Chapter 11. 5 years later

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I know you guys missed me but I am back and I have a lot to fill you in with. I'm terribly sorry for disappearing for 5 years but don't worry, my eyes were still on our favorite people and I didn't blink for one second. I will not tell you about it right away, first let's see where everyone is.

Golden Boy spotted with daughter, whitish-looking Caroline in the hospital, she's laying on the hospital bed and Nate is next to her holding her hand. What's that all about..?

Dan and Serena sitting in the waiting room of that very same hospital. They don't seem very talkative and happy.

Chuck Bass spotted with a blonde girl. Hmmm.... Is it Serena? No it can't be, she's with Humphrey. She seems young. I wonder.

Vanessa also in the hospital, also laying in bed with an infusion attached to her arm. A wound on her forehead. Wearing a ridiculous hospital uniform. Interesting...

Now that I think about it and calculate Nate and Caroline being here as well, it looks like an accident if you ask me. I know trouble when I see it. I know, you wouldn't have thought I was this smart. Well I am.

I saw Lily walking around the Fifth Avenue just a few minutes ago. Quite interesting to see her after all this time. Need to remind myself to dig into Rufus' life more, totally forgot about him for a minute.

Didn't have time to check more. Now, I think you will understand when you read about all the things I have to fill you up on.

Now, where do I begin......


Where we left off

Serena was devastated. Dan left. He obviously had some thinking to do and just wanted to get away from everything. Serena tried to call him a lot of times; he never picked up. Nate was with Serena a lot to console her but he had a life of his own so couldn't be with her 24/7. She needed her best friend. Blair. They would run off to Paris when things got tough.

After she realized he wouldn't answer to her calls Serena sent a text to Dan everyday for at least 2 months, the messages were never received.
She stopped texting, what was the point?

On a rainy Saturday Serena was out to visit the local pharmacy when someone called. It was an unfamiliar number.


"Dan?! Hey... I'm so glad you called."

"Serena, how are you?"

"I'm... not okay. Where are you? Why have you cut me off completely? Well, I guess I know why but you just left me..."

"I'm sorry for that but I had to leave and think things through. I've had my time, now I want to talk to you and you have to explain everything, all right?"

"Okay, thank you for that. Did you get my messages?"

"No? What messages? Oh, I got a new phone and number. I kind of broke my old one..."

"It doesn't matter now, you called. I missed your voice..." said Serena with teary eyes.

"Let's talk when I'm back, gonna catch a flight soon."

"Sure! I'll see you soo..." he hang up the phone. "...have a save flight"

That was weird, Serena thought. Maybe he was still mad but at least he was talking. Baby steps.

She immediately called Nate and afterwards Chuck. Nate was super happy and glad he came back. Chuck was very sceptical. Why would Dan run off like that without looking back for one second or even thinking about what he's doing and now all of the sudden he's willing to talk it out and come home?

Enough about Humphrey, I'm getting tired just thinking and writing about him.


That same say I spotted Lily, just at the corner of a little coffee shop. She was waiting for someone. A man came up to her and she gave him 2 kisses. He was wearing sunglasses. Let me repeat that it was a rainy Saturday...
He opened the door and they walked in. They sat down and grabbed the menu.

"I feel like getting a cappuccino, what about you?" Lily said. He laid down the menu and took off his glasses. It was Rufus.

"I will go for the espresso and a tosti, I'm kind of hungry. Do you want anything to eat?" He asked.

"No, thank you. So how have you been?" Lily asked while playing with her earring.

"I'm good. Still living in Brooklyn and you know how it is there. It's nice."

"I'm glad..." Lily stopped her sentence when she saw the waitress coming closer.

"Good afternoon! Have you made your decision yet?" The waitress asked. Lily looked at Rufus.

"Yes I will have an espresso and a toast with extra cheese and she will have a cappuccino, thanks" Rufus said. He saw Lily staring at him in the corner of his eyes.

"Okay, coming right up!" The waitress left.

"So how are you doing?" Rufus asked, he places his hands under his chin.

"I'm fine... you know, the divorce is final. William just called me about it beginning of this week. I'm staying where I am, so..."

"Wow... that's pretty fast. Is that why you wanted to meet up? To tell me?"

"Yes but I also just wanted to see you and hear how you were doing." Lily looked down. "How's your wife?"

"She's fine. She's in Italy right now, at a writer's convention." Rufus saw the disappointment in Lily's expression. "I love her Lil... you know that. But I love you too. You're very special for me."

Lily smiled. She saw the waitress coming with their order. "Here you go. Enjoy!"

"Thank you." Rufus and Lily said.

"Lil, are you really okay?" He looked at Lily who stared at her coffee.

"Yes I am. This is for the best. He was unhappy. He didn't trust us being together." She said "but it's really good to see you again"

"I know, same goes for you" He said smiling.


Well, I don't know about you but I have a feeling things might get better. Eek, I don't like that.

This is all for now. I'll catch up soon.

XOXO Gossip Girl

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