Chapter 2. All happy at the V.D.W's

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Happy, for how long?

Spotted: C looking not so happy when he and B got out of the limo. Wait where was Henry? Oh well I guess that boy isn't fan of limo's. Or his parents. Let's look at another interesting couple. I know what you are thinking: S and D. Well if I can be honest, which you all know I'm very good at, I didn't see them as much as I wanted to. But they looked happy.. I guess. But behind every smile there is something dark going on. I actually was talking about Nate and a mysterious lady. I didn't get to see her face but I have my sources. Although I did get to see Lily Van Der Woodsen run in high heels to get a cab. Don't get to see that often..

XOXO still not telling you


* 10 hours before the GG blast*

Blair was shopping with Eleanor. They had some things to discuss about the next upcoming fashion show.

On the other side of Manhatten Dorota was making breakfast for Chuck and Henry. Chuck was busy playing soccer with his little son. They got interrupted by Chucks ringing phone. Chuck answered.

"Lily. What's going on?"

"Hi Charles, I was wondering if you have plans this afternoon?" Lily goes on.

"Ehm.. no not really, Blair is now shopping with Eleanor which won't take long.. Why?" Chuck said confused.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have a lovely brunch with us at our place. Of course Blair and Henry are invited too. It's just going to be me, William, you, Blair, Henry and Eric." Lily was very excited.

"All right. That sounds good. I'm sure Blair's fine with it. Let me call her and I'll call you back, okay?" Chuck continued.

"Lovely." Lily smiled.


Somewhere more noisy was Nate working on a new story on the Spectator. Everyone was busy with work. Nate was going to check if everything was going well with his employees but then his phone began to ring.

"Hey, I haven't spoken to you in like forever, but can't this wait? I'm working. I can't call during work hours." Nate quickly said before even letting her speak.

"Well okay, I'll call you back. Bye, Nate. And I think you're doing great by the way with your Spectator."

"Thanks, and yes do call me later. Bye, Vanessa". Nate hang up and got back to work. Although he was completely confused.


Somewhere not so noisy Chuck, Blair and Henry were on their way to Lily's. Blairs head was resting on Chucks shoulder and Henry was reading on the seat infront of them. Blair and Chuck both were thinking about that one special time in this same limo. Before they had a child. Before they got married. Before their whole relationship really.

"Do you remember that time in this limo?" Chuck wispered in Blairs ear and then kissed her neck.

"I was just thinking about it." Blair said a little turned on. Then she looked at Henry. "But don't get any ideas in your head, Bass. Our child is in this limo too" she wispered and smiled softly.

Chuck laughed. "We're almost there, are you two hungry?" he asked while looking at Blair and Henry.

*A couple minutes later they arrived at Lily's*

Chuck helped Blair and Henry out of the limo and they all walked to the door. Lily opened the door and welcomed them. When they finally sat down the door bell rang again. Lily stood up to open the door. While she looked happy to see her guest, Chuck felt the opposite. Chuck stood up in a shock when he saw her. He just kept looking at her with disgust in his eyes. Then he looked the same way at Lily.

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