Chapter 31 - Laith the Lovebird

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.


Dawud's P.O.V

I knocked on the front door I know so well and waited for those familiar footsteps. The cold air around me pushed me forward unforgivingly, causing me to shiver. Winter came to our city as quickly as the sunset nowadays; swift and sudden. I exhaled and watched the smokey air pour from my two lips. Subhan'Allah, it was freezing out. The door swung open and Laith gave me a small smile as he speedily put on his boots. I could hear his mother scolding him in Arabic from what sounded like the staircase. 'It's cold outside! Wear a jacket!' She bellowed. He winced, growing pink in the cheeks from embarrassment. 'And don't forget that your youth will leave you soon! It seems you think you will stay young forever and forgot all about marriage! Bring a girl-'

'Salam, Mama!' He shouted, racing out the house and closing the door behind him. He greeted me and walked off his porch quickly. I scratched my beard and returned the salam closely behind him. His steps were fast as he rushed over to my car. He stood at the passenger door. 'Listen bro, whatever you heard, just drop it. Okay?' He spoke flatly. It was clear that he was bothered, but I couldn't help but laugh at him.

'I think you and I are past the point of hiding things from one another, don't you think?' I questioned with a smile, unlocking the car. We both slipped into our seats. Laith rubbed his hands over his jeans as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. I turned my attention away from him and towards the car, hoping to give him some space to think. The engined hummed as I pulled out of his driveway, following the road to our destination.

Alhamdullilah, our basketball program has been doing extremely well with the city's Muslim community. Parents would do anything to have their boys learn about the deen and their kids would do anything to play basketball. It was a win-win for everyone. Getting Junaid on the team as a mentor was a great idea as well. I turned to Laith who seemed more relaxed. 'Your idea of getting Junaid on the team was a great one, Akhi.' I said. 'How do the two of you know each other?' I asked. Laith focused on the street ahead as he formulated an answer.

'That's actually why I wanted to meet up with you today and—'

My phone rang and Jannah's initials appeared on my screen. I winced as I reached over and picked my phone up. 'Sorry bro, the wife is calling.' Laith smiled and waved me off. 'Assalamu'Alaykum.' I slipped my phone under my beanie, right over my ear. I attempted to speak casually like I was talking to anyone. I knew Laith wouldn't give me a break if I spoke to Jannah in the tone I usually do; tenderly. Not that there was anything wrong with it - I just wanted to save myself from the ceaseless teasing.

'Wa alaykum Salam, Dawdie! Are you out with your friends right now?' She asked, taking note of my tone.

I nodded although she couldn't see me. 'Yup, just running some basketball errands. Did you want me to grab you anything?' I asked. Jannah hadn't been feeling well when I left the house. Her cramps were causing her a lot of pain throughout the night and the pain hadn't stopped when the sun rose either. My heart ached for her.

'I hate bothering you with stuff like this, but if you could maybe grab me some painkillers or medication for cramps, that would help me out a lot.' She said timidly. Jannah hated asking me for things. I clicked my tongue in disapproval of her shyness.

'Anything for you. Always.' I told her. I completely forgot about Laith who struggled to keep himself from giggling in the passenger's seat. 'Did you want me to bring anything else?' I questioned, growing red in the face.

'Just yourself. See you soon, Dawdie.' She said softly. My heart rate accelerated by the second. I hung up and slipped the phone in my jacket.

'Married life, eh?' He chimed with a smug look on his face.

I used my right hand to shove him as we turned into a Superstore parking lot. 'I can't wait for the day that you get all nervous talking to a girl.' I grinned, trying to picture it. 'I don't know why it seems so... impossible.'

Laith rolled his eyes as I pulled the keys out of the ignition. 'It is impossible, okay?' He supported, pushing his chest out defensively. We unbuckled our seatbelts and walked towards the entrance. 'I'm too cool for that nonsense.' He gloated, seizing a shopping cart.

I threw my head back laughing. 'Too cool, huh?' Laith amazed me. We made our way to the sports section. Because our program was growing, we needed more basketballs, pumps, water bottles, and jerseys. I stretched my arm out and reached for a pack of arrows. 'Are these sharp enough to deflate your ego, Laith?'

He threw a tennis ball at me as we laughed in harmony. Just then, a familiar voice called out our names. Junaid appeared around the corner, holding a large potted snake plant in his hand. 'I knew it was you two!' He exclaimed, pulling us in for a hug.

'Assalamu'Alaykum, Junaid! What are you doing here?' I said, avoiding the sharp tips of the plant. '...Holding a snake plant..' I added.

'Wa alaykum salam.' He returned, saying the words as if they were strange to him. Junaid was a unique guy. Not very practicing nor inclined to the habits of ikhwaan (brothers), but he was trying. And I liked that about him. Adding him to the team of mentors was a great idea. He could grow into an amazing guy with us brothers there to help him. 'It's for my mom. She's a plant extremist.' He joked. 'Wait.. how did you know it was a snake plant?' He asked me, cocking his head to the side.

Laith chuckled, patting me on the back. 'Dawud is obsessed with-'

'Junaid! Mom is waiting for us!' Warsan shouted from the other aisle. I recognized her voice immediately. She stomped in our direction, unaware that she had an audience. Once she emerged from the corner she froze for a second, flustered, but did a good job at recollecting herself. She was the one, out of the three, that embarrassed herself the least. Jannah took first place of course, and Muna came in second, but Warsan? This girl was a trooper! 'Assalamu'Alaykum guys.' She stated, taking the plant out of her brother's hand speedily.

'Wa alaykum salam, Warsan.' I replied. Laith chatted inaudibly, which caused us all to look at him. He fought to get the words out, stuttering and choking up. I had never seen him this nervous before. 'I hope you're doing well.' I continued, turning the attention away from Laith. It was a desperate attempt at saving him, but it worked. Warsan was now looking at me.

'‏Alhamdullilah, I can't complain. Junaid lets get out of here. Mom is waiting.' She spoke to her brother. He nodded and waved goodbye.

I looked at Laith, whose neck and face was a bright red. 'Impossible, huh?' I said, in disbelief. He gulped.

Laith crushing on Warsan. Who would've thought...

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