gym. I wondered if I looked that silly staring at Dawud. In all honesty, I probably looked worse. 'They want the boys to understand and develop a concept of what makes the ideal Muslim man.' She explained. 'And that's loving Allah, fearing Allah, following the sunnah, giving people their rights, working hard and having discipline and self-respect. Because if you can't respect yourself, you won't be able to respect anything else.'

Warsan and I let out a deep exhale in unison. 'It's pretty serious, eh?' She asked me. I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement.

'I feel like we should start something like this up but for little girls. How cute would that be?' I told them. They both turned my way and cocked their heads to the side, intrigued. 'It could be from the ages of six to twelve. Girls are super easy to handle and they sit in place and listen well. They'll be so adorable to work with.' I added excitedly. I hadn't realized I was jumping up and down on the bleachers. They vibrated loudly which caused all of the little boys, Dawud, Uthman, Laith, and Akhlaaq to look up at us. 'Sorry!' I whispered to Dawud as he bit his lip, slightly embarrassed. I turned around to hide my burning face.

'Jannah Sultan, will there ever come a day that you don't embarrass yourself?' Warsan teased me. I covered my face with my hands. 'I think it's an amazing idea. One of us can handle lessons from the Quran, another can tackle lessons from the Seerah (the life of the prophet) and one of us can speak about the best women in Islam. How does that sound?'

I collected all the dignity remaining inside of me and sat up, clapping quietly. 'Amazing!' I praised her.

Muna smiled shyly. 'I'm down.' She put her hand out. I clutched it almost immediately.

'Same for me!' I said.

'It's official.' Warsan whispered excitedly.

An hour and a half later, the boys finished praying Isha and rushed to the changeroom. Dawud looked up at me with a grin on his face. 'Give me five minutes.' He mouthed. I nodded.

'How are you getting home tonight Warsan? Can we give you a ride?' I asked her. She shook her head shyly. 'Is Junaid picking you up?'

'Yeah, the boys wanted him to join the basketball-mentorship group.' She said casually. Knowing Warsan, the fact that she was too busy twiddling her fingers in her lap showed me exactly how she felt about that statement. 'Uthmaan and my brother. Working together. What a dream.' She said sarcastically.

Muna shook her head in disagreement. 'No, don't say that! They'll get along just fine! Insha'Allah...'

Warsan rolled her eyes as Muna cowered into herself. 'Junaid is your typical jock and Uthmaan is too religious for him, I just know it.'

I straightened my posture and thought for a moment. 'Well, maybe... maybe Uthmaan will inspire Junaid to become more practicing! You never know! Allah has a plan for-'

'Jannah!' Dawud called from the gym doors. He had his shoulder bag strapped over his chest and his jacket hung loosely over his shoulders. The faux fur decorated the sides of his face. I stood up immediately, causing my friends to giggle.

'If Dawud says jump...' Warsan whispered, standing up to follow me down the bleachers.

'Jannah says "How high?".' Muna finished, chuckling. I rolled my eyes as we slipped on our jackets, rushing to the exit doors. The little boys were now safely driving home with their parents while the mentors stood in a little circle in the middle of the parking lot. The girls and I stood some distance away, watching Uthmaan and Junaid interact with each other awkwardly. 'Why is your brother so standoffish?' Muna groaned quietly.

Warsan slapped the palm of her hand over her forehead. 'I told you guys this would happen!' She said angrily. The boys looked over in our direction and the three of us turned around completely, wincing in embarrassment. 'Do you think they heard us? Oh my god, I hear someone walking towards us. I'm so scared.' She cried, clutching onto my sleeve. Muna and I laughed against her.

'Habibti, time to go.' Dawud's voice sang. I walked towards him and pulled him close.

'Did you guys hear us just now?' I asked him.

'Every word.' He replied. I could hear the smile in his speech as we walked away.

'Assalamu'Alaykum girls!' I shouted from behind me.


Sources for the ahadith mentioned in order:
Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2378
al-Adab al-Mufrad 594

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