Chapter 30 - Trouble in Paradise

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

If the time of prayer has been called and you haven't prayed before reading this, please do so.


Dawud's P.O.V

I walked into the bedroom to find Jannah curled up in a ball beneath the blankets. From the sound of her sniffles, I knew she was crying. I rushed over to where she was and carefully peeled back the sheets, revealing her swollen and teary eyes. 'Habibti, what's wrong?' I asked her, helping her sit up. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around her knees. 'Did I do something wrong?' I questioned, rubbing her back slowly. She nodded. I thought for a moment. Today was spent cuddling up on the couch and throwing fruits into each other's mouth. I doubt I could've said or done anything to hurt her without remembering. It had to be something she saw in a dream. 'Did I hurt you in your dream?' I added. Jannah took a deep breath and let out a strained exhale. She began to weep quietly. I slipped into the space next to her and pulled her onto my lap, holding her close. Jannah loved to be held. She wasn't shown much love in her life and it was moments like these that meant the world to her; moments where I remind her that no amount of pain could ever make me push her away. 'Jannah, what did you see?' I pressed, twisting the ends of her hair. She looked up at me with her swollen and red eyes. I watched as she stared into mine, confused. Jannah looked away before speaking.

'You didn't want me anymore.' She spoke so quietly I almost missed it. 'And I kept telling you that I needed you. I kept saying that I needed you to stay with me but you just apologized and left.' She added. Her bottom lip was quivering. She didn't want to cry. 'I'm not mad at you Dawud, trust me. It just felt so, so real. Like my heart was being ripped apart. And when I woke up in this bed, I just started crying out of relief that it wasn't real and...' She trailed off, shutting her eyes.

'And what, Jannah?' I whispered, ushering for her to continue. It meant a lot to me when she expressed how she felt. It always helped me understand her better. She leaned her head against my chest and began breathing in and out softly. Her hands fell from her knees onto her lap. She fell asleep. I rocked her back and forth for some time, holding her close in proximity. A smile crept up on my lips before I could stop it. She was so cute and child-like. I would have to convince her tomorrow that I would never leave her. Not until Allah removes me from this world.

Akhlaaq's P.O.V

'Akhlaaq, could you come over here for a sec?' Muna called out. I got up from my seat on the couch and rushed over to where she stood in the kitchen. She was cutting up a salad for me while watching a YouTube video on how to make Dalgona Coffee on my iPad. It was propped up over the microwave. 'Did you want chicken in your salad?' Just then, a notification popped up on the iPad, making a loud noise. We both squinted our eyes to read it. It was a Facebook Messenger notification from an old classmate of mine. She was a girl. I didn't even have time to read it. My wife grabbed it swiftly and frowned. She read the message out loud. 'Hi, Akhlaaq! I was wondering if you-'

'Muna, stop.' I said. My hands reached over and removed the device from her hand. I read the message carefully before putting the iPad aside. I knew my wife and I knew when she was projecting her insecurities. Although I would never say this to her. I knew it was too personal and would hurt her deeply. 'What's going on?' I gestured towards the space that was between us. 'What is it that I did that has you questioning why a girl would be messaging me?'

Muna put down the knife she was holding. 'A girl is messaging you. That is enough to get me riled up-'

'But why?' I pressed. 'You didn't even read the whole message!'

Her eyes widened with anger. 'I tried to!' She shouted.

'Yeah, aloud, hoping for something to feed into the idea that you think I'm still the same guy I used to be.' I said in one breath. Muna stopped herself from speaking. I took the words right out of her mouth. 'Yes, I used to be a player. Yes, I used to love attention from women. I'm not proud of my past. But when someone changes, you don't hold those things against them!' I rubbed my face in an attempt to relax. 'I married you because I love you. I love you, Muna. You're the one I think about all the time. I've never been this close to anyone in my whole life. So, it really hurts when I see you carrying the assumption that I'm still the guy I used to be.' I looked in her eyes and immediately saw regret. 'And the girl that messaged me was only asking if I was still selling my International Relations textbook. I put an ad online hoping to sell it this month.' I spoke quickly, trying not to get overly emotional.

Muna walked over to me and grabbed my hand. She held it tightly. I watched her soundlessly. Even when she hurt me, she was breathtakingly beautiful. The brown complexion of her skin was shining against the softness of her brown locks. Her round eyes watched me carefully, making me melt at the seams. 'I am so sorry, Akhlaaq. It's true. Up until now I always had the assumption that there were still some of the old you present, and I'm so sorry for thinking that. It's not fair. And I won't do it again. In all honesty, it's a reflection of my insecurities, that I need to deal with myself. I never thought I'd end up with someone as good-looking and handsome as you, and it gets to me sometimes. But regardless, I'm sorry. I truly am.' She stepped on her tiptoes and pulled me close for a kiss. When she pulled away, I felt her eyelashes bat against my cheek.

'It's okay, Zawjati (my wife). I'm sorry for shouting.' We stood like this, holding one another for some time.

'Me too.' She added.

'Now let's make that salad.' I encouraged. As she pulled me into the kitchen laughing, I laughed too. Marriage wasn't always a walk in the park. Everyone has their problems, no matter how perfect a couple may look on the outside. Muna and I argue here and there, but our fear of Allah and love for one another is what encourages us to prevail over these tiny and continuous hardships. Always. 

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