Chapter 9. When no one speaks, the truth will

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And that is not what we wished for, did we?

Ah, morning in New York. It's all so fresh. Fresh from scandals, gossip and lies, I mean. But that never lasts long, does it? Let's see what we have planned for today. The last couple of days I saw Bass looking for something.. who knows what.. Oh I know, I do. But don't worry I'm not telling you yet. I haven't seen Serena nor Louis. Guess those two lovebirds are still on it, typical. I'll let you guys see for yourself what our beautiful UES'ers are doing today to get themselves in trouble. You know you love me.


Chuck was sitting behind his computer doing some research. Every time he saw was his background, he smiled. It was a picture of him and Blair at the snowflake ball. "Oh how I wish you were here" he whispered when he looked at her face and her beautiful dress. "We had such a great love, didn't we.." He kept staring at her for a few minutes. Nate walked in.

"Hey, man" Nate said standing next to Chuck, looking at his computer. "What are you doing?"

"It's complicated. I'll explain later. Hey, can you go check on Serena for me?" Chuck asked while still scrolling down a site on his computer.

"I won't ask why. Sure, I'll do that" he said already walking towards the door. Nate could already smell that Serena got really drunk last night or got herself into trouble again. But who says it wasn't both..?


Serena was in bed, still sleeping. Louis stood next to her, he grabbed his pants and blouse to get dressed.

"Hi, honey. I'm back!" Louis heard Dan's voice coming from downstairs. He hid in the bathroom and he would think of a plan in there.

Dan stood in the opening of the door, looking at Serena. He didn't want to wake her. He went downstairs to make her breakfast.

As Louis heard him leave he got out of the bathroom to wake up Serena.

"Serena, wake up!" he softly shook her. "Serena!"

Serena moans as she wakes up slowly. "What are you doing?"

"Dan was here in the room, he just went downstairs." Louis replied.

"Oh, God. You need to get out of here." she said while looking for a robe. "Get out of here, right now!" she repeated as she looks at Louis who's still standing in her room.

"Where can I go, he's downstairs!" he somewhat yelled.

"Speak softly!" she calms her voice. "I don't know, I didn't invite you here."

"Well you also didn't exactly push me away." he teased. "Anyway, we need to tell him."

"Tell him what?!" Serena had trouble with holding her voice.

"That we're together now" Louis replied as he grabbed her hand.

"We are NOT together, just to make that clear." she said and pushed him to the door.

"If you believe that. So how do I leave without running into Dan?"

"Just go right and use the backdoor" she said.

Louis walked out the door "goodbye, sweetheart".

The doorbell rang. Dan opened the door.

"Hi Dan. You're back! Is Serena here?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, come in. She is still sleeping, I think. Let me check." Dan walked upstairs.

Serena just walked out the room as Dan walked towards it.

"Hi sweetie! You're here!" Serena said loud and she hugged him. "I'm happy to see you."

"Oh, I'm even more happy to see you" Dan replied as he smelled her hair. He pulled away from her "Nate's downstairs, he asked for you."

"Oh okay, I'll go see him" Serena was confused.

She walked downstairs and saw Nate standing in the living room.

"Hi Nate. What are you doing here?" Serena asked confused. "Do you want something to drink? Coffee?"

"No, I'm good, thanks anyway. Chuck sent me. I didn't ask why I needed to come, I just figured something bad happened but Dan seems fine, so..."

"Oh, that. I need to explain later, Nate." Serena suddenly sounds rushed. "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, I'll leave you two to it."


As Nate walked out, he saw Louis.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hello to you too, Nathan. I'm with Serena. We're getting married"


Serena walked towards Dan to kiss him.

"What the hell is this?" Dan had a ringbox in his hand. "This is not mine?" He grabbed her right hand and pointed to her ring finger.


"What do you mean, you're getting married?" Nate asked.

"I proposed to her last night" Louis smiled. "Don't worry, she said yes."

Nate punched him to the floor. "Don't you worry, mate. This isn't gonna happen."


Serena was confused. "Dan.. I.. I really don't know."

Dan walked away. He grabbed his wallet and keys and phone. He walked into Nate and Louis. Louis was just getting up. Serena followed Dan outside.

"You better not be the ring guy, Nate." Dan said angry.

"Ofcourse not, that would be him." He pointed at Louis.

Dan punched Louis to the ground again and walked to his car. Nate looked at Serena as she followed Dan. Dan was getting in the car but Serena grabbed his arm. "Don't go, please. I need to explain."

"This says enough, no need to explain anything. Goodbye, Serena"

Nate walked towards Serena, Louis walking behind him. Nate hugged Serena. "What's going on?". Serena started to cry.

Nate turned around. He walked to Louis and punched him in the face.

"Hey hey, this isn't my fault." Louis said while wiping off the blood from his mouth.

"You better explain this real quick before it's not only your mouth that's bleeding." Nate said.


Well, he better explains this quick then, we all Nate is a loose handy. This is going to be interesting.

XOXO Gossip Girl

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