Chapter 5. Oh my dear Chuck

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Too bad he is an atheist.

I got to say, I never saw this one coming. It's not that lovely after all, right Chuck? I don't feel like posting today so I hope you guys don't get bored without me. Let's take a look at what happens next. You know you love me.


"Blair. It's me. Your husband?" he said while Dr. Hamilton was checking on Blair.

"What? What is going on here? Why does my head hurt so so much? And it looks like I'm pregnant?" she asked while looking at her belly.

"You are indeed pregnant. You fell and hit your head on the edge of the table. The baby is fine." Dr. Hamilton explained.

"Is it okay if I want to be alone with her for a little while?" Chuck asked Dr. Hamilton.

"Ofcourse. But press 22 on that phone if there is anything wrong." he said pointing at the phone next to the bed and then left the room.

"Blair, it's me. You don't remember anything?" he asked quickly.

"About what? If you just tell me your name first." she asked a little scared.

Chuck didn't know what was happening. He let himself sink on the seat behind him. He couldn't lose Blair right now. Though he already had.

"I'm Chuck Bass" he said hoping she would come around.

"Oh, hello.. Chuck Bass. I must say I had good taste. If you're telling the truth. But I'm sorry I can't remember ever hearing the name Chuck Bass." she replied.

Tears flowed out of Chucks eyes. How could this ever happen. He wiped of his tears and began to find some words to speak.

"Blair.. Your name is Blair by the way. Blair Waldorf-Bass. Well.. We do have a child already. He's staying with your mother now. Do you know his name?" he asked slowly looking down.

"Ehm.. No.. I.." she said while feeling bad for Chuck.

"What do you remember?" he asked looking at her.

"Well.. I did already now that my name was Blair.. I know who my parents are.. But everything is just so.. so blurry.. I can't really think straight.. My head, it hurts so much.." she said while holding her head.

"Should I call the doctor?" he asked worried about her.

"No.. Just.. Some water would be nice.. Could you please get me some?" she asked softly.

He nodded and kissed her hand. He didn't know if that was okay with her but he just did.

Chuck was walking through the halls to find Dr. Hamilton. After a few minutes he finally got to him.

"Hey, what the hell, man? You never told me it was going to be this bad." he said angry.

"Well. She's just having a little bit of amnesia. It's okay, it'll only be a few weeks."

"We don't have a few weeks. In a few months our baby will be there." he said sarcastic and angry and he walked away to get some water.


*two months later, the present*

"Charles, I'll take care of her. You've been doing everything you can for her. Now it's time that you do something for yourself.. Go have a night out with Nathanial or something. Or maybe go to Lily. Blair will be in good hands, trust me." Eleanor said while making some tea for her and Blair.

Blair was already home for a month and a half. She had full bed rest. She didn't mind because she was exhausted all the time. She had to get some food in her system.
"No. Let me be here with her. I can't leave her." he said while pouring himself some scotch.

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now