Chapter 13. Finally things add up

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A lot of unfinished business... I'm still just shocked with Chuck's actions. Well, it wouldn't be Chuck Bass if he choose otherwise. We all need to remember how he was before he got with Blair.

I just have too many things to enlighten you with and too little time to do so. I don't know where to begin. Where have we left off?


Chuck was in his room, the girl... let's call her Stephanie, was laying on him. She was kissing him and was slowly going down to his chest. When she just went down more, he stopped her "stop that."
He lifted her up to have her next to him. He started kissing her neck and feeling her legs. Just when she wanted to remove his underpants he stopped her again. "You know what, it's late. I have dinner plans."

"What...? You want me to go now?" She said breathing heavily.

"Yes, sorry. I never meant for this to even happen and I have to go soon." He said as he got off the bed and grabbed her clothes. "Here is your skirt, you better get dressed."

"Uhm, yeah... sure. You know what, I will leave my number. Whenever you change your mind or... what ever, call me." She said and got dressed.

He walked her to the door, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for being here."

She smiled and walked off.

He went to the kitchen to get some coffee. He felt happy that he quit it before it got worse. He did actually have dinner plans with Nate but not as soon as she thought.


Dan and Serena had arrived at the place Serena suggested. It was the New York Palace hotel.

"Why did we go here?" Dan asked frowning his eyebrows. They sat down on a bench in front of the hotel.

"I just wanted to remind you the moment I fell in love with you. It was in this very hotel, my home for a long time and it finally felt complete when I saw you. For me, this place means everything and I wanted you to know that." Serena grabbed his hand. "Remember that you have always meant everything to me, whatever happened has never changed that."

Dan looked at their hands tangled in one another and then looked at Serena. "That's really sweet. I just want you to know that I realize that you never did anything with a twisted reason other than for Blair. You never meant to hurt me, I know. But... you did." Dan looked down at his shoes. Serena looked down as well. Her eyes began to tear up.

"Dan, I'm so sorry... I hoped we could start over. Will you at least think about it?" Serena tried to look into Dan's eyes. He looked at her and put his fingers through her hair. "Yes, I will. I still love you, remember that."

Serena felt relieved. She felt so happy that she kissed him without him being able to do anything. He looked at her, confused but also happy. He kissed her again. Serena could tell he really wanted to.


"Nathanial, can we meet up sooner?" Chuck asked when he heard Nate picked up the phone. He was pacing around his living room.

"Hi man, actually I have some things to do. What's up?"

"I did something..." Chuck hesitated. "I took a girl home... we, uhh... almost had sex"

It was quiet on the other side for a few seconds.
"Uhm, wow. Didn't expect that! You feel bad?"

"Yes of course I do. It shouldn't have happened."

"Okay... I understand, but it didn't happen right? So... I guess you shouldn't feel so bad. I get that you don't want to cheat on Blair but she's gone, man..." Nate hesitated to say "I'm actually happy you finally let a girl in... I'm sorry to say that."

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now