Chapter 14. Baby daddy

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3 weeks later

After the news Chuck received a couple of weeks ago, he tried to not think of it. He didn't tell anyone about what he heard. He felt quite lost. To take his mind off of it he digged into work. He had only seen Nate a few times but no one else. He spent most of his time at the bar, as usual but even there he didn't feel like himself. He knew he had to speak with Eva.

At the bar, on a Wednesday afternoon around 4pm, he picked up his phone.
"Stephanie, hey. Can you please give me the address of Eva?"

"Hey, sure. I'm not allowed to do this but I'm glad you decided to visit her so it's ...."

"Thanks... and thanks for everything else."

"Good luck." Stephanie smiled and hang up.

Chuck grabbed some money and placed it on the bar.  He was just about to get up when he saw Nate coming in and walking towards him.

"Hey man, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you? What have you been up to?" Nate asked while grabbing his hand and giving him a hug.

"It's been 3 days Nathaniel, don't be dramatic. I'm fine. Just been working a lot and making sure this bar never gets bankrupt." Chuck smirked. "What about you?"

"Haha, that's great. Happy that you're not avoiding me. I'm doing great actually, Caroline is doing great in school, she's a smart one. We think she'll be...." Chuck interrupted Nate who was smiling proudly.

"Sorry but I have to go now, work stuff." Chuck hugged Nate and left.

Nate was getting a bit worried. He couldn't even stay to let Nate finish his sentence? Nate did what any good friend would do... stalk him to find out what is going on.


Chuck headed off to the address that he wrote down. The fastest and most Chuck-like way was to get a taxi so that's what he did. Nate actually picked up a bike and hurried after them.

"Here it is." The taxi driver said. Signing him to get out.

"Yeah, thanks..." Chuck looked at the building like he had never seen bricks before. He got out of the cab, standing in front of the door of the house. Hesitating to knock. What would Blair think..? How will Eva react if she sees me..? But I have to see my kid. I have to.

Chuck finally gathered the strength to knock. No one replied. He knocked again. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming closer. The door opened. She greeted him before she even realized who it was.

"Hello Eva." Chuck stared at her the way he did before. Before, when they were together.

"Hi..." Eva tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "How did you find out?" She knew there could only be one reason for why he was there.

"It doesn't matter. Can I see him...her?"

"It's a little girl. Of course you can, come on in." She escorted Chuck to the living room.

Little Clara was sitting on the floor eating some apple and watching tv. She looked up briefly but seemed more interested in the tv. Chuck froze for a little bit, staring at Clara. Then he looked up to Eva "she's so beautiful."

Chuck stepped closer. He bended his knees a bit to be around the same height. "Hey Clara, how are you doing?" He smiled, mesmerized by her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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