Chapter 4. Doctor appointments are fun, right?

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Well, not if you run into eachother like that.

Let's go back to the night it all started, shall we?


"What? You're pregnant? That's so beautiful, Blair. When did you find out?" Chuck smiled, then kissed her.

"I.. Two weeks ago I didn't get my period and first I thought it was nothing but I bought a pregnancy test just to be sure.. And it said that I am one month pregnant. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I wanted to tell you but it got interrupted by everything that was going on.. First having your mother back, then having to let her go. It just wasn't a good time." Blair said softly.

Chuck hugged her and kissed her again. "I don't mind, Blair. I'm just too happy. We need to go to the doctor soon, to check if everything is fine. I'm really happy, Blair.. I love you. This is just beautiful" he said while putting his hands on her belly.

"It is, isn't it? Henry is going to have a little brother or sister. It's lovely" she said with a smile.

It was lovely, yes. For how long it took.


*Two months later, the present*

"Well, please do something about it. I'll talk to you later" Nate said frustrated and hang up the phone.

"They need me there. They need my help but I told them to just take care of it and otherwise to just close the Spectator for one day, I'll explain it to the press tomorrow" he explained to Vanessa.

They were in the hospital waiting for results. Caroline was sick for over three weeks and she was throwing up all the time. They were worried so they got to the doctor, who told them to go to the hospital with her.


Blair's morning sickness took place early. Not only morning sickness was the problem. She was having difficulties with eating and sleeping over the last few days. She looked exhausted and she was. It didn't look healthy and Chuck was really worried about her.

"You should eat something. You're beginning to look really skinny even with that baby bum, who looks precious by the way" he said while kissing her hand. "I think we need to make an appointment with dr. Hamilton again, Blair."

"Can you please call him for me.." she asked weak.

"Ofcourse, dear." And he typed in the phone number.


Serena and Dan were both working. Dan was writing another book and Serena worked for a project for Chanel.  While Dan was into his computer, Serena had a photoshoot for a brand new Chanel summer dress. They were very excited about this new fashion piece.


Lily was having some breakfast at Maya with Rufus. William and Lily hadn't talked that much since that night. They both spend a lot of time out of the apartment.

"So, how is your lovely wife?" Lily asked to kill the mood.

"Well, she is doing great. She's staying at her mother for a few weeks. Her mother is very sick." he replied.

"Oh. Well I know how that feels like. Trust me, it's not a pleasure." she took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm just glad that I have you.." he said while holding her hand.

"And I'm glad that I have you" She smiled.


Chuck found Blair, with her head bleeding, laying on the floor. Blair was out of conscious and her heart was beating very slow. He called 911 with tears in his eyes. Trying not to panic.

Chuck was waiting for Blair to wake up for over an hour. He was sure she wasn't going to wake up any minute now so he walked to the waiting room to get himself some water. Then all of the sudden he saw Nate sitting on a chair with Vanessa next to him with her head resting on his shoulder. He walked towards them.

"Nathanial? What are you doing here?" he asked quiet so that he didn't wake Vanessa.

"Well.. we're waiting for Caroline to wake up. We came here for results but then she suddenly passed out. They think she just didn't eat this morning." he replied with a tired look. "What are you doing here?"

"Passing out is a trendy topic, I'm waiting for Blair too.. She hasn't eaten well lately.. She hardly ever sleeps.. She's been sick for a while now.. I found her with a pool filled with blood this afternoon.. So that's that.. right?" Chuck said trying to hold back his tears.

"Oh my god.. That's pretty bad, man. It can't be easy for you.." Nate replied a little worried.

"Well.. I can say that I've been better.. I've seen better days.. This baby.. It's beautiful to add a new child to our family but.. It's killing her.. I can see it. She is not okay.." he said wiping off his tears.

Nate stood up to give him a hug. "I'm here for you, man. Anytime. She's family. She's going to be okay. She is very strong, you know."

Dr. Hamilton walked towards Chuck and Nate. "Mr. Bass? We have tests results. Will you follow me, please."



"Blair hit her head very bad. She probably has a little bit of amnesia but that will go away after a few weeks. She lost a lot of blood too. That, and her lack of eating, was the cause for passing out. She probably fell because of a cramp." Dr. Hamilton explained.

"Well, what about her lack of eating? Is there any explanation for that? Or her lack of sleep? It doesn't make sense." Chuck said a little pissed off.

"Many pregnant women have these kind of struggles.. Although I will admit that I've not seen this very often.." he said. "I think it is better if she stays here for at least a week".

"All right.. I guess that's okay."

A few minutes later another doctor got in the room Chuck and dr. Hamilton were in. She said that Blair was awake. Chuck and dr. Hamilton walked to the room and there she was. Awake. Approachable. Chuck took a seat next to her and hold her hand, then kissed it. He could finally kiss his wife again.

"Are you okay, dear?" he asked.

"Ehm.. but who are you?"


A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now