Chapter 3. Reunions all around

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But are reunions always so lovely?

Today is a day like any other.. At least for me. Although some Upper East Siders are not looking very happy today.

Spotted: Chuck, Blair and Lily all leaving the V.D.W penthouse. I'm curious what those birds are up to so early. I smell something dirty. Then there is Goldenboy, who's not working. I guess Vanessa really has him under her thumb. S and Lonely boy are still on their honeymoon. I don't really care what they're doing there. I hope they burn from all that sunshine. Well that was all. I promise I'll get more dirts soon.



It was morning on the Upper East Side and Chuck, Blair and Lily were on their way to the church. Blair was holding Chucks hand for support. Elizabeth had made a huge impact on Chuck. They finally got along after all those years and she clearly knew something that Chuck didn't. Now she wasn't there anymore because of one accident. A car accident.

When they finally got to the church they saw a suprise infront of them: Jack. Georgina was standing next to him. Of course.

"Hello, nephew. Lovely day, huh? It's a little cold, though. Maybe I should've weared gloves, like you." Jack laughed at his own joke, that wasn't funny at all.

Chuck smiled and kept walking. Today was the day he lost his only living parent. Starting today, the only family he got is his own and well.. Jack.. Of course.


"I don't know about this, though" Nate said laughing.

"You got to pick one. The pink or the purple?" Vanessa said with a big smile. Holding te pink shoes a little bit higher to tease him.

"Neither, they're both so ugly and pink" he laughed while walking away to other shoes.

Vanessa and Nate were looking at new shoes for Nate. Little Caroline was with them. They had spent a lot of time together lately. Nate showed that he could be a good father. Over the past days he bonded with his girl and Vanessa. Then suddenly Chuck called.

"Hey man, what's up?" Nate said.

"Hello. Can we meet up tonight? I have some things to talk about.." Chuck said softly.

"Yeah, anytime man. How late?"

"Tonight, say like ten o'clock? We can get wasted.. you know, like the old days.. See you tonight" Chuck said and hang up before Nate could even reply.

Nate didn't know about Elizabeth yet. He was so busy with being a father and proving himself to Vanessa, that he forgot about his friends. Chuck didn't know anything about Nate's story either.


Lily got out of the taxi and as she walked to her door, she saw Rufus sitting on the floor infront of it.

"Hi, Rufus. What are doing here?" she asked smiling. She kissed him on the cheeks.

"Lil, I heard about what happened to Chucks mom.. Is he okay? And are you?" he asked kind of worried.

"Yes.. well, it's been hard these last few days for Charles.. He likes to act that he's okay but.. I know it's hard for him. It must be. But why don't you come inside and we'll talk." Lily said while opening the door. Rufus followed her inside.


Blair and Chuck got home too. When they walked inside they saw Henry sitting on Dorota's lap. Henry ran to Chuck and Blair and hugged them.

"I made sure he wasn't alone. I picked him up from Lily's today. William wasn't going to be home, otherwise Henry was there alone." Dorota said nervous.

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now