Chapter 12. After all

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So Lily and Rufus met up. Dan is coming back. Let's get back to that. I can't catch you up on the juicy present just yet because that will be spoilers. I promise, that will be the topic of discussion very soon.

Now, let's see...


Serena was waiting at the airport for almost two hours. She was so excited. Finally Dan was coming back and she had a chance again. She was nervous.
Her phone rang, it was Nate.

"Hey Serena, is he there??"

"No, haha. You big stalker. Is someone even more excited than I am?" Serena teased.

"Just a tiny bit excited. Let me know when he arrived!!" Nate hang up.

It was 11 p.m. and Dan would arrive at 10:30 p.m. but Serena had no concerns, it can take so long to get your bags...


Somewhere else, Chuck was paying a visit to Blair's grave. He does that every week without fail.

"Today is Tuesday. Just another day without you. Henry is doing fine, he's doing so well at school. He's gonna go places, I know that for sure. He's a lot like his mom." Chuck's eyes began to fill with tears. "Yeah... I miss you a lot... I feel like it's even becoming more every single day. I love you." Chuck took a last look at the grave and left. He left some roses at her grave as he always does. Sometimes he brought roses, sometimes lilys and most of all: peonies. Some speculate about Chuck not visiting Blair at least every day. He always says he wouldn't be able to breathe if he did that.


Back at the airport where Serena was waiting for Dan, he was still a no-show. Serena was finally getting worried. He was gonna show up right? He made a promise. She sat down and stared at the crowded airport. People greeting eachother, people eating, people sleeping. Then there he was, suitcase in hand, walking towards Serena who had just noticed him.

"O my God..." Serena stood up and walked fastly towards Dan. "Hi!" She said excited while hugging him tight.

"Hi Serena" Dan said almost sounding as excited as Serena which was a relief. "You want to get some coffee? We can sit down and talk"

"Yes, sure. I'm so happy that you're here" Serena smiled, not wanting to let him go.

They walked to the nearest coffee place and sat down. Serena ordered a cappuccino and Dan an espresso.

"So how was your flight?" Serena asked. She couldn't get her eyes off of him.

"It was fine. Did some writing, so not too bad" Dan said. "What time were you here, though?"

"Doesn't matter, haha. I know we have some talking to do... maybe it's better to do it somewhere a bit more private?" Serena said while looking at some people sitting next to them.

"Maybe better, yes. Where do you want to go?" Dan asked.

"I know a place." They waited to pay and then left.


Lily was with Henry and Dorota. They were watching a movie at Lily's place. Lily looks at the table.

"Henry, darling, I will get you some more chips, yes?" Henry nodded without getting his head turned.

Lily walked to the kitchen and glazed a look at Rufus standing next to the door. She looked again and it was indeed Rufus.

"Hey Lil. Sorry to interrupt but can we talk?"

"Sure, walk with me to the kitchen?" They both walk to the kitchen.

"Good afternoon Rufus" Dorota said as she turned her head. Rufus smiled "hey Dorota, Henry"

"He's getting bigger and bigger everytime I see him, haha" Rufus said while looking at Henry.

"Haha, yes, it's crazy how time flies." Lily replied while getting the bag of chips out of the cabinet.

"I have been thinking about you a lot, about our last conversation." Rufus said trying to catch a look of Lily. She was too busy filling the bowl. "Lisa is back from her trip. I'm kind of confused, Lil... I know I will never stop loving you and not just as friends. Lisa and I, we're apart from eachother a lot. I don't know... it's all... pretty confusing" Lily notices a look on Rufus' face when he says these words, a look she had seen before. The look when he's in love.

"Rufus... I'm sorry... I.." without getting to finish her sentence Rufus interrupts Lily.

"You know what, I better go home. I didn't actually mean to come here and tell you all of this and I really don't know why I did." Rufus said confused trying to get out of there as fast as he could. Without Lily even being able to stop him, he was gone. Dorota watched it happen, she looked at Lily worried.


Chuck was at the bar closeby his house. He knew the owner so he just stopped to catch up. He had a whiskey on the rocks. Whenever he visited Blair's grave he couldn't help himself to stop at the bar but it wasn't to swallow in self pity, it was to bring back old memories and think about Blair.

He got interrupted by a girl sitting down next to him. "Aren't you Chuck Bass?" He heard coming from his left.

He turned his head, "yes, why?"

"I heard so much about you from a friend of mine. You might know her too." She said grinning.

"I really don't care." He said and looked back at his whiskey.

"Okay, fine. Why are you so grumpy, anyway? It doesn't suit you." She said.

"This is not the best moment to have a chit-chat with me." He said looking and sounding annoyed.

"We don't have to talk, actually." She grinned while grabbing his arm. He turned his head to look her in the eyes.

"How old are you? Aren't you supposed to be at school or something?" He asked without any emotion.

"I'm old enough. Don't you want to have fun and let go?" She tried to have him look her in the eyes. No result. She grabbed his hand and played with his fingers.

"Can you stop, please. I will buy you some wine if you want and then you can sit somewhere else." He said looking her straight in the eyes.

She smiled. "No, that's fine. I will go sit somewhere else. You know, you are really boring and I feel like something is holding you back to actually enjoy life. You used to be more fun I believe." She walked away.

He started to think about how he has been behaving since... you know when. He was so grumpy at times and wasn't really living anymore. He turned around and looked for the girl. He caught her eyes and walked towards her.

"That didn't take long." She grinned. He sat down next to her.

"You're lucky that you're hot and getting on my nerves" He said and kissed her. "Let's go."

They walked to Chuck's place. When they got in, he started kissing her neck. She unbuttoned his shirt. She took off his belt. He kissed her lips. They almost fell into his bedroom. She layed down on his bed starting to take off his pants. She was already topless, laying in her skirt. He kissed her some more.


Well, the rest we all know. Who is her friend? This is all I caught up on for now.

I'll see you soon. It's going to be juicy.


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