Chapter 14 - Channel 6 Nightmare

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.


Jannah's P.O.V

I scrolled down my phone and took a bite of my sandwich. It was two in the afternoon and I always took my lunch break later than everyone else to avoid mixing and mingling with men. It was extremely relaxing to hear the hum of the staff refrigerator being the only noise coating my thoughts. The rain outside added to the cozy atmosphere indoors. Oh, what a day. I was finally twenty years old. I didn't feel much different, nor did I look different from a year ago. I was still that 5'3 hijabi always wearing beanies and her signature pair of classic Vans. I was still that girl who tripped over her own feet and spoke out of turn when excited. The only difference is that I was married now, Alhamdullilah. Growing a year older made me feel closer to Dawud. Now that we were both in our twenties, he couldn't use my age as an argument or defense. And since I was no longer a teenager, that unmissable insecurity that ate at my confidence was no longer there. Insha'Allah it stayed that way.

My mom stopped by our apartment earlier in the morning after Dawud left for work. From the look on her face when I told her she had just missed Dawud's car leave the parking lot, I wondered whether she came to greet me on my birthday or my husband. Nevertheless, she bought me a gift. I squealed uncontrollably as she handed me the week-long vacation passes to a private lodge up in the Western Mountains. It gave Dawud and I access to the ski hills, the historical museums, and free maple syrup on command. I felt my cheeks grow hot with the image of Dawud sitting in the hot tub with an arm stretched out for me. My mom laughed as I pulled her in for a hug, jumping up and down excitedly. The gift was from both my parents but my father couldn't make it.

'He's just started marriage counseling.' My mother explained to me. I looked at her questionably, giving her the incentive to continue. 'He says that those books Dawud brought you on marriage had been left by his door for months, untouched. After you moved in with Dawud, he decided to read them. Then, we got married and now he's on the mission to save other marriages too.'

I laughed remembering it now. It's amazing how beautiful and intricate Allah's plan is. We plan and He plans, and verily Allah is the Best of Planners.

I finished my lunch and took the elevator back up to my floor. The office was packed. Everyone was speaking over one another in hushed voices, making the room sound a lot scarier than normal. My co-worker and cubicle-neighbor Rachel waved me over.

'Jannah, you won't believe it!' She said, grabbing her friend Lisa's arm for support.

'What is going on you guys?' I asked, taking in the excited and nervous faces around me.

'The minister is coming over with OTV News to interview our team. Apparently, the Editing Sector of Economic Development won the annual award for the best work year round! That's us!' I covered my mouth in awe, before my boss Cindy waved her arms around, gaining everyone's attention.

'Listen up everyone! If your name is called, you need to line up next to me. You'll be speaking to the newscast and telling them about your job, how it's changed your life and all that nonsense.' She said flatly. I started to feel sick to my stomach. I've never been on live TV before, but what are the chances I'd be picked? I've only worked here for a few weeks anyway. Rachel took a deep breath as Lisa closed her eyes. 'Maddison, step right here.' Cindy called out, eyes burning through the crowd of employees surrounding her. A short and confident brunette appeared from behind me, making her way to the mouth of the gathering. 'Lisa B, not Lisa A, come forward as well.'

'Yes!' Lisa cheered, skipping over to Cindy. We all chuckled at her unwavering positivity.

'Ilyas, Shayba, Olga, Josh, Rachel, Laith and Jannah.' Cindy finalized. It felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I looked at her with a shocked expression and she returned my gaze but with a flat and impatient expression. 'Jannah, get over here.'

All eyes were on me. Laith was the last one to join the assembly, wearing a smug look on his face. The space next to him was like lava. I really didn't want to step there. What would my husband say? I've been hiding the fact that I work with his enemy for weeks. What would he do if he turns on the TV at work and sees me smiling and laughing on camera next to Laith? Dawud is a simple guy. It's very rare that he insists I stay away from someone else. He doesn't dislike a soul on this earth except Laith and Rahman. And that should say a lot.

'Jannah, I'm not going to ask again.' Cindy said angrily. My co-workers began to whisper amongst themselves.

'Cindy, I only started working here a few weeks ago. Wouldn't it be better for someone... I don't know... someone like Craig to speak? He's worked here for a while.' I blurted. Craig smiled at me painfully, awkward in nature. I try my best to avoid unnecessary conversation with men at work but if I had to pick one person with a heart of gold on my team it would be Craig, the HR representative. I'm not sure how but Craig was very knowledgeable on Islam and made sure that all the religious-accommodation I needed was granted. He was the biggest sweetheart in the office and always came by my cubicle after Laith to make sure that I was okay and not affected by Laith's rude remarks.

'Nope. We need some representation. We're a diverse office, you know. The public will like that.' Cindy replied, honest and blatant. I dragged myself to the line and stood about two meters from Laith.

He turned to say something to me before I held up a hand. 'Don't you dare.' I spat. If life was anything like the cartoons, I'd have smoke coming out of my ears. I decided to take a few precautions and texted Muna.

Muna! Tell Akhlaaq to make sure they don't play Channel 6 at work. Dawud doesn't know I work with Laith and OTV is going to interview my team.

I tapped my foot against the carpet anxiously. It was then that the camera crew walked in carrying heavy filming equipment and clipboards full of questions. My phone buzzed after a few minutes.

Jannah Sultan, your life is a movie. I'll try my best, Habibti. Do I tell him not to watch Channel 6 or the full story?

I chuckled and shook my head.

Whatever will get the job done. I owe you one, sis. May Allah reward you.

Muna replied immediately after.

Astaghfirullah 😭. Helping wives hide things from their husbands seems to be my new line of work.

I sighed, loud enough for Laith to turn and look at me with curiosity. This was going to be a long day...

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